Hentai poker extra characters

Hi, they should be in the disc, in the Extras folder. It’s possible you got one of the old discs that didn’t have the files pressed in there, so if so please email me at peterpayne, domain name gmail.com and I’ll send you the download code for the extra girls.

Hi, Peter,

I’ve already send a message to you about this game and more some another questions.


Not to sound silly here but I did ask about this problem at least 7 months ago and I had the same problem with the disc label saying that they should be there and the disc itself not showing the folder but I got no response on now I could obtain the extra files although getting a proper internet connection, going through some things over the past few months that have been out of my control and now some major problems with my computer which has had to be put on high priority had stopped me from getting this sorted out (and will probably take even longer since I’m still working on getting my computer sorted out)

oops, sorry for missing you post if that was the case. you should also contact peter regarding the issue then

I did so about 48 hours ago and I haven’t gotten anything back which could mean that I’ve either sent it to the wrong address (not likely since I haven’t gotten any delivery failed messages back yet) or yahoo mail is being a complete pig and is blocking everything coming in from gmail without my say so (and believe me they’ve done this once before already with another sites e-mails)

then you should try using another email address besides yahoo

Well, I always use “Yahoo! Mail” and I marked them as my friends and I added them in the “Friends List” or “White List” to receive their messages, from “JAST USA”, PP (“Peach Princess” & Peter Payne) and “J-List”.

If you can’t see their messages, I guess you have to check in your “Bulk Messages” Folder from “Yahoo! Mail”, OK?

Are you using the Webmail or POP3?

[ 04-27-2007, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

The look in the bulk folder wouldn’t be of use since I added the sender to my address book after I sent the message so it would go straight into the inbox regardless of if it is classed as spam or not and as I’ve already said yahoo do have a habit of doing a total block on e-mails from certain domains (meaning the messages wouldn’t even get to the inbox let alone the spam box).
I’ve gone and sent it again this time through my hotmail account (which doesn’t seem to do a total block on messages from gmail) and if I don’t get anything from that then I’ll have to use my ISP account (and if that gets nothing back then I’ll have to suspect I’d gotten the e-mail address wrong to begin with)

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 10:42 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

The problem has been solved now since sending a duplicate message through my hotmail account got the required response and from where the reply was sent from I’d have to guess that the original response to my yahoo account must have gotten lost somewhere before it hit my account since all e-mails from jlist go into a certain folder when they are delivered (which means I’ll have to chew yahoo out about this).
So it’s problem solved for this part.