h-game you would like to see in anime form

with that there would need to also be a intro episode that covers the events before each girl’s route starts
like it would go until the touya/ renji route starts

for snow sakura the best ending would be either saki or misaki

Crescendo would make a good anime series. The best ending(for me) would be Ryo saving Miyu from dying.

i didn’t get that end
how do you get that end

That end doesn’t exist to my knowledge. (I think I would know given how many times I’ve played the game.) Personally, I don’t see how such an ending could be made, given that she has cancer if I recall correctly. It isn’t like Kana, where an organ transplant can possibly save the patient.

It doesn’t exists - in the game that we got!
There is an extended storyline in the original game for every gfirl - including her! And though I have never read the original text for that part, the CGs (that are included in the english localized version of “Crescendo”, but don’t appear during gameplay) suggest a faint possibility…

Errrr… depends!
Depends on the kind of cancer, what part of the body is affected (limbs, vital organs or worst of all - the brain!) and the current size and state (dormant or spreading) of the tumor(s).
Depending on these details (that are not revealed in the story as far as I recall), a patient with cancer might have a better chance of a successful treatment via chemotherapy or radiotherapy than a patient who is waiting for the the discovery and tranplantation of a compatible donated organ.
The cancer-patient still has only to rely on the recovery ability of his/her own body while the other may need double miracle: first finding a compatible donor and after the surgery the own body actually accepting the foreign organ (there is still the risk of the body rejecting organs that actually should be compatible).

Hmmm, yet another reason for me to look forward to getting the version of Crescendo with the extended scenarios. I don’t know if she’ll survive in that version, but at least now there is reason to believe she may have a chance now. I still don’t see how exactly that would work, seeing as how indications in the game are that she is at a terminal stage (given that you attend her funeral a few days after graduation if I recall correctly), but you never know.

That ending doesn’t exist(I think), which is precisely my point. Many times what happens that to put a bit of every individuals story The entire series suffers. So I think that having(creating) a new ending rather than using something preexisting. What I mean to say its better to adapt than to adopt.
So there would be most of the important events from the game in the anime, its better to take the characters and explore the story differently.
As far as the Cancer thing is considered, its pretty subtle thing. For example, if the case is Blood Cancer, then there is a way to save the patient, using Bone Marrow Transplantation, The tough thing is to find a compatible BM. So In this case, (By sheer miracle) Ryo’s Bone marrow matches with Miyu.
U can do a lot of things, just need a bit of “creative scope”.

there was a reprint version release in 05 that might have the extra end and the extra ends could have been used for the Russian version release in 07

I already booked my copy of the extended game, Bye Bye money for the nest two weeks, but if I get that game, it’ll be worth, still don’t know how I’ll play it :!: :? :slight_smile:

You make a good point there, but given that it seems she is at a terminal stage, it seems highly unlikely. With most forms of cancer, someone who is at a terminal stage has had the cancer spread beyond the initial site (in medical terminology, metastasized). Also, terminal means just that; the last stage before death. I’m sure there have been cases where someone has miraculously recovered after reaching terminal stage, but the odds are against it. On the bright side though, given that the game is a work of fiction, the writer can bend the odds to whatever purpose is desired. Still, it sort of defeats the emotional impact of her route to have her survive.

These characters are protected by layers of plot armor, reality doesn’t really affect them since they are fictional so its basically up to the writer on how things end vs how realistic. That said, its not impossible to recover from terminal stage in Cancer, case in point, Lance Armstrong recovered and won tour de france many times and he was in terminal stage in 1996, that was 12 years ago.

Jeez we just started a discussion on Cancer :). If my memory works correctly, Lance Armstrong had testicular cancer, that metasized to his lungs. It was an even amazing recovery. Not to go far, my aunt had cancer (carcinoma in ovary), and she survived altoh she was diagnosed early, but still :).
So just my opinion.besides survival sounds better and (realistic) than the entire astral projection theme.

Some other games that would make a good anime/OVA would be the sagara family(potential as a nice fun comedy), Snow Sakura(romantic comedy with multiple girl endings).

Heh, if you don’t like the supernatural bent of Miyu’s route, then you probably will hate Figures of Happiness. It’s supposed to be a great game (I have it, but have yet to completely play through any routes yet), but has almost all of the story take place in a spirit realm. In any case, there is no need to discuss cancer anymore in this thread, at least in regards to Miyu.

I didnt talk about liking, I just mentioned realism.
Anyways Peace :slight_smile:

I liked Figures of Happiness up to the point where they started to use fate and metaphysics, after that I was going, okay, this is getting a little weird and the whole

I will see you in the next life kinda thing made me want to puke It was so cliche in Asian TV drama’s like (???) that I really didn’t want to see in my porn.

Anyways, any of the sexromps would make a good anime, I mean its from a H game, why try to be more than what it is. I remember watching H-game adapted to normal animes, they were horrid be they popular ones like Kanon or obscure one like They are my noble masters.