
I just noticed something about an old NES game, Gun.Smoke

See what I saw? There were TWO box covers to the US release.

My gut instinct is that the one with red and orange in the artwork, is the more valuable copy - because it looks like a Clint Eastwood poster. They changed it over to the original Japanese box art at some time… as those appear to be the most common copies on Ebay.

What’s driving me crazy? I just lost a bid on Ebay, for that very version - looking for a second factory sealed copy to add in my collection - but stopped when it got beyond a certain price range… because I already owned one…

DAMN IT! Had I known that sooner, I’d have gone all out to win it. Arrragh!!! :frowning: :cry: :frowning: :cry: :frowning:

Blast it all! Well, better luck on the next auction I suppose. Some of the old NES games are tough to find. But so many of them are worth it!

…do u want my famicom disk system version of gunsmoke? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve found it’s actually easier to get factory sealed copies of Famicom games, than it is to get NES titles. :mrgreen:

Well… I’ve been busy the last 12 hours: contacting every specialty dealer I knew of… still no dice. Guess I’ll just have to be vigilant on Ebay, and pray someone else sells one factory sealed. :frowning:

Found a seller with lots of used resealed though…

Unfortunately, in my zeal to learn more info, I might have inadvertently raised the price of Gun.Smoke collector carts. Seems this “dual box art” thing is not well known. In any case: aside for the packaging difference, and the sticker applied to the cart, both share the same GK code, instruction manual, and chip board. It would appear that the “Clint Eastwood” version, is also the most common (just that Ebay doesn’t list 'em as much).

I contacted an old friend who worked at CAPCOM, and he confirms what I thought: back in 1989 someone noticed the “too similar” profile on the original art, and CAPCOM changed. He didn’t know if this was a willing decision, or if they got a nasty letter from a lawyer. He did remember they had a recall however; which were traded 1 for 1 to stores. Unfortunately for me, these copies were recycled back into the system… so there isn’t a “hidden” stockpile of them. :frowning:

The European edition has different box art too - although it was taken from the arcade version.

sorry Narg , but hey we all know Sergio Leone rocks.