Help me decide on a title(or a few) to purchase

If by that you mean that you don’t want “usual eroge” (-> visual novels) you will be disapointed since in english there are almost only visual novels.
But you can still try Lightning Warrior Raidy if you don’t dislike rapes.

If you could elaborate a bit, that would maybe help. What do you consider boring, and what does ‘don’t care too much about role’ mean?

It looks like you’re most likely going to be interested in Princess Waltz, which isn’t out yet but should be out real soon.

raidy might be one to try
really most h-games are just click through x-change 2 has a few mini-games
another one to try is Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048

one I saw recently was chaos region it isn’t translated but the card battle system is playable without being able to read japanese

if you want a link for the game pm me

One option might be Leaf’s Utawarerumono, which has been unofficially translated by mirrormoon, and can be purchased at Paletweb (I’m not sure if the webpage is safe to use at the moment though :?) or Himeyashop.

Please feel free to let us all know where the game can be legitimately purchased. ^^

Pretty Soldier wars is Interactive but the Battles can be Repatitive and Given how often you team members hit it can be really really long. and if your like me and play lots of Fire emblem (nobody can die in my Party) It can take quite some time.

i am think about getting Crescendo but i have a few quesions
first how long is the game to play through all the route
second how many girls are there to choose from
third i here it has rape but is the protagonist as bad a the guy from hitomi
forth how is the story is it on the level of YUME MIRU KUSURI

I (and many other light siders I’m sure) can’t recommend this game enough. It is one of the “holy trinity” of professional translated light side games (the other two being Kana - Little Sister and YMK). I would tell you how many girls there are, but that would ruin one of the surprises the game has in store. To answer your first question, the game isn’t very long. If I recall correctly, it takes place over approximately five days in game. If you want approximate gameplay length in hours, I’m not the one to ask. I suck at figuring out such things. As for your third question, the answer is yes there are a couple of rape scenes. One doesn’t involve the protagonist, the other does. Of the one that does, the protagonist genuinely regrets it, unlike the protagonist in Hitomi who regrets it for a few minutes and then violates Hitomi again. In fact, this regret plays a key role in the story, especially one girl’s path in particular. As for comparing the story with YMK, that is a tough one. They take completely different roads to effect you emotionally. In YMK, it took a sort of psychological path. In Crescendo, it is more about you running out of time (since the game takes place during the last few days of the senior year at the school). They are both great stories, but are completely different. It is kind of like trying to compare a nice, sweet and crisp apple, to a wonderfully tart pomegranate.
On a side note, Crescendo’s soundtrack is the only one other than Princess Waltz that I frequently listen to tracks from outside of the game.

Yup, I too highly recommend Crescendo for light siders. I’d say the length per path is about… well, average for these games. It’s not massively long like Princess Waltz was (although PW wasn’t very non-linear), and while I can’t give a number in hours I didn’t find the paths particularly short when I played it compared to other games. It’s fairly non-linear for most paths as well, meaning that the amount of “old text” you get in each path is very low, as the main paths to take are decided early on in the game, and choices after that decide whether the ending is good or bad.

Oh, and thanks for recommending YMK as a light side game (putting it next to Kana - Little Sister is a high recommendation indeed!), I hadn’t picked that up yet as I sort of brushed it off as a dark game just on the “drug” part alone :P. I’ll just have to go buy it now then (yay for download edition!). Bye bye spending money :frowning:

Another option might be another of Leaf’s games, Tears to Tiara. It has also been unofficially translated. The story is similar to Utawarumono’s and so is the way to get the girls.

i am really waiting for the patches to shuffle and soul link