High School of the Dead

Does anyone know why the manga High School of the Dead was put on hold?

Was there a fallout between the author and illustrator? Lack of ratings? Infringement lawsuit? Publisher problems?

Drives me crazy the story just stops with absolutely no resolution and it was just getting good. :frowning:

Could be alot of things and I havenā€™t heard anything. Only thing I know for sure is the artist has been working on another series for the same publisher.
I am starting to think itā€™s fallout between the author and illustrator or the author just ran out of ideaā€™s. At this point nothing would surprise me.

Good News. Itā€™s coming back. 8)

Jeez Narg shoulda figured youā€™d get to this before me, but yeah, Iā€™m psyched.

http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/20 ā€¦ -green-lit

Looks awesome, canā€™t wait to check it out.

They never did reveal what exactly caused the stopā€¦ I guess it will leak out eventually.

However Iā€™m just happy to get my zombie invasion + showing off firearms + fan service going againā€¦ especially since my [url=http://www.jastusa.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=6490&p=97726]yandere servings are about to come to an end[/url].

New issue of HSotD is badass: the military has finally started getting itā€™s shit together, and saving survivors as they find them.

Anime to be released in July:


No so keen on the anime, since the manga is clearly not finished. Anime based on unfinished manga, tend to suck IMHOā€¦ but for this series, Iā€™ll offer a benefit of the doubt.

Thanks to the transcript link in the AX thread, and me having nothing to do today except to read itā€¦ Geneon IS bringing High School of the Dead stateside, though they were being close-mouthed about whoā€™s distributing it.

So even if itā€™s only a 12 episode series that doesnā€™t have a true ending, Iā€™m giving it the benefit of the doubtā€¦ just because the manga is so ridiculously awesome, I HAVE to support it.

anime network website is streaming it for at least paying members but there are stream rippers

I saw the first episode of it at anime club. Honestlyā€¦it seemed kind of silly. Maybe it was the lack of character development before the zombie invasionā€¦just kind of threw you right into a bloodbath. The shameless fanservice takes away from the seriousness as well. I think Elfen Lied did a much better job creating atmosphere and a real sense of horror. Ironically, a friend of mine loves this show but canā€™t stand Elfen Liedā€¦

The manga has: zombies, gratuitous violence, and fan service.

The anime has: zombies, gratuitous violence, and fan service.

Iā€™m sold. :stuck_out_tongue:

All they need is having the girls fornicate with an assault rifleā€¦ actually I think thatā€™s next episode. :wink:

I just watched it to Episode 3 and it gets better. There is still some degree of fan service, but I think most new anime have an overabundance of it before they get their legs under them. (the first season of Girlā€™s High was bursting with fan service, but mellowed out later on) Otherwise I find they have many very good visuals, do manage to create some tense and creepy moments, provide some good atmosphere framing shots and seem to be going in the right direction.

I agree though, that leaping right into these characters were you do - knowing nothing about them prior to the rise - takes a bit to get used to. I had a difficult time getting into the manga because of that, but I imagine the characters will be given plenty of time to evolve during the course of the rise and their fight for survival.

Which episode was that in? Because, you know, I was heading to the book store tomorrow ā€¦

Iā€™ve read the manga and that has not yet happened. However give it a few more episodes and a bath scene, a hadaka apron scene, an attempted rape scene, and a bus filled orgy will all occur if the anime follows the path of the manga.

I will say this though the fanservice aspect of the show is ridiculous at times. I believe the anime may have more ecchi than the mangaā€¦although that is to be determined with the aforementioned incidents above.

The show isnā€™t bad. In fact Iā€™d go as far as to say it is great fun. The censorship is annoying (almost positive each episode has had some of the more graphic violent scenes blackened (could be wrong though).

This is the first real zombie anime to be released and for a first run I think it is doing a great job so far. The fact that we know nothing about the characters going into the show has its own appeal. We do not know what they are capable of of nor do we know if they will put their life before another. It helps the series rather than hinders it. The mangaka once commented that he wished to make a series where innate human nature was put to the test. Will they give into their primordial selves or will they manage to survive and possibly find out what is behind this end of the world.

I will admit the fanservice is distracting from the overall story and is really unneeded. However I can live with it. Besides canā€™t wait to see the samurai chick in a nearly nude apron (they better not censor/cut it!)

Whatā€™s also good about this series though is that anyone and everyone could die. I hope the series is popular enough for an eventual sequel because it is quite obvious that the series will not end by the end of the first 12 episodes alone.

I have to agree with you here. The second and third episodes were better than the first. Iā€™ve upgraded the show to ā€œdecentā€. Itā€™s not Elfen Lied, but itā€™s entertaining at least.