Heavy Rain


Has anyone else played it? It’s really good and it’s really exciting. I want to hear your thoughts on it.

I’m playing it just now, I think I’m about halfway (so don’t you dare spoiler anything :evil: ).

The game has its fair share of problems, specifically some audio and video bugs and an incredibly wooden control system. Still, all these problems are completely blown out by how great the game is. I think that Quantic Dream has created the first real interactive story, and that’s no small feat. They did a good job with Fahrenheit (I think the original title is Indigo Prophecy, in Europe we got it as “Fahrenheit” insted, don’t ask me why), or so I thought at the time, but it turns out Heavy Rain is tens of times more interactive and compelling. It’s amazing how bad I felt when I made Ethan cut off part of his finger.

So yeah, great game. I think everyone should try this out, since it’s a milestone in the videogame industry. Also, it share some common point with our beloved visual novels, so it may be interesting to make some comparisons :slight_smile:

Yeah I hate doing the trials. I like Norman Jayden the best But I got killed at the junk yard
The story is unique and the gameplay is fresh there’s just nothing like it.Like when you drive against the traffic

I’d like to know how his son died at the start given that you could clearly see Ethan get hit. Don’t believe me play that part again and watch it closely.

I want a visual novel like that please! Maybe when I’m 50, I guess…

I have it. I’ll probably play it soon after beating FFXIII.

No you must play it NOW!

This makes the frying of my PS3’s disc reading laser all the more frustrating :evil:

I’ve played & beaten it, and I have some issues with it. Mostly minor, and they’re kind of nit-picky to be honest. I’ll put them behind spoiler tags, but seriously, if you plan on playing this game, DO NOT READ THEM.

The nit picky issue- The killer (You know who I’m talking about) doesn’t wear his Lieutenants watch at all in the game. There’s no reason for him to strap that on when going to the club, since its something identifiable and can narrow down the list of suspects. His whole deal throughout the game is removing evidence, so there’s 0 reason for him to wear the watch just to let Jayden video capture it with ARI.


The major issue I have with the game- Herman’s death in general. The writers force you to make a leap of faith and just accept the fact that Scott somehow killed Herman while he and what’s-her-face were in the store together. The guy would have to walk through her line of sight to get the office in general, and specifically, this game is all about what YOU the PLAYER does. At every other point in the story, I felt like I was in total control of whatever character I was playing. I didn’t sneak Scott Metal Gear Solid style into the back room, pick up a typewriter, and bash Herman’s skull in. When that part came up in the reveal, I was not happy at all, because it took control of the story away from me. Scott is my favorite character, so once I got done with my initial play-through I went through again and got “The Perfect Crime” trophy. Which turned my initial Scott from ultimate good guy, to evil incarnate…and the other characters turned into bumbling idiots, since you need to basically sabotage everyone else in order to let Scott get away with murder.