Haruhi's 2nd Season

http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/05/2 … on-begins/

Just curious on what everyone’s take on this is. I personally haven’t read any of the novels though I did enjoy the first season. Gotta say that the fan reaction is amusing, it’s like a bunch of people stuck in the middle of a desert found an oasis.

Of course. Mikuru twincest will do that. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s crazy how they kept this under wraps so long, you’d think, in the age of the internets, there are no more secrets that aren’t leaked years ahead of their announcement. How strange that the episodes are mixed in with the previous 13… is this the Haruhi series + (plus)? Haruhi season 2? I dunno. Tomare doesn’t have the same sing along/dance appeal compared to Hare Hare Yukai :frowning: I suspect that will never be topped ever again.

So when’s Bandai gonna localize this for North America? Can’t wait. And please someone localize Isshouni Training with Hinako.

Update: Kadokawa added Ep 8 on their YouTube Channel!


I wonder how they are gonna be releasing this in the states, Bandai Entertainment better be the company that localizes it, not Funimation.

Out of curiousity, what do you have against Funimation?

Funimation has some terrible quality on their discs due to the inordinate amount of episodes they cram onto the discs, that’s my problem. The average consumer don’t care enough about that, but I do.

$35 for 13 episode on 2-3 discs for better than paying like $60 for the same same 13 episodes on 4 dvd’s
or even $35 for 26 episodes on less discs
if you have the cash to pay for the extra discs and the space to store them go ahead

This is why I hate American consumers of anime, and Funimation capitalizes on it. Price is not everything — I refuse to pay for crap compression that results in video and audio quality suffering. But those kinds of consumers are rare to find nowadays, since we’re an Mp3 player/YouTube culture now, young people wouldn’t even know hi-fidelity if it facepalmed them.

Your post is slightly misplaced I believe. If I recall correctly from previous posts he has made, michelous isn’t American…

I didn’t want to generalize it to all anime fans, but in theory, Only Region 1 (North America) can watch these, so…

… so, all you need is an imported region-1-DVD-player, a DVD-player that can be set to region 1, a PS2 with “Region X” or a DVD-ROM-drive that is set to region 1.

Does soembody else have more ideas how to play an imported region 1 DVD out of its designated area? :stuck_out_tongue:

There are also the region free DVD players that J-List sells. While mainly targeted at us region 1 people so that we can watch DVDs from Japan, it could be used the other way around if you really wanted.

Listen here rude boys, the point is, when you chase price with no regard for quality, it just becomes a race to the bottom. Bootlegs in part capitalize on that mentality. I’m already unhappy that a lot of anime companies still seem stuck in the 80’s with their interlaced format encoding, but to also pack as many episodes as possible (in part to combat bootlegged anime and the ubiquity of streaming video), and rob consumers of all extras… it’s just discouraging.

first i am american
second if you want quality from funimation they do have blueray in some of their titles like DBZ

Which wasn’t even available as HD when they animated it in the 80’s and 90’s. It’s retarded.

Before I begin, I apologize if I upset you at all with what I said michelous. I guess I remembered incorrectly.
I did some thinking last night, and something doesn’t make sense to me. Wouldn’t it make more sense from a business perspective to have the files be bigger and take up more space when you aren’t selling them as a boxed set? More space should equal more disks, and the more disks that there are, the more products there are to sell, right?

the next story arc is the time loop storyline
the first episode is slice of life
the 2nd episode reveals the problem
the 3rd has yet to air

I checked the Kadokawa Anime channel and none of the Haruhi Suzumiya episodes are available anymore, what gives? The last one I saw available was Desert Island Syndrome.

Nevermind, episode 12 was just send as a Subscription alert to my email. Very strange, un-Haruhi like episode. Looks like an excuse to show off Mikuru’s Moe-ness.

the next one is more haruhi like

Damnit, I missed episode #13 because it looked so similiar, thought it was the same as episode #12. That’s a dirty trick for Kyoto Animation to pull, reusing similiar but slightly different frames for 3 episodes. Now I gotta wait for the subtitled episodes, or wait till Bandai releases the rest of them on DVD. Of course I’m pre-ordering them when they become available.