Harvest Moon: Twin Villages

Bokujou Monogatari: Futago no Mura is the next DS release for Harvest Moon. Will see the light of day in Japan in Feb 2010.

Seeing how Kira Kira Taiy? to Nakama Tachi was JUST released a few months ago as Sunshine Islands and Y?koso! Kaze no Bazaar e is still in the works for 2010 as Wind Bazaar, I’d say we will see this title in 2011. Anyways… official site is here. Title demands that twincest be present… but I’ve seen no twincest yet. :frowning:

Still looks interesting for other reasons though. You just don’t pick what sex you want your farmer to be: you also pick what village they support (hence the title), then watch as the two fight over ya. One town is a bastardization of Europe and Euro-America (where they raise and eat animals, those Western barbarians), the other is a bastardization of Japan and Native America (where they live off fruits and veggies, those Eastern hippies). I suppose it’s your role to somehow bring peace between them. Your farm probably is set in their version of the DMZ. :stuck_out_tongue:

“White man take my ancestor’s land through tricks and force, so I marry white man and get land back.” :wink:

Okay… I admit that was horrible… but she’s one of the potential wives.

Of the recent HM games, this one sounds the most interesting. Too bad we cannot have (near) universal launch dates.

Not sure here, but do you pick whether your male or female?

You can pick your sex. This page shows what the main hero/heroine look like:


The big ones are the Western village attire, and the smaller ones are the Eastern village attire.

New features: http://www.bokumono.com/series/futago/system/index.html

  • You can now raise bees

  • New crops include: sunflower, roses, watermelon, and cocoa

  • Can grow crops in the winter

  • Community cooking pot

  • Can go on dates with potential wives/hubbies

  • WiFi mode lets others help you harvest crops

Sounds impressive, and I haven’t played one since Harvest Moon DS, perhaps if it sees the light of day in NA I’ll check it out. I like the setting. Nothing is more fun than conflict!

Moar wives and husbands revealed:

Eastern village: http://www.bokumono.com/series/futago/c … tner2.html

Neutral (not citizens of either village): http://www.bokumono.com/series/futago/c … tner3.html

There’s even a loli. :stuck_out_tongue:

The original spouse page, with the Western village canidates:

http://www.bokumono.com/series/futago/c … rtner.html

Still no twincest… but Narg is keeping his fingers crossed.

I’ll keep mine crossed as well. This seems like it’s going to be good. I don’t know if I should be more excited about this or pokemon heart gold and soul silver. I missed out on that generation the first time around, so it’s all gonna be new to me. Anyhow, I wonder why they only showed one guy from eastern village. Maybe the east has a shortage of men.

I think there’s more wives and husbands to reveal. :slight_smile:

Hehe, yeah I figured as much. I just felt like making a smartass comment for some reason. I’ve been a big fan since friends of mineral town though. Oh Karen, how I longed to be with you, and then I got you and a baby and got bored and stopped playing. I’m such a bad father!

Rune Factory additions being brought over…?

If this gets translated I wonder how the dating-sim aspect will go over here.

Yea. While RF and HM are produced by two entirely different teams, they seem fond of cross pollination. :wink:

I think it would go over just fine. :slight_smile:

Judging from posters on the various HM fan sites: the regulars are already pro bgaming or have nothing against it so long as it’s not hentai.

As I said, this is probably the most viable market to get any type of dating-sim/visual novel aspect in the US; it must be part of a game whose gameplay can stand entirely (or at least largely) on its own.

I agree. I believe that if any game can popularize dating sim type play, it will probably end up being a Harvest Moon game. Very accessible, with a fairly decent western following.

Another of the potential husbands has been revealed. He’s a shota:

http://www.bokumono.com/series/futago/c … tner2.html
