Help me find b-games - Mainly interested in romantic, no

I’ve recently decided to start buying all bishÙjo games that interest me, but I have a kind of narrow taste. Also, if a game is short, I would like to know that, too… a notice on how short it approximately is, would be nice, as well.

I’m mainly interested in romantic-type games. Also, unless it is understood to be a bad thing, rape may not be present, either. However, the display of it as bad, may not merely be there, as an excuse to include rape. Furthermore, the character you play, shall not have to be promiscuous… other characters may be, though.

So there will not be any confusion, I’d like to point out, that the reason of my previously displayed interest in Divi-Dead, is much due to its excellent storyline, art and music. Another factor is because it is sort of nostalgic, to me. Pointing this out, due to the presence of promiscuity, and even rape, in it.

I’m not merely interested in romantic-type games, though; darker games, similar to Divi-Dead, are welcome, too, as long as they are done tastefully. Then again, a dark game may, of course, be very romance centered, as well as without promiscuity, and even rape… I guess such a game would be one of the main things I’d like to see.

Thanks in advance.

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Story-heavy light games: Kana, Crescendo, Hourglass of Summer (non-H). If you’re a story enthusiast, you must get these.

Brave Soul: light, H-RPG. Enough said.

Figures of Happiness (V-mate): Haven’t played this yet, but it’s supposed to be light and storyful, according to people here.

True Love and Season of the Sakura: Both older titles. True Love is a sim, while SotS is a classic romance. Both are very nice. True Love is apparently extremely hard to find nowadays though, and it doesn’t work well with XP, though it can run on it with some tweaking.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-13-2005).]

Originally posted by Inu:
I'm not merely interested in romantic-type games, though; darker games, similar to Divi-Dead, are welcome, too, as long as they are done tastefully.

Inthat case, I have to add my all-time-favourite EVE Burst Error.
Excellen storyline that IMHO surpasses DiviDeaD by far and all h-scenes have been taken out, so no promiscuity.

I might have added Chain as well, if it weren't for the promiscuity in there that actually makes it even a bit ridiculous.
But if you would overlook the fact that all the girls literally throw themselves at the protagonist, you may be rewarded with a nice mystery/crime-story here too.

However, both games storylines are more or less single-path. That allowed the storywriters to design complex long stories with plenty of twists, turns and mysteries that find in the end a surprising but solid solution.
But on the other hand, it reduces their replay-value quite a bit.

Thanks for your replies.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Inthat case, I have to add my all-time-favourite EVE Burst Error.
Excellen storyline that IMHO surpasses DiviDeaD by far and all h-scenes have been taken out, so no promiscuity.

Maybe I should add, that while I’m not fond of promiscuity, I definitely still want h-scenes in the games. However, of course, I may well consider games without any such scenes, as well.

You said all h-scenes have been taken out… is there no version, where they haven’t?

As for True Love and Season of the Sakura… played those; liked them quite a bit. True Love must’ve been the first b-game I played, with Season of the Sakura probably being second… would be nice if I could add those to my collection, as well…

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Originally posted by Inu:
You said all h-scenes have been taken out... is there no version, where they haven't?

Actually, there are/were two versions that contain the h-scenes.

The original version on the NEC-PC81 and the renewed EVE-DVD (new characterdesigns). The latter is the only item that you would find at himeya under the brand "C's".

However, both are in japanese...

A few of my favorite are romantic and non-promiscuous:

Brave Soul
May Club
Nocturnal Illusion
Tokimeki Check-In!

Eve Burst Error is awesome, but the game doesn’t exactly have non-promicuous protagonists

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Tokimeki Check-In!

Aren't there several rape scenes in that game? Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought I read it here...

As for the non-censored EVE Burst Error DVD version... does anyone know if there is any, at least reasonably good, fan translation, and any idea where I could get it? Then I could buy that, and just apply a translation patch...

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Yep, there’s about 4 seperate rape scenes in Tokimeki check-in. It’s all avoidable though. But I would count it as a very promiscuous game, nonetheless.

When you mean promiscuous, do you mean it in terms of having the hero/protagonist having sex with all of the female characters in one sitting at the very least (ie. “Do You Like Horny Bunnies?”) or do you mean having a “harem”-type of ending? (ie. “Come See Me Tonight”).

Another title that you might want to look at is “Private Nurse”, which definately leans towards more of the story-side of bishoujo gaming.

I wouldn’t count Tokimeki Checkin! as a promiscuous game. You don’t sleep with everyone in sight, you only sleep with people you’re going to end the game with. (One could argue that the Debutantes count, because their path ends with the two of them bringing you a whole group of girls for an orgy; but that’s by far the exception in that game.)

I’m sorry for bringing up this fairly old topic, but I shall order the games, soon, and would like all eventual, additionally available, feedback.

First in reply to the following:

"When you mean promiscuous, do you mean it in terms of having the hero/protagonist having sex with all of the female characters in one sitting at the very least (ie. “Do You Like Horny Bunnies?”) or do you mean having a “harem”-type of ending? (ie. “Come See Me Tonight”)."

I mean neither. Or I do absolutely mean those, as well, but what I mainly have in mind, is that the main character shall limit himself to only one girl, and this only if he loves her.

Further, these are the games that are likely to be ordered, so far:

Romantic, non-promiscuous (with h-scenes):

- Kana: Little Sister
- Crescendo
- Brave Soul
- Figures of Happiness
- True Love
- Season of the Sakura
- May Club (not sure about this one… some comments would be nice (such as length of game))
- Private Nurse (same as with May Club (and please try to comment, without spoiling))
- Tokimeki Check-In! (not 100% sure on this one; please try to, without spoiling (please; I’ve had games spoiled far too many times (Final Fantasy VII comes to mind -_-)), explain the rape scenes… are they considered bad, for instance?)

Romantic, non-promiscuous (without h-scenes):

- Hourglass of Summer

Tasteful, dark games (non-promiscuity not a necessity, but note if they are promiscuous/non-promiscuous):

- Divi-Dead
- Non-censored EVE Burst Error DVD version (if there exists translation files/cracks)
- Chain (not sure about this one; comments?)

Once again, thank you very much for all replies.

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If you want a good game where the character limits himself to only the girl he loves, try “Come see me Tonight”. The only storyline he has sex with more than the girl he loves is the harem stories. This goes for most of the rest of the games made be trabulance as well, truthfully. Not very linear, but they’re fulfilling, to me anyway.

Originally posted by Inu:
- True Love

Long out of print.
- Season of the Sakura

Available with JAST Memorial Collection - together with Three Sisters Story and Runaway City.
- May Club (not sure about this one... some comments would be nice (such as length of game))

Available with Milky House Memorial Collection - together with Nocturnal Illusions and Borderline Collection Vol. 1. The last is a graphic arts collection and not a game.

I'd add Snow Drop to your list. It has good artwork and music, an interesting story and is mostly consensual/non-promiscuous.

Originally posted by Inu:
I'm sorry for bringing up this fairly old topic, but I shall order the games, soon, and would like all eventual, additionally available, feedback.

First in reply to the following:

"When you mean promiscuous, do you mean it in terms of having the hero/protagonist having sex with all of the female characters in one sitting at the very least (ie. "Do You Like Horny Bunnies?") or do you mean having a "harem"-type of ending? (ie. "Come See Me Tonight")."

I mean neither. Or I do absolutely mean those, as well, but what I mainly have in mind, is that the main character shall limit himself to only one girl, and this only if he loves her.

Further, these are the games that are likely to be ordered, so far:

Romantic, non-promiscuous (with h-scenes):

- Kana: Little Sister
- Crescendo
- Brave Soul
- Figures of Happiness
- True Love
- Season of the Sakura
- May Club (not sure about this one... some comments would be nice (such as length of game))
- Private Nurse (same as with May Club (and please try to comment, without spoiling))
- Tokimeki Check-In! (not 100% sure on this one; please try to, without spoiling (please; I've had games spoiled far too many times (Final Fantasy VII comes to mind -_-)), explain the rape scenes... are they considered bad, for instance?)

Romantic, non-promiscuous (without h-scenes):

- Hourglass of Summer

Tasteful, dark games (non-promiscuity not a necessity, but note if they are promiscuous/non-promiscuous):

- Divi-Dead
- Non-censored EVE Burst Error DVD version (if there exists translation files/cracks)
- Chain (not sure about this one; comments?)

Once again, thank you very much for all replies.

Random thoughts/observations:

1) Good luck buying True Love. It's out of print.

2) A general note on older titles: many of them are going to be promiscuous. Old school design was usually linear. So generally what ended up happening was you either had sex with whoever's ending you got, right at the end of the game when you got her ending - or you had sex with everyone as the game went on.

3) Season of the Sakura is only available in a collection from Jast USA. If you get it, you'll also get 3 Sister's Story and Runaway City. Both of them fall under point 2) above, 3 Sis less so than Runaway City (3 Sis is good, if older now, Runaway City not so great).

4) May Club I would recommend getting. It also comes in a collection with a game called Nocturnal Illusion and it's pretty good. NI has a pretty strong mood going for it, even now. NI does fall under point 2) above but it's still one of my favorites. May Club is very non-linear, rather lengthy, not at all promiscuous, and well worth the $20 by itself.

5) Chain is a pretty good detective novel, but see point 2). There's only one ending, it's not even really a game, and you have sex with almost every female character in the game.

6) Private Nurse is one of my favorite games. It's rather lengthy, and there are only 3 girls so each one is rather well fleshed out. I'd recommend it and also Heart de Roommate. It's also by the people who made Figures of Happiness.

7) Tokimeki Checkin! is one of many peoples' favorites around here. As for how the rape scenes work ... the game's creators seem to have a thing for the maid character. There are two instances where other characters try to rape her, and one where you get stinking drunk and can choose to. That's the worst of it. There are a few other points in the game where the subject comes up; but in every instance, either nothing happens, or you have the option to intervene (and if you do, nothing happens). (Also, you don't see all of these in one playthrough; they only happen on specific paths.)

- Non-censored EVE Burst Error DVD version (if there exists translation files/cracks)
Sweet! But hmm can i get this with the enire collection...

Also another Romantic, non-promiscuous (with h-scenes) one not mentioned here: Casual Ramance Club

Originally posted by Inu:
I mean neither. Or I do absolutely mean those, as well, but what I mainly have in mind, is that the main character shall limit himself to only one girl, and this only if he loves her.

Ironically, this pretty much describes a good majority of the endings to many of the non-dark bishoujo games out there- even the ones that would fall into your definition of promiscuity. One good example of this would be the first DYLHB. Apart from getting a "taste of things to come" from every one of the game's datable characters, you could only finish up the ending by being "loyal" and "loving" to only one of the characters.

As for some of the other titles (May Club and Private Nurse) that you've inquired about, Private Nurse seems to come closest to fulfilling your needs- the game takes place over the space of a month, and only within the twenty-ish days do you even get to "partake" of the character that you're interested in (two of them get fleshed out a bit more than the third after you've "won" the game). The only real disadvantage that it might have is that the saves are a bit awkward in that you can only save during a particular "day", not at any of the decision points or particular event in the game.

As for May Club, it's fairly "old school"- and you can only "win" the game with any one character of your choosing, but due to it's time management, schedule specific sim-elements, it probably wouldn't be too difficult to enjoy several "flings" with different characters before you end the game.

Private Nurse is an excellent game with a truely enchanting story and not too focused on the sex part…

Definitly a choice to consider

If you want a dark game, try Phantom of Inferno. No sex, light on romances, but great story and characters.

Phantom of Inferno WAS originally an ero-game, with lots of sex-scenes. But they where removed by Hirameki. (Personally, i’d love to see the scenes between Reiji and Ein or even Drei ^^’)

Well, it’s all right, i think. Even without H-Scenes, PoI is still one of my most favorites bishoujo games.

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
Well, it's all right, i think. Even without H-Scenes, PoI is still one of my most favorites bishoujo games.


I'll take that trade anyday.