Gojira - the franchise!!!

a thread for discussing the one and only monster king, his co-stars , and appearances. My favorites are Gojira , Mothra , King Ghidorah, Mecha Gojira, and Gigan.

does this mean Im the only one on here who cares about Kaiju :cry: :cry: :frowning: ?

I like kaiju films, although I don’t think I’m anywhere as big a fan as you. I love Mothra for the obvious reasons. :wink:

Still… Gojira has been on a SERIOUS downturn in terms of popularity. Not that many “new” people are picking up on it… so the viewership keeps going down and down. Sorta like the slow demise of Star Trek in the States.

I have mad love for the original, as a powerful sociopolitical commentary, as a powerful parable for the human dilemma, and just balls-to-the-wall kickass miniatures SFX for a post-war Japan with very limited income and resources. Own the collector’s edition, although I could have done without the ass American version that was just cut up to bits.

@bokmeow: indeed verging on cinematic perfection. @ Narg: well I gave ST a chance but just never captivated me. I am sad about the slow death of the Kaiju king but some of the millenium films arent up to par. They took a long break before though . hopefully Deathra, his planned 3D foe , can reinvigorate him. I suppose you like Mothra’s larval twincest amirite ?

http://www.scifijapan.com/articles/2007 … zilla-3-d/

sorry but thread in major need of an update. In case you hadn’t heard it will be filmed in LA with Yoshimitsu Banno at the helm . I just hope this turns out ok considering how fail Godzilla vs. hedorah was :expressionless: :expressionless: :?

who knew rammstein would fit godzilla like a glove? :smiley:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdL-TMIO … re=related

When I was but a mere lad, I used to come home every day and watch the movie that the local tv station aired every day at 4:00PM. (This was in the day when there was such a thing as local programming.) And every so often, they’d have a theme week, where they’d show a whole block of movies that shared–well-- a certain theme. Sometimes it would be John Wayne movies, for instance, or war movies or romance. (Basically, the same kind of thing TMC does now.) One of the more frequent themes, and my favorite-- was Giant Monster Week. Ah, those were the days. On those weeks I got to see a lot of Godzilla, Mothra, Ghidora, Baragon, Gamera, etc.It was a well-rounded education. Also, when I was in the army in the sixties, I was stationed in Korea for a time and got to see new the Godzillas as they came out, not as old movies on tv, as happened later on. I first saw Mechagodzilla that way, in a base movie house.

Ah well, what can I say? I love Godzilla, he’s always been there for me. I don’t think I’ve hated any Godzilla movie, even the more recent ones (except for that wretched American version) that many people disdain. And since I’ve collected as many of these epics as I could find on tape and DVD, I can now have my own Giant Monster Week any time I want.

By the by Narg, if you’re not already hip to it, the Peanuts (aka the Twin Fairies from Infant Island) can be found on You-tube.

Do you guys consider Cloverfield to be a kaiju film?

There’s also that upcoming Super 8 film (same director no less), appearing to have a giant monster in it as well.

Dunno. I haven’t seen Cloverfield. But I’ll give it a shot and tell you what I think. From the previews I’ve seen, tho, it doesn’t seem to have any of the camp sensibility that makes Kaiu fun. No faires, either, I bet.

I’ve never seen any kaiju films, so I couldn’t say … but I CAN say that Cloverfield was a pretty awesome movie. It is a bit long in the beginning, but other than that, it’s pretty good. I wasn’t expecting that, either. Usually when a movie has to resort to marketing gimmicks like Cloverfield did, it’s because it’s not a very good movie.

Heh. I’m a bio/microbio major and this page on kaiju physiology was very amusing and I thought I share it with you…
Im not sure where the images came from though.
