Greatest non- Japanese comics?

I was wondering what you thought were the greatest n-j comics?

The greatest superhero comic-Watchmen , no question for me.

The greatest “other” comic- In The Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelmen.

I’m not really that in to many western comics (especially superhero comics), and therefore don’t read them. So my opinion on this probably carries very little weight. That said, I really enjoy “Looking for Group” (although I am extremely behind on it).

I’m not a fan of western comics, especially the “superhero” genre so the best one I read occasinally is The Order of the Stick…although the Ender’s Game comic did intrigue me.

How have there been four posts without mentioning either Sandman or Fables yet? :wink:

I personally like Jim Starlin’s The Metamorphosis Odyssey and Dreadstar. One of Starlin’s best cosmic stories ever. Read it up to the end of the “Instrumentality War” Storyline, rest is good as well written by Peter David, but the story changes gears somewhat.

American Splendor — greatest non-Japanese, American comic.

I liked several comic books- the Crow, Ninja High School, Mirage’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Death of Superman, and others, I forgot.

…maybe its just my illusion but can someone tell me why scott pilgrim seems to be so popular?

I first got into comics, back in my teenage years, with American comics. Not superhero stuff…I hate it and blame it for a lot of the problems in the US comics industry. I don’t read anything by Marvel or DC. But no, indie comics, artist controlled series with a bit more heart and originality. Some of my favorites to this day are:

  • Empowered, by Adam Warren: Tons of fanservice, Warren’s pencil art is really beautiful. Ok, it’s a superhero book, but it’s a superhero parody, with tons of bondage fetish stuff in it.
  • King City and Multiple Warheads, by Brandon Graham: Just his blog is amazing to look at.
  • Webcomics, from Dresden Codak (Kimiko is my waifu) to Perry Bible Fellowship. I have the print edition books for both of these, too. Dresden Codak might be my favorite comic of all time, actually, Japanese or not.
  • Everything by Robert Crumb.

And tons more.

Kids these days are into “rock and roll,” romance, and video game references.

Have you read “Sky Doll?” It’s part of a new Marvel x Soleil partnership that’s translating lots of French comics into English, the best of that crop, I’d say. It has some pretty amazing color art.

I’ve read and loved too many comics/publications from Sergio Bonelli Editore so I couldn’t tell you what’s the best of the lot.
A totally unrelated comic keeps coming back to my ecchi mind, however :oops: :mrgreen: :

HEH I am such a big fan of comics, especially superhero. My favorite has to Be The Death and return of Superman. My favourite series are Batman, Daredevil, Spawn and X-Men.Used to like the Darkness, but its really too unnecessarily violent.
In the European stuff, Asterix and Obelix have to take the cake.Tintin is cool too.
Actually, If I didnt suck so much at drawing, I would like to draw a few things myself.Even Have some ideas LOLZ.
And whie we are on it,

Other Recommendation are:

Mage: The Hero Discovered
Mage: The Hero Defined

both by Matt Wagner some really great moments in both series. Waiting for Wagner to give us the 3rd part of the series, but he’ll only do it when he’s ready to do it. by the way the 3rd part will be called Mage: The Hero Denied)

Nexus by Mike Baron and Steve Rude.

“Greatest” is hard to determine since what’s great depends on everyone. For my part, if I were to mention my favourite, I’d say La QuÍte de l’Oiseau du Temps, Les Compagnons du CrÈpuscule, De Cape et de Crocs, Chronique de la Lune Noire, Alix, Yoko Tsuno, Les Tuniques Bleues, Les Schtroumpfs, Spirou et Fantasio, Sillage, La Caste des MÈta-Barons, Complainte des Landes Perdues, Lucky Luke, LÈonard, Rahan, Alef-Thau, Gaston Lagaffe, Lanfeust de Troy, Boule et Bill, Johan et Pirlouit, Achille Talon, AstÈrix, Le Grand Pouvoir du Chninkel, Les LÈgendaires,… and so many more that I wouldn’t be able to remember all of them amidst the scores of thousands I read since I was a kid!

Well, here’s one people probably wouldn’t think of: Popeye

This is probably one of the best of the old comic strips that were in the newspapers, back when comic strips were…bigger. Anyway, the comic itself is actually pretty different from the cartoon alot of us grew up with. Popeye actually doesn’t show up until later into the first story arc (also one single volume’s worth of strips is an entire single story arc) and spinach doesn’t show up until a later volume (same goes for Bluto) just to name a couple and there’s also some characters that weren’t in the cartoon