Hentai anime strip poker problems

It seems like every time I start the programme up it turns dowm the wave settings in volume control down to nothing and I have to access volume control to restore it (is there any way to stop this from happening).

Also it states on the disc label that there should be an “extra girls” folder containing all the expantion pack data but I do know that the expantion packs have to be downloaded fron the internet so I’m wondering if I’ve been sent a mucked up disc.

Any help for this mess

F.Y.I I’m being mucked about with my current internet connection so it may take some time for me to deal with any probable fixes to either problem.

[ 09-01-2006, 09:00 AM: Message edited by: demonix ]

Hmmmm? :confused:
I’ve never encountered such a problem before…

I would also like to know how we are supposed to be able to get the “FREE” expansion packs.

Also, where is this “Opponent Builder” program. It says it’s free.

If you got the game recently there should be an extra girls folder on the disc which contains the install files (just so you know JAST has only just started adding the expansion packs to the disc for free) but I think I way have either a bad disc and the data for the extra girls is corrupt or there has been a mix up and all the current versions are going out with the new label but with the old data.

Yes, some of the discs printed don’t have the free girls on the disc. Apologies – there are some discs with the extra girls not included out there.