Heyyy! Guys! does anyone hear me...?

Hehe, well, I just wanted to ask why there in the last days have been so few posts? Have we run out of topics to discuss? Or is everyone just holed up in their “hideouts” and busy playing Kana and the other G-collections games?

Heh, don’t worry about that, I’m still spending quite a few hours with Morrowind . But I’d at present rather play Kana… Oh, great, if EVERYONE here is NWN fans, then the boards will be quite sillent for many, many days to come…

I am sorry that I was still busy playing two games: Kango Shicyauzo and Kana.

I got all endings of Kango Shicyzuzo.

I still busy tried to find all endings of Kana (I got only three endings: 2, 4, and 5)

I was wondering the same thing too…why is this place so damn quiet lately. I don’t play US games so I am not playing any games right now.

It’s a conspiracy! …or part of a certain person’s evil plans!

Originally posted by Zorian:
It's a conspiracy! ...or part of a certain person's evil plans!

My job keeps me too busy for any evil plans.

Heh. Sorry about that, but I’m still getting used to my job. It’s my first real job, which means the schedule is a lot more regular than anything I’ve really encountered before.

i’m still recovering from my trip to canada and trying to get all the threads of my life woven back together in some semblance of order…also, i finally caved and started playing everquest, so that is taking up some of my time, not to mention that i have Tsugunai for the PS2 and still playing Morrowind while lusting after Neverwinter Nights and Transfer Student…i’m working on putting together money for Kana, which will steal even MORe of my time…i was going to get kango, but i thought it was more of a simulation, which it isn’t, and kana just sounds like an incredible story, so that is my first choice

I’ve been reading, just haven’t had much to say. Finished Kango the first night, and have to give Kana a break. Too sad. Eagerly awaiting any new game by PeaPri, and waiting for Comic-con.

Originally posted by Nobody:
I usually lurk, or get swept away by the flood that is my life, so I am trying to take up as much slack as possible. Maybe I scared everyone away. I guess I better shut up so that they'll all come back. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Shame on you! Kneel five times before the statue of Our goddess and ask for Her forgivness [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:
BTW is just me or is it normal to have manga
and anime out of stock? Of the titles I have ordered I have only got about 1/3 of the stuff.
I am still waiting for some stuf since May?

It depends on the company, and depends on how popular and how niche the stuff you are ordering...but if you order from me it's pretty much guarantee that I will never run out of stock, since nobody buys from me in the first place.

btw, speaking of ordering, I tried to emailed you but your jetnet thing has been bouncing mails back to me for past few days...

I just have nothing to say…

I don’t think, I have posted less than usual.

Of cause, I take posting breaks at weekends, but that cannot be the thing, you meant, because you opened this thread at saturday, so the break did not really take some effect.

Oh, by the way, how did you sisters like Emani (the maid-like-girl-gif, I posted on that other thread)?

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Sorry. I've been a traitor. Neverwinter Nights has taken up most of my free time. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] I haven't even passed Kango with all the endings yet. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Yeah, me too, I'm at the Epilogue to Chapter 1 right now. It's a great game if you're into D&D third Edition. Lot's of character choices. Playing an Elf Ranger.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Shame on you! Kneel five times before the statue of Our goddess and ask for Her forgivness [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

To that, I'll reply with three names. Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo.
So you won't see me doing it, either.

Originally posted by Doug:
To that, I'll reply with three names. Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo.


I’ve been lazy past days… That and I’ve been playing “ONE”… :slight_smile:

Originally posted by woodelf:
Get back to B-games or the [b]Bounce Goddess
will make her demands heard!
Errr, Beholder-san, "ONE" is a ren'ai bishoujo game... ^^;;;;

Eh? Olf, it was Woody who said that, not me!

(sorry for the “pun”, Woodelf…)

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Or someone can DM and we can all play together. LOL [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Man, that would be one royally screwed up campaign.