Good news for me but maybe not g-collections

Well I ordered Kango and Chain from g-collections last week and finally got it friday (would have gotten kana but all this talk about sadness and tears kept me away I like happy bishojo games ) Well the good news for me is that I got a buncha extra gifts for being one of the 300 first orders . Now you can see the maybe not for g-collections it’s been what 2 months since they released the games and they still haven’t sold 300? I hope that they actually just send the extras with every purchase and it’s not because they haven’t sold 300 copies yet. Btw I love the plastic file holders and the chara book for kango is nice too


Now I wish I’d ordered Kana from G-Collections instead of J-List… I didn’t get anything with mine… I guess I got $10 off though, I used my $10 coupon from Transfer Student to order it.

Well, we don’t know how much they’ve actually sold. Perhaps they jsut have more gifts than they throught they had, or… Well,it’s possibile that most people orders their games through J-list, Peach Princess or Jast USA instead, since they are more used to them, and the gifts from g-collections might be just for those who orders through their site…

i think it makes sense that people would buy their games from sites they are more familiar with and that G is only offering gifts for orders made on their site…good for me, means i’ll get more gifts for ordering Chain soon

You are probably just going to get the same things you got when you ordered Kana, Ladyphoenix-sama. After looking at what everyone says they received, there doesn’t seem to be much variation in the items. Not to say they aren’t good items. Most people don’t need multiples of them though.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
You are probably just going to get the same things you got when you ordered Kana, Ladyphoenix-sama. After looking at what everyone says they received, there doesn't seem to be much variation in the items. Not to say they aren't good items. Most people don't need multiples of them though.

Speak for yourself. It's always a joy to have extras of things I can give away as gifts. The sheer joy of my best friend once again complaining "Stop giving me these types of things. My mom's starting believe I'm a pervert!"

Actually, it's probably not that bad in terms of sales because remember, most of us bought multiple titles. So I'm guessing their total sales numbers were probably decent even if they havn't had 300 orders yet. I'd be more worried if they were still giving out those things going into next year. Hmm, actually Ladyphoenix-san or one of the others who have done two orders can compare their own order numbers to make a decent estimate of how many have gone through so far.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Actually, it's probably not that bad in terms of sales because remember, most of us bought multiple titles. So I'm guessing their total sales numbers were probably decent even if they havn't had 300 orders yet. I'd be more worried if they were still giving out those things going into next year. Hmm, actually Ladyphoenix-san or one of the others who have done two orders can compare their own order numbers to make a decent estimate of how many have gone through so far.

That estimate would only include how well G-collections has sold to the people who buys the games through their website. I doubt it will include what thye sell through J-list, PP, JU and other sites. I think they've sold almost as much of any of their games as Peach Peincess have done. Maybe even better, if you think of the fact that even some non-adult bishoujo game fans have been all worked up and excited about Kana... But who knows? Only G-collections knows the answer for sure. I'm sure that at least three of thier games hads sold well, through...

So their order numbers are in order? Well I got order number 1030 so what number did you guys get

Or maybe not. My order number was 1042. Hmm, I know several other people mentioned their order numbers in one of the other threads around here. I’ll look for it after my staff meeting…

And thanks Spectator-san, I’d forgotten that the other sites started selling the games as well. Well, like the PeaPri sales numbers, it’d be interesting to know what they are but not critical. As long as the companies sell enough to stay in business, I’ll be happy!

My intitial order was 1074, but my newest order was 1035.

I was one of those people who also recieved a gift for filling out a survey.

I ordered through J-List so didn’t get any free gift… I’m guessing that most people ordering outside the US will have not ordered through G-Collections because of the problems with non-US credit cards that G-Collections had earlier… Also, if speed of delivery is anything to go by, I’d always make my orders from J-List.

Okay, now I’m not the brightest person (ask anyone here… ) but this seems like an odd numbering scheme for the orders. Even if for some reason they reset their order numbers, that’d be creating duplicate numbers and much pain in keeping track of them. Hmm, someone post up on their BBS and see what they say. (I’d do it but for some reason I can’t reach the site from work today…and I’m starting to suspect various parasitical fruits being involved…)

Well, I order through this site and got no gifts. Oh well. Then again, if it wasn;t for the newsletter I wouldn’t had know about G-Collections.

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:
Well, I order through this site and got no gifts. [img][/img] Oh well. Then again, if it wasn;t for the newsletter I wouldn't had know about G-Collections.

Then I'd advice that you order through thme if you want any gifts, It's easier that way [img][/img]. also, they've announced that they will offer some gifts to the first 100 customers who orders Private Nurse through their site [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Then I'd advice that you order through thme if you want any gifts, It's easier that way [img][/img]. also, they've announced that they will offer some gifts to the first 100 customers who orders Private Nurse through their site [img][/img]

Oh great, then once again people from here will be overloading their server by hitting "refresh" over and over until the buy button becomes activated trying to be in that first 100... [img][/img]

Actually, at least it's good that people are learning about G-Collections, even if a bit indirectly through the J-List, Peach Princess, or Jast USA updates. (At least I believe all three updates had mentioned them.) Every little bit to help the genre grow in the English speaking world is very nice! [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Actually, at least it's good that people are learning about G-Collections, even if a bit indirectly through the J-List, Peach Princess, or Jast USA updates. (At least I believe all three updates had mentioned them.) Every little bit to help the genre grow in the English speaking world is very nice! [img][/img]

Yeah, G-collections seems to have become known in the bishoujo world quite quickly. I think even Hobibox mentioned them. But that's all so much better; the more companies, the more customers (since each company releases so many different games that appeals to different tastes).

And G-collections also seem to release their games quite quickly; hardly even three months has passed before thye release something new! I'm a little curious about Private nurse, but I'd like to know more about it before I decide to buy it for sure... and that itself would be something of a miracle, since I'm not fond of nurses, as I've alredy told you -_-. But the game looks nice enogh, but I'll have to hear more about it before I decide, so I might wait until it appears on Lady Phoenix's homepage [img][/img]

i’m thinking i will probably buy private nurse…it looks like my kind of bishoujo game if i like it enough, i might give it a full section

and thanks, spec, it really boosts my confidence to know that my site helps people figure out what games they want

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and thanks, spec, it really boosts my confidence to know that my site helps people figure out what games they want [img][/img]

Oh, you're welcome! your site is very helpful, evne if it soemtimes take a while before the reviews come up there [img][/img]

staresstares into the beautiful clear folders……*looks at the naked horny bunny woman on his wall…YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TO MUCH =D~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anyways, I know they handed uot 3 differen’t clear folders at least, so if you mention the one you didn’t get in your next order from them, I am sure they will send it to you. I inquired abuot the chain folder, and when I order again, they said they would make sure to include it in my order.

As for sales, no one really knows…