h-game you would like to see in anime form

what h-games do you think would make good anime
there are 4 ways to see the game as an anime
tv series

which games would be go into each category
i would like to see any of the types of anime for x-change or princess waltz

Well the Brave Soul intro movie, kind of makes me want to see it as either a TV Series or an H-Anime.

Princess Waltz would be fun to see.

Chain could be a real cool series if handled appropriately, with multiple cases which relate to a main storyline running through all the episodes.

EvE burst error could also be really cool if they went through all the story arcs of the games.

None. Time has proven again and again that galgames can’t be adapted well in anime form and, save for a very few exceptions, just end as some awful product. The main reason, of course, is that different, often separate and even incompatible, stories cannot correctly mix into one monolithic one; such a process almost always murders each storyline, without resulting into anything bigger than any of the individual stories. Alas, since most, if not all, anime based on a galgame tries desperately to put a little of each girl’s individual story, they all ended as a big “harem” mess, weakening the role of each protagonist and, foremost, the main one.

Humm… off the top of my head:

[] Brave Soul [/] - 1 or 2 full season series
[] Critical Point [/] - Short Series (13 episodes)
[] Legend of Fairy [/] - Movie

I agree with Olf - Although I hardly watch animes, out of the few I’ve seen that have been based on eroges, they haven’t done a terribly good job with them. Fate was fairly poorly done on the whole, as there were some odd moments when they tried to merge the other two routes with the Fate route, dull fight scenes compared to the game etc. etc. (granted, it did do something that probably should have been done in the game) showed the fight between Archer and Berserker, although that may have intefered with the revelations about Archer that come on the UBW route. Even the anime adaptation of Utawarerumono, which is based on a completely linear story is definitely inferior to the original (particularly the ending).

Now assuming that the anime version is faithful enough to the original, here’s what I’d like to see (as unlikely as these would be):
Eve burst error (and hopefully Eve The Fatal Attraction)
Gore Screaming Show (if they mainly follow Yuka’s route, that would make a pretty good anime)
Gun Katana (if they mainly follow the Europe route that would make a good anime)
Critical Point

Now here’s some games I’m tempted to list, but the only problem is, these could easily fail:
Yume Miru Kusuri (I would SO love to see an anime version of Aeka’s route, the only thing is since most eroge based anime try blending elements from other routes into each other that would cause problems considering how diverse each route is from the other)
Snow Sakura (would make a good romantic comedy, but could also turn out pretty cliche)
Private Nurse (now this could work if they follow Maria’s path, but I don’t really want to go through that depressing ending again…also after all these years I’m still on the fence between Maria and Ayano)
Tsukushite Agechau 4

Let you know that Eve Burst Error did release to manga as Eve New Generation.

Since the girls never interact, I think one could get away with splitting YMK into three different stories with three different protagonists. Or at least, a story set at the school featuring all three stories happening to three different protagonists at the same time. Fill in some extra plot development for the friend characters (and maybe a few more friends), have Tsubaki meet a nice boy by the end of it… could make a nice complex series.

I’d like to see a non-ero Princess Waltz anime.

It would be interesting (and difficult) to do a anime based on Ever17. It could be done like Higarushi.

Fixed. :wink:

Higurashi no [color=#FF0000]n[/color]aku koro ni” has a linear storyline, though, not a multi-route one.

they could do what the Higurashi anime did where there are 3 stories with the same protagnist

Except there’s only one story in “Higurashi no [color=#FF0000]n[/color]aku koro ni”. As I wrote, there’s only one story, one route, one path. It’s not a multi-route story put into anime form, which is what was proven impossible to realize correctly (or almost). There was no need to cram several plots and stories into one, because there was only one plot and linear story.

i mean how the anime of Higurashi is do 3 stories with the same guy but a different girl in each story

You didn’t get my point: the “Higurashi” anime didn’t put “3 stories with the same guy but a different girl in each story”: it put the exact same story, each arc being the linear and “logical” continuation of the previous, all of them being tied (and making sense) in the whole, unique, linear story. “Higurashi” isn’t made by different stories/routes but one unique story of resets.

That being said, if we put aside the fact “Higurashi” was a bad example of what you may have wanted to say, I think the problem with separating the different routes of a galgame into separate, distinct stories --making them in fact different anime taking place in the same world-- is the redundancy of information or even events. In the case of “Higurashi”, it works because such redundancies only exist for a purpose in the original Sound Novel because all the arcs are tied in a grandeur global story so keeping them actually furthers the plot. The story-telling is studied and crafted, with the fact each arc are resets of the previous arcs. In a multi-routes story, on the other hand, it would only uselessly loads the plot. In other words, if one removes story elements, the plot would feel lacking something since such story elements are parts of the plot; on the other hand, if one keeps them, they will be redundant with themselves being already told in the previous stories.
Can it work in theory? Probably, but that would probably imply a reworking of the original storytelling, and history had shown, again and again, that it won’t happen.

I’m an X-change fan. I’d enjoy that. Obviously, you’d have to go Asuka’s route to continue the story the way they have it go between games.

if there was an x-change anime
the yin yang game would be the best version to be a tv anime
the 2nd best one would be x-change 3
since neither of them use sex primary element

I think the best candidate for being turned into an anime, given the linear nature of the story, is most definitely Princess Waltz. As for the small bit of variation at the end, the best way to handle it would be to combine the events/side conversations that happen during the party that occurs in the chapter devoted to a princess, and have Arata face the finale of the game with the Beast Princess, since so many of the secrets in the game are revealed in that path. If I recall correctly, none of the side conversations that occur during that party conflict with each other. I could be wrong, however I think I would remember if there were any serious conflicts. In other words, if there is any conflict, it could easily be erased or changed while still remaining faithful to the original story.

But isn’t x-change based on a famous Japanese movie? One where a Japanese boy and schoolgirl get their souls mixed up in each other’s bodies. I can’t remember what it’s called, but I do remember seeing scenes from it years ago. YMK might make a good anime, but who would watch it? It’s too serious for the magical girl crowd, but not violent enough for the more mature [irony] fans. Maybe if their were a few giant robots or if Nekoko’s dealer sold her into white slavery or if Mizuki’s family were yaks.

I’d sort of like to see Let’s Meow Meow or Bazooka Cafe turned ito anime.

Since it basically was in a series type of format, Heart de Roomate. As long as they either allow the ending to be ambiguous or leans more towards a happy ending. I am getting extremely tired of so many games and series forcing themselves to be dark at points, especially a braching story game (at least one good ending should be included in any multi-ending game - I’m looking at you Kana).

I would love to see Snow Sakura remade into one of those anime DVD games. Keep the choices and everything, just have it play like an anime. This is one of the best romantic comedies of all time.

Ying Yang (X-Change Alternative): since most of the branches differ from each other enough, this could easily be a short series of OVA’s that can cover most of the endings. At least each main romantic interest should have one ending as as OVA (Mizuki, Kyoka’s Power couple ending, Sakuya’s husband route, Miu’s oneechan route, and Touya’s girlfreind route). The only route that would have any amount of rape/resistance themes would by Kyoka’s ending and the other rape scenes (not being saved by Touya) would remain left out… that would be my only demand if it went to an anime format.