Hentai game

what is the fate of ours main character in. Do you like horny bunnies. Can anybody tell me

Ekylo tried to answer this question in the last post you started about this game.

It is a multi-path game, his fate is a number of things depending on what you decide to do. To be more specific, his fate is either…

1)Get girl A
2)Get girl B
etc… etc…
oh, and it can also be…
3)Get no girl.

As you can see, no one can tell you his fate really since he has a few depending on what you do.

Actually, walter-san emailed me. (Or someone named Walter did, different email address than the one in his profile here.) He asked if Yukari “got an operation after all?” I don’t remember an operation being mentioned in the game or in any of the descriptions of the game I read. Anyone remember anything like that? (After all, there’s always the possibility my memory is degrading even further…)

BZZT! wrong answer, no detrimental medical conditions exist in this game. Kana, on the other hand, is a different story.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 04-05-2003).]

Hmm, that’s what I thought. That’s why I was getting a bit confused when he was asking about it in the first place. I think that’s probably why he kept asking after Yukari’s fate, I think it was specifically in regards to this. shrug

I’m wondering if there’s some misinformation being spread around about Horny Bunny. Lot’s of confusion over it. (And not just the normally giggling over the title.) I’ve actually gotten an email from someone asking me if the game centered on bestiality. Okay, that could be a definition of “horny bunny” but still…

Originally posted by ekylo:
He asked if Yukari "got an operation after all?"

I wonder, if he confused Yukari from "Horny bunny" and Yukari from "LMM" with Takuya from XC? That would at least make sense...

Actually, I think I’m starting to understand. Either someone has a messed up review out there or people are reading more into the description than they should. I just replied to a post on GameFAQs where someone (who obviously hadn’t played the game) said that the game was about “a crossdresser who works at a resturant.” I think it comes from where they mention that Yukari has femine looks, people are either assuming that means he’s a crossdresser or that he wants to be a girl.