Hellsing... almost over... ***SPOILERS***

So… anyone else been keeping track of the Hellsing manga? It’s almost at an end, with the final battles being fought.

Walter was one of my favorite characters, so I’m still wondering if his actions are due to brainwashing or real betrayal.


Wait… Walter betrayed Hellsing ?



My favourite was Alexander Anderson, since I’m a Catholic.

Sadly, he died early.


And just what will go down for the final showdown ?

Aye. Seems more to be true betrayal than actual brainwashing after his transformation into an artificial vampire. The largest evidence is how the Valentine brothers broke into the Hellsing Mansion. As Walter himself said during those events, “they knew exactly WHERE and WHEN to strike.” It would have taken a traitor… and it seems he’s been found.

Alucard was hit hard by the revelation, since he truly thought of Walter as a friend – given that Alexander was a rival, Integra his master, and Seras as apprentice. Alucard has even been trying to talk sense into him: odd since he usually goads people into fighting, rather than talk them out of it.

So far it’s Alucard versus Walter and Seras versus The Captain. Integra is going after Monty.

Wolfe is still alive and swore she’ll kill Walter for killing Yumie… so she’s a wild card.

The Doctor and Schrodinger are still unopposed, although The Doctor is with Monty, so Integra should run into him. Oh… and another major plot revelation: Monty is 100% human and has the qualities to slay Alucard. Interesting, no?

That’s how the remaining major players are laid out…

[ 07-08-2007, 11:19 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

And the story keeps dragging on. Well… not really… it’s just that Kouta Hirano seems to be having writer’s block on how to end the series, and he takes “vacations” where no chapters are printed in Young King Ours for months at a time. :frowning:

In any case, he just released another chapter.


Seras killed the Captain (with Pip’s help as a familiar). Seras has demonstrated without question, she can do everything Alucard can - although she’s nowhere near as powerful as he.

Next chapter arc seems to be the conclusion of the Alucard versus Walter battle. Alucard is seen summoning the full totality of his power, and Walter is in a bit of a pinch… I hope he has an ace up his sleeve. :stuck_out_tongue:

Monty versus Integra fight was kinda blah… she shoots and tries to stab him, but he’s protected by a barrier. Basically it was just a taunting session. However…

Schrodinger’s true purpose has finally been revealed: he’s “poison” to Alucard. The loli-catboy killed himself and dumped his blood into the blood that Alucard is summoning to himself in preparation to kill Walty. Will be interesting to see exactly what effect it has on Alucard… and it if it will either help or hinder Walter.

Piecing together information from previous chapters, and the one just recently released - as well as offhand comments from the creator in interviews:

Walter betrayed Hellsing, because he wants to have the “honor” of killing Alucard (aka Dracula). Evidently he wants to be remembered as the most badass vampire killer ever… and he needs to kill 'ole Drac to prove it. Reverse aging process was to restore him to the youth of his prime (teenage years). Interesting notion… and it explains why Walter turned down Alucard’s offer for immortality:

#1 - Alucard would gain Walter’s memories and learn of his betrayal.

#2 - Walter would be a thrall to Alucard until allowed freewill.

#3 - Walter hates vampires - even Alucard.

Anyways… latest chapter didn’t have them really fighting: just more talking. Loli-catboy still hasn’t “entered Alucard’s” blood yet, and the vampire is still toying with Walter - which is something he always does with things he sees as “dog shit”

Holy Shit!!! Walter the butler vs. Alucard?! Is it alrealy out?!


You guys spoiler too much :cry: And Alucard is Dracula he cant die :cry:

Well not just Alucard. Walter too. Actually though… neither are dead just yet.

Alucard is currently trapped in some sort of “everywhere but not here or there” type situation… he’s an “Imaginary Number” according to our fat NAZI friend. Walter got shot, but was saying “I can’t die yet!” before the last page. Then again, it might not be him thinking that and someone else… guess we have to wait till the next chapter.

Oops… added a spoiler tage to the thread title.

On a side note, Kouta Hirano must have failed math. :stuck_out_tongue: Imaginary numbers really do exist: it’s just mathematicians in the 1600’s refused to believe they could exist, so they called such equations “imaginary” – as far as they were concerned, there was just some unexplainable reason why they couldn’t prove why it was wrong. Heh… how they were doing math was wrong. :roll: :lol:

Hirano is slow as hell. He needs to hurry his ass up, I’ve been waiting for the end of Hellsing for a year now.

Monty was a robot. No, I’m not joking. He was a robot. :lol:

That’s just silly.

You sure it wasn’t a robot decoy or something? You know, to keep Integra occupied while Monty did something more important? At least I hope that’s what it is… although this would explain how a “fully human” individual who was born pre-ww2 could look so young.

Well I’m kinda embellishing on the robot. Cyborg maybe. The guys on 2chan are still arguing over it. Crazy plot twist that was totally unexpected. :expressionless:

However as you said, it explains why Monty is seemingly immortal. I think we’ll know more once Doc shows his face. He’s been AWOL in the story since Evil Walter entered the picture. Maybe he’s been the power behind the throne all this time?

Heh… the fanlations have hit the Internets this weekend, because I’m seeing a lot of Hellsing fans posting their pissed off response, to the whole robot thing.

LOL! I tell ya, this is EXACTLY the response Hirano wanted. It’s his kind of character.

Best. Plot twist. Ever. Because the joke is all on us. :lol:

#1: Hmmm… seem Walter isn’t British: he’s always been a NAZI spy.

#2: Verdict is still out if Montana was a cyborg or a robot. Oh… and he’s dead now.

#3: Alucard still dead.

#4: Doc and (a dying) Walter are gonna fight.

There’s discussion on 2chan if Alucard will resurrect himself through the actions of Seras (his progeny), Integra (his Master), or Walter (last person he fought). Personally I hope he stays dead - would make a strong statement - but this is Alucard we’re talking about.

Meh… new spoiler stuff to keep ya’ll happy:

#1: The female vampire who made Millenium’s bloodsucker army possible was Mina Harker… her corpse that is. Seems the NAZI’s have been using it to artifically create their undead horde.

#2: Walter killed the Doc… then he killed himself to atone for his betrayal. Destroyed Mina’s remains in the process.

Oh… and Alucard is still dead. At present, the only “true born” vampire that we know of who is alive (relatively speaking) is Seras.

Hellsing is over. The last chapter has been released.

Final chapter takes place about 30 years after the NAZI’s were finally defeated. Integra is an old hag. Hellsing and the Catholic Church, are still enemies who only work together because they have too (but would love to destroy each other if given half the chance). Heinkel now holds the position that Anderson once did.

Alucard figured out a way out of the trap that the NAZI’s got him in… but it took 30 years: but he’s alive. Guess that proves he REALLY is immortal.

Chapter also had a wonderful shot of Sera’s white panties. Thanks to being a vampire, she still looks 18 to 21. 8)

So, that’s the real reason why she was turned into a vampire! ^_-

Yes! Every chapter in the entire Hellsing saga, was merely a long winded means to deliver us the young fresh panties we’ve at last been delivered.

Or as someone on 2chan pointed out: Her boobs got bigger and her skirt got shorter. 8)