Going, going

In case there are any closet Water Closet (har!) fans, or collectors, we’re almost out of the last stock of this rather infamous game. Just a FYI.

It took almost four years to sell through your original stock?

Water Closet was a bit wierd wasn’t it?

[ 10-25-2007, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]

… depends on where “weird” starts for you.

On the upside, it quite uniquely weaves together five storylines and player’s characters that influence each other. It was only paralleled by “Desire” back then when it was released.

The difference to other multiview-games (like “EVE Burst Error” or the more recently released “Doushin”) is, that in “W.C.” and “Desire”, the player selects at the beginning of a playthrough the point of view and remains in the according character’s position until the end of the playthrough. The other games allow switching to another point of view during a playthrough at almost every point of time - and sometimes doing a switch at a certain point of time is even crucial!

(A third kind of multiview-games are games like “Chain - the lost footsteps”, where the storyline itself triggers the switches between different point of views during one playthrough.)

****** BAD PUN ALERT ************
On the downside “W.C. - the forbidden chamber” is full of sh*t… :wink:
****** END OF BAD PUN AREA ************

Er, thanks, but no thanks. I’m sure for it’s time it was an innovative game, but I don’t like the fetish it caters to.

When you’ve gotta go, I guess you just gotta let it all out.

More than that. WC was one of the first games they ever released, and that was before I graduated from college. Been out for 5 and a half years now (god, it makes me feel old).

Awwww… come on!

That only expresses that you are older than 5 - which you ought to be for participating in here.
Even that “before I graduated from college” doesn’t express very much here. After all, Soryuu Asuka Langley graduated from college at the age of 14… :wink:

14 + 5 = 19!!!
Apparently, you are at least at the minimum age for being here! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah grampa, your Doom is close :stuck_out_tongue:

What a short life we live. How unfortunate. I am getting close to the end of my life then, at 4 years old. 4 long years!

5 years, eh?

Then, I am now at the beginning of my 3rd life! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey…I still plan to live forever.

Me too of course, I see no to stop playing, there are plenty of good games coming out in the next 2 years. And I think there will probably be more good games to come after the currently announced ones are released.

Even without that - my current backlog should easily keep me going for 10 years.

Im not into this fetish, theres alot i can even stand… some of the scene in tsuki i could even manage to play through (though the gym teacher path was a little much for me)… which is odd cuz the path in the latest Yume which involved the same thing… or very similar… didnt bother me at all.

I also was here when this game originally released, posted alot more back then… was barely old enough to buy it back then… i didnt, but i did buy the release before it… X-change.

On to the point, im glad this game is selling through, at one point i thought about buying it just to buy it and support this company,but i didnt… just not my thing, but thats me, and im sure some people out there dont mind that, if you dont, please get it, remember if you buy it, in the future pea pri can make more games.

Yeah grampa, your Doom is close :stuck_out_tongue: … [/b][/QUOTE]

I’m not dead! I feel happy!

Hmm… Well i’m going on four years and don’t plan to stop anytime soon.

The usual erogamer problem, indeed. :wink:

Actually, Water Closet was by no means a terrible game sales-wise, thanks to it’s status as the only game to get a perfect -50 (at the time) in Something Awful. We always move a dozen or so at conventions, and have reprinted it at least twice.

What, no Transfer Student comments in this thread?

Does anything really need to be said? :smiley: