Have you ever been in a strip club?

Well, as my thread title says, I was wondering if anyone else here has ever been in a strip club before, and if so, what their thoughts were. I was curious since it was one of the various places I got dragged to for my friend’s bachelor party on Saturday. While the experience was alright, I wasn’t really that thrilled with it either. I was more bemused at the spectacle than turned on. One of the guys even paid for a private session for me since I had never been to such an establishment before. Still, I don’t see what the big appeal is to some guys (in particular in this instance, a work acquaintance of my friend). I don’t know, I guess I just I just find it senseless without the challenge of the chase. Also, I just find that the physical without any emotional content is pointless. I guess this just reinforces my being called a romantic.

I haven’t been in one.

My best friend in high school is gay so friends of his took him to one to ‘set him straight’. The girl’s fake hair fell off and landed in his beer.

I went few strip clubs in both America (New York City, and Rochester, NY), and Canada (Niagara Falls) during my college years. I did not try private sessions yet. American strippers appeared only topless, not full naked. I do not know where full naked strippers in anywhere in America. Canadian strippers appeared full naked. My friends and I jumped to the ramp after the stripper removed her panties. We just handed dollars. >.>

There are only a couple states in America which allow strippers to appear naked, my own being one of them.

Really, it depends upon the quality of the club you go to, the girls, the day of the week, the hour, etc. I have had some very arousing experiences at strip clubs, and other times been bored out of my mind. I had a friend who went once a week and dragged me along because he didn’t want to go alone … since he always gave me 20-30 bucks for drinks and tips I usually went, but found that I spent more time daydreaming than watching the show.

As with any performance art, your enjoyment will have a great deal to do with the performer.

Of course one isn’t going to be emotionally aroused at such a place, and should expect little to no more excitement than he would recieve from looking at porn on the internet or watching a dirty movie … the real benefit being that the girls are more interactive. (and again, how interactive depends on the location)

Generally I find it’s something you have to be in the mood for.

I imagine most of the people who frequent those places wouldn’t be the least bit interested in a B-Game either, so every attraction has its crowd.

I never went and I’m never going to go in a strip club.
I feel like Kimuzukashii MEIJI : I think it’s pointless when it’s only physical.
That’s probably why I prefer kana little sister and YMK to sexromps. 8)

I hardly think that’s the issue - Kana was my favorite game of all time, closely followed by Crescendo; neither of which were remotely sex romps. I’m the man who started a thread looking for games with no sex scenes after all.

But it seems you’re putting too much emphasis on the relationship between sexual and emotional stimulation. Are you telling me you never look at pictures of naked women? (or men, if that is your preference) There is nothing dirty or inappropriate about being turned on by the naked body, so long as it is done in a healthy fashion … in fact, if you are a healthy adult, it would be troublesome of you were not.

Naturally, if I’m looking for a relationship I’m going to want something more involved than appearance and sexual gratification, but you don’t go to a strip club for a relationship, you go to fantasize and perhaps let off some steam … additionally, not everyone wants or can afford a relationship (either emotionally, or do to job/life constraints) and this provides such people with a hint of the stimulation they are missing. (of course, there are also prostitutes for that … depends on one’s state, morality and means)

It may be a matter of age, of course … I went through a period where I believed the same things, but as you see more you realize that you’re staring down the barrel of a false dilemna, it doesn’t have to be one or the other - there is pleanty of room between the extremes.

The question is… If one have ever been in a strip club, ne?
So… Yeah…we’ve been in one…or should we say… One of us since I’m pretty sure I was the one who slept through to the end of the trip, if one can call that a “TRIP.” And the kind of invite was truly disturbing for most, if not all…

Well, we have got no fuss talking about it. So, we’ll tell since it could a fine discussion here… :mrgreen:

Okay… So everything started when mine parents spotted sleeping in mine room… We’ve slept all day that day, of all days…huuhh… We’ve slept all day but when night fell, I was still half asleep. That’s when we heard the most absurd thing of the things we’ve all our futile lives… Our Ma’ and Pa’ came up to us and said: Let’s go kill some time at a strip club… :smiley: And with happy smiling faces… Apparently, our dad wants to go… And our mom simply wants to keep an eye on him… Huuhh…weird… :? And they want me to go with them, ‘cause they don’t want me to sleep any longer than 19 hours… (Wonder how came up with that…?) Disturbing thing is… If Ma’ wants to keep an eye on our dad. Then why didn’t she just convince him to stay home…? Anyway, we tried to refuse… But, they said that they haven’t spent quality time with me ever since we came back from mine last assignment. Even though… Why there…!? :shock: And they even brought one of our brothers along just to make a group of 4… So, that makes up our party of four; Our father who is the one who truly wants to go… our mother who is oddly okay with the idea… Us who is half asleep and just went along because of our parents “gentle” nagging… And our brother who is a year younger than me, went along with it for the experience…
We cannot exactly remember the name of the place… Since we’re so sleepy when our group entered the establishment. All I can recall was seeing one or two strippers on the center stage before I dozed off on our seat…(Don’t know if mine other stayed awake since none of our company mentioned about me dozing off the whole show… :expressionless: ) Man, We truly don’t why we were so sleepy back then… Anyway, we went home at around midnight or maybe an hour past 12:00 and the journey ended with our Ma’ and Pa’ chatting about the event happily, my bro joins in their discussion, and we just went to hit the sack… (I truly can not believe…that after all that sleep… We still woke up at 12:00 noon…! huuh… Weird… :? )

So, there you have it… One of our odd experiences in this game called life… :slight_smile:
The above mentioned are all truth and nothing but what truly occurred that time…

I lol’ed.

Jack of Tears → I think it’s just a matter of mood in my case.
I’m not aroused by emotionless sex. It depends of the person… but there is a moment when a situation stops to arouse you.
For exemple, if you see two people making love in a park you will maybe fell aroused. But if in fact it’s a rape you won’t (I hope… 8) ).
Then for a striptease, it will depends of what I feel for the woman (but it’s true that I’m probably a special case).

Ironically enough I can honestly say that I have never been inside of a strip club for any reason. I’ve just never been interested. I’ve had plenty of offers to be taken to one but I always passed. If I really wanted to see a naked woman that I couldn’t do anything with I’d get married I suppose. shrugs

I think that a stripteaser is cheaper than a wife :lol:

The last time we came home from a assignment… We had dinner and laughed about it… :lol:

In such a case… We have mixed feelings, while reminiscing that particular event, not to mention that it happened a year ago… Having seen one or two voluptuous chicks get naked wasn’t even enough to get me out of my drowsy state. :expressionless:
Anyway… Viewing such events will trigger a lot of random images to appear in one’s mind. Thus, triggering one’s arousal. But being aroused by something in your mind that isn’t really occurring in the material realm is suggesting that you aren’t really being aroused by what is in your line of sight at that moment. Since, one is actually being aroused by what one is thinking not what one is seeing. Well, unless the trigger that you are looking at is included in your thoughts, only in a different event scene… :roll:

Heh… :mrgreen:
Makes us remember this particular line uttered by Mr. Nick Savage… 8)

“If I’m paying thirty bucks for a woman, she’d better be making me breakfast…”

I think its pretty much the same for me as well le nuage. Though I must admit that during the private session, shivers went down my spine when she lightly scratched along my back and torso…

If not for this bachelor party, I probably never would have been in one either.

Given what I saw, this is only true if you aren’t getting a private session. If you are, it is most definitely more expensive than being married.

I didn’t keep track of the amount of time for the private session, but the amount of money in this quote is correct. My best guess is that its 5 minutes.

Well, I’m a little bit older than most of you guys (probably), and I’ve been in quite a few strip clubs in my day. I’ve been in really nice ones and real crap holes. There used to be a pretty nice one in this small town where I live; I used to go there a couple of times a week for lunch. (Never go to a strip club that doesn’t serve food). After awhile, I got to know a few of the women there and the conversations turned from innuendo to the day to day stuff about their kids and and leaky faucets and stuff. You haven’t lived until you’ve talked with a naked woman about home repair.

What one did you go too? I’ve been to some in the Denver area. None were very good, I mean. I got some boobs rubbed in my face, but you can get a girlfriend to do that for you so meh.

The one that we went to was named something like “The Penthouse Club” or some such. I don’t recall where it’s located. The original plan was to go to “Shotgun Willie’s”, but one of the guys (who I take has been in many strip clubs, and even was a bouncer at one) recommended we not go there.

Maybe you can, but that’s not true of everyone.

Strip clubs… well, I have a group of 3 friends and when we hang out it’s always a bar followed by a strip club and I’ve met them for a few years now, so yes I’ve been to a strip club many times :lol:

Now, this is not an every week event, but frequently enough to be treated as “regulars” in one of them and I could talk for hours about the stuff that we’ve done over the years

Anyway, as others have pointed is not a place for for romance or erotism. The appeal for me is to talk and hang with friends while having a girl in my lap rubbing me all of her body (strips club are a bit different where I live) and serving me whisky, if that doesn’t relaxes me from the work week then I don’t know what will :slight_smile:

I once had a talk about what elementary school should this girl’s kid go to, since she was worried about his education, I recommended the one I went to and even went with them and introduce them to the principal :smiley:

Yep. I had some friends that were amatuer musicians that would occasionally play at some clubs, as well as friends that worked as DJs and waitresses in strip clubs.

Going to a strip club is a social event. You should go with friends. The bonus of such a place is that you can get pretty and shapely girls to smile at you, whenever you want. You just tip her. Bang! Makes for a nice place to hang out and have fun after you and your buddies have been out and crashed and burned— or your friends are too shy to even try. You can then tease your shy friends by tipping a girl to go over and give your buds a sexy “hello” or a hug and watch them get all embarassed as well.