Hi there everyone!

Hi and welcome to the board. I haven’t played Tokimeki Checkin myself yet, but I keep meaning to pick it up. The problem is that every time I turn around something else drains my wallet. It doesn’t help that I import B-Games, PS2 Games, and Saturn games from Japan. Speaking of which, a remake of Langrisser III was announced today. Thats another one I need to save for. Hopefully it will actually come out in the English speaking world this time…

LOL Langrisser coming out in the US. Unless Working Designs picks it up it has a chance of hmmmm. At BEST.

The first Langrisser came out over here and at best it bombed at worst it was a complete failure.

A Langrisser title coming out in English? It’ll never happen. They tried with the first, named Warsong when it was ported to the English language. They did a bad localization job on it, and it had bad sales.


Welcome to the board, LightofEden!

Actually Working Designs wanted to bring Langrisser IV and V out in English, however they said that it was simply “Too late.” Granted I’ll be importing it either way :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and in regards to Tokimeki Checkin. I’ve heard lots of good things about it, and it seems to be universally liked here, but is it “really” good? I import a lot now, so I’m wondering if a Crowd game is really worth it

[This message has been edited by SuperDeadite (edited 06-25-2005).]

It’s never too late. And with their fanbase they can sell it.

It’s their release schedule that needs work. Coming next four months translates to it’s a miracle if it comes out this year!

Working Designs modifies the script. At least they did so with the Lunar games. No good.