High School Drama!

And odd review… but one that suits this site. As such, I don’t feel that it should be in the “Off-Topic” section - but it just doesn’t fit anywhere else. :slight_smile:

But… umm… I think I’ve written enough (although the entire match was tape recorded so I could write this review), and you should now have an idea of how this game works.

So if you like how it sounds, go forth and check it out. Makes a great party game for anyone who has the patience to learn the easy to follow rules. :slight_smile:

As for continuing how my match went… well… I’m not sure if you’d wanna be bored any further with the tale. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 08-03-2007, 03:06 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

How’d you hear of this?

The game itself? I saw a group of people playing it at a hobby shop at the local mall. The store owner has a small shelf filled with titles that have been listed on the GPA (http://www.thegpa.org) I think he’s an active member of the group or was once a member.

Admittedly had I not been there on that day, I would have never noticed… because I never paid that section any mind for years. Now I take a gander each time I visit, to ensure I never miss such gems again. :slight_smile:

He carries a single box of this game once every month or so… but I don’t know who his main distributor is - and it seems to sell out with a few days after getting it. Since the store is family owned, and there’s limited shelf room, he doesn’t horde dozens at once.

It appears parts of my OP was cut off in the old forum transfer. :frowning:

Long story short, High School Drama was a card game about High School… err… Drama. I liked it a lot all things considered. A few months after making the OP, Shifting Skies Games went out of business (it was an indy game)… quite sad really.

Well 'lo and behold, just a few weeks ago Catalyst Game Labs released this teaser advertising… so it looks like a good game is about to get better. :slight_smile:

On a side note: Pimp the Backhanding is a card game about being a pimp and peddling hoes. :stuck_out_tongue:

You ever play the card game, “Gloom”? I was going to give it a quick description, but I find the blurb on the site works well:

I have played it a number of times and always enjoyed it - a good part of the fun coming from your descriptions of the tragedies as they befall your family; working them into a grim and miserable story of woe.

Thanks for pointing it out… this looks like serious fun.

checks out info on gaming sites

Oh… wait… what’s this I see…

That’s it. Ordering it now. :stuck_out_tongue: