Good news for everyone

I found this interview on with NIS and came across some very interesting info:

(Interviewer guy): “A little birdie told us that someone was finally getting brave enough to localize a game in the Sakura Wars series, mainly the fifth game in the main series for the PS2. Would that be NIS America, and what can you tell us about the game?”
“NISA: Haha, your birdie knows too much. Let’s just say the game is in the works by an undisclosed company. I’ve heard somewhere that the game should come out in '09.”

So any thoughts to this? Also has anyone played the 5th Sakura Taisen game? If so, is it good?

I do not play Sakura Wars series yet. Mana Khemia 2 (PS2) might release to America. Ar tonelico 2 (PS2), and Mana Khemia (PSP) will come out to America.

Not really that huge a surprise: Red Company has been agressively trying to get Sakura Taisen ported into English for over a decade. On two occassions in the past, they even got to contract signing stage. Things just never panned out. That being said, the ST5 release was supposed to be under tighter wraps than that… I’m more shocked it got leaked in that manner. Too many people involved to let it stay hidden I suppose. Still… disappointing on that…

In any case, ST5 is seen as the 1st or 2nd worst of the Sakura Taisen series. Nonetheless, it was specifically developed for US release in mind… and it’s not like Americans have gotten an ST game. So really, there’s not much to say. If you like Sakura Taisen, then its worth a look. Better ST5 does, the better the chances of getting those PS2 ports of ST1 and ST3 (which are considered the two best of the series) brought to US shores.

If you want a metric score of ST5 among reviewers, it generally favors in the 85 or 90 out of 100 score.

This announcement would just have to come after I bought ST 1-4. Oh well. Even though NIS America’s translators kind of suck … It’s Sakura Taisen. The legendary series I’ve wanted for years. A game the likes of which I am currently learning Japanese in order to try out (hence the Japanese classes). I guess I’ll just have to … get this … buy it.

Too bad it’s 5 though. 5 sucks really badly in my opinion. My first run I enjoyed it, but it got progressively worse on later plays. Lachette and Subaru were the only good parts of the whole game. ST3 will always be the best for me. Totally perfect game. Though as great of news as this is, I thought anyone that cared about this series would have imported them by now…

Unfortunately, it’s NIS, I might warn people that they haven’t been doing well latley…

The recently released Ar Tonelico II has a FATAL CRASH BUG NEAR THE END that can only be avoided through power leveling or sheer luck, THAT WASN’T IN THE ORIGINAL…

It happens so often I wonder if that game got any playtesting, not to mention several grammar errors…

I don’t know if this will be any different…