Has anyone played Cross Days? How was it?

According to Visual Novel Database, it has a “genre shift” label, which I absolutely detest, meaning it must be misleadingly advertised or is going to throw some big bad wtf twist in somewhere.It also has a ton of mixed vote stats. I also noticed it doesn’t have a “bad endings” label. Bad endings is what made School Days such a cult phenomenon, especially on YouTube! Why oh why would Overflow not continue this trend!? Were they under pressure from higher powers in Japan to cut it out?

I ask all this because if preorder sales for School days are as promising as JAST claims, then we may see this localized, even though they have no plans to localize the game as of yet. If the game is as mixed as people claim, maybe it would be in everyone’s best interest not to see an English release.

Genre shift is due to the content. Spoilered the text incase people don’t know what it involves:

[spoiler]The girls are very masculine looking and it features multiple BL endings and Yaoi sex scenes.
The cross from the title comes from the fact that you Cross-Dress as part of the storyline. In fact the game is often referred to as Cross Gays.
http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/03/1 … l-secrets/

http://www.atalude.net/2010/03/20/cross … oute-only/

The BL route is classified as the true route. Furthermore it actually redeems Makoto.

Pretty much the game itself is one gigantic troll. None of the images/scenes advertised beforehand made it into the game and everytime someone is about to die or you’d think a death ending will occur something happens to stop it. Case-in-point, in the BL route Makoto gets pushed infront of a train but Yuuki pushes him out of the way just in time. (Yuuki = the main guy, Yuu = main guys name when cross dressing)

Here’s the routemap of the game: http://i46.tinypic.com/15hg8iu.jpg
Green endings are BL (8 total)
Red endings are anything other then BL (15 total)

In terms of h-content, 30 h scenes total:
Yaoi - 8
Ai - 5
Kotonoha - 2
Ion - 1
Roka - 6
Sekai - 3
Youka - 1
Straight Threesome - 2
Straight Foursome - 2

So yeah, in conclusion, the game is one big giant troll attempt. And the genre shift refers to how it was advertised V what is contains. It was advertised as a straight game, but it’s actually more closer to a Yaoi game with the true ending actually being one of the Yaoi endings.[/spoiler]

Me personally:

I’d love to see it in English but due to it being a big troll I don’t think it’ll go over so well, its big thing in Japan was that people bought it expecting straight stuff and then…hello Yaoi. By the time people discovered it they had already made their money. And since the BL content is a main part of the plot its not like they can cut a scene or 2. We can’t get Shiny Summer Days either due to Kokoro, however this would actually be somewhat possible to cut since Kokoro only has 3 sex scenes (4 if you count attempted sex) and 1 ending which are on a path by themselves that offshoots from Kotonoha’s route.

ooo yikes, glad I asked then :D. Well, I guess settling for School Days will have to suffice.

Btw, why did they stop the bad endings though? To make it even worse… bad endings are suggested, but are always circumvented, like the being pushed onto a train example. That means you know they had it in their mind, so they did not overlook it. Not sure what Overflow was thinking.

I assume it ties into the troll-part of Cross Days. No one dies yet you expect at least 1 and every-time it looks like they are gonna die…low and behold they don’t.

We know they aren’t against it since School Days LxH added a new one:

Then School Days HQ redid the above and made it more…scary:

And Shiny Summer Days put its own spin on it with Kokoro and her friend (Spoilered due to obvious underage content)

[spoiler]Kokoro now has 4 endings, in the original she had 1

  1. Makoto rapes Kokoro, then Nanami’s boyfriend has sex with/rapes Kokoro’s best friend (Nanami’s litter sister). Makoto and Kokoro then show up and they show Kokoro pregnant. All of a sudden we can hear Kokoro’s thoughts and she asks someone to save her. The final scene shows Kotonoha and a Katana, behind her is Makoto’s apartment complex. The beginning screen then becomes an apartment complex that’s been burnt down.

  2. Kokoro and Makoto have sex constantly, Kokoro loves Makoto but Makoto just wants sex…that’s it.

  3. Makoto asks Shun if he wants to gangbang Kokoro and Shun attacks him. Then it returns to an altered version of one of Kotonoha’s ending but replaces Setsuna with Kokoro (the ending where you try to move over to Kotonoha after Setsuna runs away to Paris).

  4. The only Kokoro ending in the original release. Kokoro and Kotonoha agree to share Makoto. They become best friends and spend christmas together. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA71zOxoETo[/spoiler]