High School - Best or Worst time of your life?

There’s a saying I once heard: High School was either the Best or Worst time of your life.

I think it’s a bit figurative, all things considered, but seems hold true for most people.

So what of it. Was High School a time you remember as being one of your “glory days”… or was it a time you loathed for not being with the in crowd (or being picked on by them)?

As for me? I was a bit of a nerd, and picked on for not accepting my “social status” and staying quiet about it, so High School wasn’t so grand for me. I certainly wasn’t popular with the hot twin sisters. :wink: On the bright side, I took my first lessons in Japanese during high school (had a 4 year course), and the NJROTC program gave me a start in the military, so I can’t say it was the worst.

On sites like these I’ve generally seen voters saying it was terrible or the worst time for them and I’ve never understood it. My friends growing up as a kid became the cool kids later in high school and I definitely wasn’t cool, but they had the manners to not forget about me just because I couldn’t afford the latest trends or had the time to hang out with them. They were still nice to me despite the fact that I was friends with the less than cool group while not geeky [see: people who liked Counter-Strike]. It was just normal: the club, gaming with people I knew, eating lunch at local restaurants instead of the cafeteria, and the school trips.

I actually began to not like anime because of the anime fans of high school. They were always so obnoxious. The ones that always carried Japanese language books always talked like they were an elitist, so I don’t feel bad for the ones I know that were shunned. Thinking back on it, that fat bastard is the only jackass I met in high school. High school almost closed the door on bishoujo games for me because I naturally disliked anime because of the obsessed people from back then. I usually feel anime is the stepping stone to bishoujo games for people, but maybe I am misunderstanding.

Weighing all the good with the bad I can confidently say it was the best time of my life. I still tell friends that. Everything was just so funny back then. The people that knew me from back then have said that they could still hear my laughter whenever I type anything like, “hahahahahaHAHHAHAHahahAHAHAHAHAHAhAHahahhaha.” Maybe, I was obnoxious, but everyone laughed with me too, so… I am a little embarrassed about what made those days so funny, but I can share stories if others are up to sharing some as well. I LOVED HS!!!

Man, high school was definitely the best time in my life. I was a nerd, but at my school, it wasn’t a bad thing to be smart, so those of us who were smart and weird were left alone rather than harassed. So I stuck with my group of friends and they were awesome, awesome people. We almost never had a dull moment. Thinking back on high school, I enjoyed it at the time, but I really had no idea how good I had it. I got to see my friends every day instead of once every couple months. I didn’t have to worry about losing my job or paying for health insurance. It still seemed plausible that one day, girls might stop ignoring my existence. Heck, I even had a girlfriend senior year, for the first and last time in my life. Honestly, I would give my left nut to be back in high school again.

Hmmm, a tough question to answer. I was only truly part of the high school experience for three years, partially was involved the first half of the fourth year, and completely apart from it the second half of the fourth year. It is quite complicated to explain, but the turbulence is mostly due to this being the height of my psychological problems. Bright points from this time include band (especially marching band), a semester of computer programming (C++), two semesters of photography (positive for the most part), and having a girlfriend (even if it was an extremely rocky on and off relationship that was sort of long distance for the majority of those years). Low points include never completely feeling like I was part of any group, having extremely poor grades despite my extremely high test scores (because I refused to do the paperwork), the embarrassment of repeating classes my third year, and being called in to the office on multiple occasions because I often just skipped classes. To give you an idea of just how disparate my grades were to my test scores, I only had enough credits to be considered a sophomore my third year, yet a great majority of the assessment tests placed me in the 99th percentile. I never took any form of the SAT or ACT, so I can’t give you scores for that, but I did take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Most of my scores were in the 90s I think, and my lowest was 76 if I recall correctly. (Sorry I can’t be more specific, it has been some time since I last looked at my results.) All in all, I suppose it was a mixed bag.

I agree with everything in this post besides that last sentence and the fact that I felt most people were friendly to everyone. The loners made themselves loners and it couldn’t be helped imo, not that others ignored them at my old high school. When I was in HS, it was a good thing to be smart. The pretty girls would want to group with you and all and I didn’t really feel like a nerd. That was only for labs anyways, I was more like Kimuzukashii MEIJI as I did well in tests, but every now and then I just didn’t do the homework because I was too busy playing games. I still ended with B’s, so it was fine.

I wouldn’t want to go back, but I do like how peaceful those days were.

High school was a mixed bag for me. It certainly wasn’t the worst time of my life - grade and middle schools held those distinctions - but neither was it the best. I discovered Theatre in high school and became a major figure in the drama club, which helped me build some self confidence and pull myself out of the shell I lived in prior to that. The club introduced me to some incredible experiences and people who were nearly as asocial as myself. Though halfway through the old guard all graduated and the people left didn’t like me - so my last couple years I was the outcast among even the outcasts.

Still, because I was more confident the kids who had tormented me all through my previous school years tended to lay off some and I don’t think I was beat up in the bathroom by a mob of kids just for being different even once in high school. (can’t say the same for the earlier years) But, because I was with the same kids all my school life they also made sure to ambush any chance I might have ever had at making friends of the new kids … invariably by the time a new student met me they had already been told that I was persona non grata and liking me would put you in the permanent “uncool” book.

My teachers widely disliked me for the simple fact that most of them wanted to be seen as “cool” by the student body. Oddly, though, the football and weight coach did like me because he fancied himself a theatrical person and I was the only other drama club member in his English class. (yeah, our football coach also taught english … I expect every stereotype you can imagine about those classes was true) Also, the art instructor liked me because I was creative. (my “polar bear lost in snow” piece and my architectural piece “house smashed by rock” both netted me A’s in that class) (note: “polar bear in snow” had yet to show up in common humor at the time, so back then it was somewhat original) I always thought it amazing how I could be doing A work in a class and still get a C as my final grade … back then challenging grades wasn’t something that happened in my school.

So, a little good, a little bad … I certainly would never go back.

To me, like all bygone days, highschool was just another past moment of my life, about which I never think back, nor compare to my present life. Was it better? Was it worse? Who knows? Who cares? They’re in the past and I don’t really recall, nor care anyway, to think about them as something other than “another past moment of my life.”

Welle mixed bag for me.
I get to know some fun friend, got to party hard and had fun but, because of some circumstance, i flunked my Junior High, and because of that i only could be admited in bad reputation High School… (France is not a peacefull country at all if you live in some big city Suburb and evern worse if it’s Paris Suburb… And i lived near bad ghetto where drug and weapon deal were common…And so the gang and territory war too).
So i ran into some problem.(Well i searched them too in fact…)…

But overall, i regret those time, didn’t have bill and such to pay and all the responsability that an adult have… And i had more time since i often skipped school (i remember skipping school for two weeks after the release of FFVII :mrgreen: )

High school was a hell of a lot better than junior high. That was probably the worst time of my life. But it wasn’t the best. I have far more freedom now…

yeah, high school was a rest cure after jr. high.
HS was a mixed bag for me. I had some good friends who shared my interest in SF–we were nerds, I guess, but there was no such term back then. I suppose there were some “cool” kids around, but if there were, they pretty much ignored us and we ingored them. On the other hand, I failed math and could never got laid. These were both pretty traumatic experiences for me.

Not too bad, really. I was a fat awkward nerd, but nobody ever really treated me bad. My two best times were my first semester as a freshman when I had a nice high GPA, got all my work done quick and was able to fuck around the rest of the time. The second was when I had shit grades 3rd quarter of my senior year, and I kicked my own ass and got all A’s in 4th quarter. Never went to college, opted for military instead, now I’m done with them and I’m just a meager laborer eeking out a modest living.

high school wasn’t too bad for me
i hated most of my teachers and the assholes but i didn’t hate it too bad

HS was mixed. It was better than jr. high as a I was picked on a lot in jr.high, but the guys (though not so much girls) who did so mellowed out. I got along well with my teachers and the VP. However, I was really about the only Goth in my entire school, was about the only one interested in anime, was into computers before most people knew what they were, etc.

I would say I was also in the Chess Club, but our chess club actually had several of the “cool” guys in because they liked the teacher and they liked the intellectual challenge you get from playing chess.

Mine was good for the most part. Let me see …

  1. Environment is perhaps the single most important thing: You can generally forget about doing well in school, if you are getting bullied. I had problems with bullies during my first half of junior high school years, then I transferred to a different school which was located in a much better neighborhood. Huge difference.

  2. Class size is also important: Major plus if you can get into advanced classes, because they typically have smaller class size which translates into better relations with the teachers and the classmates.

  3. Another reason my early junior high school years was bad has to do with my poor command of English. To make things more difficult, just about half of the students spoke Spanish and I felt even more helpless.

Not the best time of my life but, was definitely a good time.

I remember reading Love Hina mangas I bought back then during lunch breaks played chess I tried the tourney scene but was too much for me and I found out that I prefer playing chess casually. Don’t really care about going after for the kill i’m more of in it for a brawl.

No anime club or whatsoever.

But i did see several students reading manga. Chobits and whatever. I played v.games with my friends and flirted with girls and played over etc was pretty much ordinary. Slice of life stuff, nothing exciting but nothing terrible was fun.

Got on honor roll without really trying, I think the students was slacking off.

Hung out with some cheerleader chicks. Was a good time but not better than what I have now.