Heart de Roommate

Its been a while since my last post, been playing FFXI havnt done much more than that between college and work…
Felt a need to keep up tradition, and be the first to say i ordered the game…

Same here… :slight_smile:

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 02-18-2004).]

Ditto Its been awhile since I last ordered from them. the last game I bought from them was TA4. At least it has the same type of artwork as PN.

I have my order in as well. I passed on VR, so it has been quite a while since I have gotten my fix.

Hey, where would we be without tradition?

Actually I slipped up. Wasn’t feeling well last night and went straight to bed. Didn’t order the game till this morning. Makes my tracking of order numbers a little goofy, but still workable. Just my own speculation from them, it seems like Virgin Roster didn’t do quite as well as Crescendo or Tsukushite 4 in sales…

Well I did my usual wake up in the morning, order from g-coll thing today so hopefully I’ll get it first to taunt all you guys

Yup I ordered the game today too, around noon so maybe it’ll arrive by Saturday. Sounds like a great game. For what it’s worth at that time my order number was 2054, not sure if that is a good sign about how they are doing or not if by about noon, 12:30 pm Eastern Standard Time they only had that many orders.

Don’t they mention movie scenes in between chapters, which actually sound from the description on the website a bit like the ‘teasers’ at the end of anime episodes.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 02-18-2004).]

I ordered mine at 11:00 pm CST. My order number 2024.

Only 30 more in a little over twelve hours, if those order numbers actually are sequential and not just randomly assigned uses of identification, that is not too promising for how well they might be doing with these games.

Well, actually it is. When they first started, they were averaging 50 orders between releases each month. Granted, there’s always a large surge when a new title is released, but I’m pretty confident they can probably do more than 20 more sales before the next release.

But in general, since I had been doing my orders around the same time, I was getting a pretty decent benchmark of orders between releases. (Note, I did not say “accurate benchmark”, though I really wish it was…) Crescendo and Tsukushite both had around 150 orders between them and the subsequent releases while Shukketsubo dropped closer to 100.

And, as everyone keeps jabbing me about, this only takes into account G-Collections orders. I don’t think any of the experienced people here expected thousands of sales to be happening. So while it’s not the numbers you see within mainstream games, I am seeing a trend of growth which is encouraging to me.

I put my order in at 11:15pm mtn, and my order number is 2030.
And you make a good point. Between Peachsoft, JastUSA, PP, Canadahentai, Roberts Anime Corner, and others that I am not aware of, I imagine sales are higher than we suspect.

[This message has been edited by kmusky (edited 02-19-2004).]

Don’t forget TSRI they sell bishoujo games too. In fact they were the first place I bought them from I’m sure they a lot more volume sales through retail channels like TSRI and they would ever do by just their website. I just don’t think that many people know they have a website.

I mean unless you were actively looking it would be pretty hard to just stumble onto their website. It’s not like they advertise anywhere.

That is true, I had forgotten other sites sell it, but are they selling it yet or not for a while?

By the way I have looked for TSRI website but cannot find it, is it easier to find it searching by a different name?

It’s there, it’s actually easier just to go to their adult catalog and into games. I’d post the link to it but since PP also sells the game It’d be bad form for me to do that. But it’s there in their catalog for $49.95. That and a couple things from their Geneon sale and you got free shipping

Originally posted by SCDawg:
By the way I have looked for TSRI website but cannot find it, is it easier to find it searching by a different name?

Um, mainly because wanfu2k1-san's got his letters mixed up. It's TRSI not TSRI. "The Right Stuf International" Search for "Right Stuf" usually works. And yes, it's only one "f" in the name...

And actually, my point about other places selling the various games was mainly to point out that I am aware that other places sell the games instead of having someone else bring the subject up. Which pretty much happens every time I use those numbers. I'm not that isolated...

You guys haven’t gotten your Sugar yet? Hidoi. I can’t feel too bad for you guys though, I got mine.


精神 の 神

Originally posted by ekylo:
Um, mainly because wanfu2k1-san's got his letters mixed up. It's TRSI not TSRI. "The Right Stuf International" Search for "Right Stuf" usually works. And yes, it's only one "f" in the name...

Ah okay, thank you, yes I know of "The Right Stuf International" but was not making the connection of just letters, thank you.

Originally posted by Seishin:
You guys haven't gotten your Sugar yet? Hidoi. I can't feel too bad for you guys though, I got mine. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]


Wai! Wai! Finally got my hands on a copy during lunch today! Also picked up Happy Lesson. Kinda odd getting a "3 and Up" title and a "15+" title at the same time... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Heh so I’m dyslexic oh just to let you all know I just got heart in and guess what? The extra pack-in for g-coll is zyx pogs, or are they chips oh well don’t matter it’s nice to have pack-in extras again from g-coll. So expect a review sat night or something

Luck you to have the game already. I am still hoping to get mine Saturday before the weekend is over, anyone else get it yet?