Hi new here

First of all, welcome :slight_smile:

My advices for ren’ai games would be Snow Sakura, Heart de Roommate and Da Capo (this last one is from Mangagamer). These are the ones that I know and have played, and out of the three, I’d definitely recommend Snow Sakura and Da Capo.

… If you like snow drop you’ll probably like everything else lol :smiley:

As usual, I will recommend Yume Miru Kusuri, Snow Sakura, Crescendo and Kana Little Sister. This is the best 4.
There are a lot of thread like this one so you can see what we usualy recommend.

If you only have played Snow Drop you could also first try Come see me tonight 2. I liked this game even if it’s far beyond the 4 other games I suggested.
The problem is that after playing the best games it will be difficult to play the other. So my best advise is to NOT play all the best ones in the beginning.

hi and welcome to the boards

i would recommend the following for renai games (in no particular order):

  • crescendo
  • figures of happiness
  • heart de roommate
  • snow sakura

Most titles have already been given, so…

I have no idea what Snow Drop is like, but why not try out Brass Restoration? It doesn’t contain any sex, but it’s free and pretty good.

If you like lighthearted and funny games, Heart de Roommate is a good start.

While I am pretty much in complete agreement with you le nuage, I can’t help but wonder why you only mentioned Come See Me Tonight 2. While CSMT2 is a good game (thought not outstanding), I think I liked the original Come See Me Tonight better.

If you want a pure renai game, that’s similar to Snow Drop I’d recommend Snow Sakura (and I’d second Lancer-X’s recommendation of Brass Restoration). Crescendo, Kana Little Sister and Yume Miru Kusuri would be my general recommendations, but none of them are really renai games in the sense that Snow Drop and Snow Sakura are - some paths of Crescendo are renai stories but others focus more on darker issues, and both Kana and Yume Miru Kusuri are stories that deal with serious themes that happen to have romantic relationships in them.

Hourglass of Summer is very good. For pure ren’ai (and with H or no H not being an issue), I’d actually recommend it over the games mentioned so far. In fact, I just lent my copy to someone that showed an interest in the genre. It’s a great time travel drama…my only gripe with it is that the Anime Play password/save system is rather inconvenient.

It may be a very good game but the stupid DVD format (no need to install the game, LOL) is a pain in the ass. I actually came to a bad end and I can’t image playing it again without the possibility of skipping the text… so I’ll probably never return to it…

I had like 50 passwords saved, one for each decision point, and I think I only played through 1.5 paths. I did hit bad endings a few times, but I don’t remember having to sit through a lot of repeat text.

In fact I don’t have csmt1… yet.
And I still have to buy Da Capo.


Most of the other posters have recommeded the same games that I would have, but you might also consider “Let’s Meow Meow” and “Bazookz Cafe.” The latter game might not seem so appealing if you’re not into ookii oppai (I’m not), but it’s still a lot of fun. You know, one of the value-added feature of this hobby is this bbs. I think you’ll find it entertaining and informative. But don’t fall into the trap of spending more time reading the posts than playing the games–like me.

i liked “Snowdrop,” too.

I havent played snowdrop as of yet. I can however, recommend Snow Sakura and Crescendo. These are nice games and you’ll prolly enjoy them.