HentaiNeko reviews LITTLE MY MAID

Hey, guys, take a look at Hentai Neko site. They have many good reviews. The last is about LITTLE MY MAID. Check it!


While the Little My Maid review is nice, and they have some good reviews on there, I don’t agree that they have good reviews in general.

They rated True Love a 6/10! >_< And the linear Fairy games got both a 10/10! WTF?!

It’s just wrong…

Yeah, True Love definitely deserves better than a 6/10. I’d give it a 9/10 myself, because it had lots of cute girls, lots of interactions, and requires somewhat of a sense of strategy to get through. Maybe they just like linear games at hentaineko?

Well, i said “many” good reviews, not “all”.

It’s a shame HN didn’t liked TRUE LOVE.

True Love is a great game. The only thing I could think that they would hold against it would be the graphics are dated compared to current games. Imo an unfair standard for any older game. Maybe the reviewer just doesn’t like sim games.

One of the reviewers’ main criticisms was that it’s too long. >_>

Originally posted by Benoit:
One of the reviewers' main criticisms was that it's too long. >_>

I wouldn't have guessed that. Personally, I didn't find it too long. The length of the game, up to a point, would actually add value to the game imo.

I’m still in the middle of LMM and on balance I like it, though I’m still comparing every ecchi game I play to Tokimeki Check-In! which in my book is miles above everything I’ve played since.

The Love/Trust/Stamina things are a very cool element that adds a level of challenge that’s missing from most; the fact that the only way you can succeed at maxing them out is by treating the girls the way you’d treat real women if you wanted to build their love and trust and…not overtax their stamina. The programmers deserve serious kudos for making that mechanism so seamlessly true-to-life. It reminds me of Douglas Adams’ “Spookitalk” language parser in the PC game “Starship Titanic,” which allows you to carry on conversations in your own words with characters in the game. In both cases the responses are so realistic you can almost swear you’re dealing with real people. Great, great job of game design and programming.

The only negative I can give LMM is minor - I thought the music tended to be a bit bland, like elevator music or what you’d hear in the waiting room at the dentist’s, and there are so few they get repetitious and annoying very quickly. They could easily have doubled the quantity, and I could come up with livelier background tunes without much trouble.

Another thing that was annoying and seemed like laziness by the programmers is that the ecchi scenes repeat too readily. What I mean is that if you follow two completely different paths into the sack with the same character, the sex scene is identical right down to the dialog. That’s not unique to this game, but others have different scenes with the same girl. Or maybe I just haven’t played it enough to get the variations? But judging from the blank spaces in the CG galleries, this game is a little sparse with the number of ecchi scenes per girl.

But again, on balance it’s very good, and as others have said both the graphics and voice acting are excellent. The V-Mate thing didn’t even bother me even though I’m a privacy freak - any potential political career is toast though…

I’ve got a small backlog of games I need to play through (time continues to be a rare commodity,) but I’m still looking forward to new titles, hopefully with some storylines that break the usual formulas and have a little more complexity.

“In the absence of evidence to the contrary, always assume you have the upper hand.” - Ronnie Montrose

[This message has been edited by Gromit (edited 09-09-2005).]

Originally posted by Gromit:
hopefully with some storylines that break the usual formulas and have a little more complexity.

In that case, you ought to look forward to Doushin!

Originally posted by Unicorn:
In that case, you ought to look forward to Doushin!

Cool! Thanks for the tip. There are a few that have been released since I last ordered, and most seem like retreads of heavily-trodden ground.

Originally posted by Gromit:
I'm still in the middle of LMM and on balance I like it, though I'm still comparing every ecchi game I play to Tokimeki Check-In! which in my book is miles above everything I've played since.


But again, on balance it's very good, and as others have said both the graphics and voice acting are excellent. The V-Mate thing didn't even bother me even though I'm a privacy freak - any potential political career is toast though...

Huuuhhh... What LMM you're talking about, Let's Meow Meow or Little My Maid? (^^') Because Little My Maid is not a VirtuaMate-Protected game. At least in my copy there's no VM-protection.


By the way, back to others reviews, i found very good the Gibo-Stepmother review, 'cause the comparison with the anime version. What do you guys think?

Well, that True Love review was ages old and at that time I had already been exposed to RPGs like Knights of Xentar (games which I prefer), and I didn’t find True Love as enjoyable as Knights of Xentar back then. Of course, I would realize later on that True Love is SHORT…after I played Divi-Dead. @@ I use True Love images now at the website because I kinda like the art.

Benoit, Fairy Nights wasn’t written by me. Although I noticed, that you and one my favorite reviewers, Interzone, have generally the same taste.

Still, it’s an opinion.

If you want to write an alternate review in defense of True Love, which I encourage (multiple opinions count a lot), you may want to send me one. If you notice, many of the titles there have multiple reviewers. (Usually because some people want to defend their choices and that’s always good.) Good reviews, no matter how positive or negative they think titles are, are always welcome.

Peter G., thanks for your nice words, and it’s pretty understandable that we may not have the same opinions. Heck, I don’t agree with Somethingawful, but I find their reviews downright hilarious (meaning, I find them good despite our contrasting opinions). It happens. ^^

Peace out. ^^

http://www.otakufridge.com - Anime & Video Games
http://www.hentaineko.com - Anime & Video Games…Hentai Version ^

[This message has been edited by Hentai Neko (edited 09-11-2005).]

Don’t get me wrong, I very much appreciate all the attention you devote to the games, and I’m sure it brings more people to the genre, so I commend you for all the hard work you do.

Oh, and good to see you posting around these parts!

Originally posted by Billybob:
Don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate all the attention you devote to the games, and I'm sure it brings more people to the genre, so I commend you for all the hard work you do.

Oh, and good to see you posting around these parts!

I actually had a Peach Princess BBS account back in 2001 but I lost that. @_@ If Rowena had not told me about this particular thread, I would've not have returned. Haha!

Don't worry, I love reading feedback whether it's good or bad. We can't please everybody (it's an opinion site after all, and we all visit the sites that match our taste, ne?), which is why I always encourage other people to submit reviews that would counter mine on the website. Like my negative review for End of Summer...Michael Thomas wrote a counter review at Hentai Neko in defense of it.

Incidentally, my review of "Figures of Happiness" (coming up Sunday next week) is positive. Someone actually already reviewed it at my site but I didn't post it just yet, so that my own review would come with it. The funny thing is, we both wrote glowing reviews of it. @_@ I wonder if someone would actually submit a negative write-up of it at my site...

http://www.otakufridge.com - Anime & Video Games
http://www.hentaineko.com - Anime & Video Games...Hentai Version ^_-

True Love is still one of my most favorite games to date. I wish more games like that would be released in English.

Originally posted by rowena:
True Love is still one of my most favorite games to date. I wish more games like that would be released in English.

In fairness, though, lots of the newer games released by PeaPri have improved through the years. I never actually saw myself as a bishoujo game fan until fairly recently.

And yup, compared to many of the games that G-Collections released, I think True Love has more substance.

Originally posted by Hentai Neko:
And yup, compared to many of the games that G-Collections released, I think True Love has more substance.

You shoulda seen what never got released, or couldn't. *sobs*

Oh, and hiyas Hentai Neko. Love the site, even if I like a lot of things you don't, heh...
(Care to conduct interviews before my memory of things fade?)

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
Oh, and hiyas Hentai Neko. Love the site, even if I like a lot of things you don't, heh...

That's ok. I love yaoi. I bet you don't, but I hope you don't hate me for loving something you don't. Hahaha! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
(Care to conduct interviews before my memory of things fade?)

Interviews? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/confused.gif[/img]

http://www.otakufridge.com - Anime & Video Games
http://www.hentaineko.com - Anime & Video Games...Hentai Version ^_-

[This message has been edited by Hentai Neko (edited 09-11-2005).]

Originally posted by Hentai Neko:
Interviews? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/confused.gif[/img]

LOL. Right, forgot you haven't been around here for awhile.


I worked at G-Collections for about 8 months, before things kinda went foom.

Originally posted by Vaga42Bond:
LOL. Right, forgot you haven't been around here for awhile.


I worked at G-Collections for about 8 months, before things kinda went foom.

Wow! I could definitely relate with you. I used to work at a gaming company also. Same line of work: proofreading/localizing dialogues as well as bug testing (and sometimes "image model"). Now I'm working part-time at a local animation studio, while still doing scripts for my former employers.

It's a shame about G-Collections. I liked the first one I played (Kango Shicyauzo), but then everything else after that became like a rehash of Kango. I loved Chain and Figures of Happines. I'd love to ask more questions, but I'll read the thread thoroughly first. Hehe.

http://www.otakufridge.com - Anime & Video Games
http://www.hentaineko.com - Anime & Video Games...Hentai Version =^.^=