Hirameki International Games

Speaking of edited games and Hirameki International in other threads, has anyone noticed that Tea Society of A Witch is no longer listed as an upcoming game on their website?

In one of the recent Newtype magazines Tea Society of A Witch was listed with Day of Love and Amusement Park making it at least appear as if Tea Society of A Witch had already been released, it has not has it since the last games for release listed are the ones that came on February 17th?

If it has not been released, has anyone else noticed that it is no longer listed on the Hirameki site for release this summer? Has the game been dumped does anyone know?

That was one edited or not that I was sort of looking forward too being released. Yet now it is not being released is it? There was also one other that was dumped before the release of the two games back in February. Does anyone remember that the title of that other game?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-07-2004).]

i hope it hasnt been cancelled…
it looked pretty cute

time to email them i guess
not like they respond tho…

They’re still translating it. I feel fairly confident in saying this because I saw their booth at ACen this year (the con) and they had a poster for the game.

Okay when I was at their site it was not there and the links to it did not work, so I thought it might have been taken off the list.

I personally think it’s cancelled. Hirameki pulled this stunt before, announcing 17 games and cancelling all but 4 of them. It makes me wonder whether licensing a bishoujo game is relatively cheap compared to anime – if not, then Hirameki took a huge financial hit when they cancelled all of their acquisitions.

Ugh. I can’t believe they cancelled Majyo No Otya Kai. It was the only game from Hirameki I was looking forward to; I had put some money aside just for it. Oh well … I heard some decent things about Hourglass of Summer, but I’ll wait for a review first.

.: GipFace :.

"Tea Society of A Witch "? Man…talk about bad translations…

Originally posted by Ex-S Woo:
"Tea Society of A Witch "? Man...talk about bad translations...

What is a better translation?

Yes they had other games announced and pulled I think two or three but one that they left was Tea Society of A Witch to use their title. Unless they are worse off as was thought with no updates at all for a while on their site why the sudden removal from the website.

I know it has been said that they had it at their booth at a recent convention, but no other news one way or another floating out there?

Whoever translated the title probably doesn’t have a full grasp of Japanese and just made a literal translated of the term “ochakai”.

“A Witch’s Tea Party” is a more correct translation.

just so you know…exs-woo is one of our peapri translators, and I personally often ask him for japanese help, and he passed the level1 (the top one) japanese proficiency test, so dont mess with him :stuck_out_tongue:

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 06-08-2004).]

You passed the level 1? Way go to! I thought I was pretty cool for passing the level 4 last year. I’ll be taking th level three this December. Will anyone else be taking the JLPT in Chicago this year? Most of you are probably in California, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Maybe I’ll see one of you guys there.

Who gives these tests? A testing company in general are particular companies or agencies?

Ah okay, A Witch’s Tea Party then, thank you for the better translation. Though you know I think they might have gone with Tea Society of a Witch because it sounds, to me, more poetic in a way, ah well, so long as they still release the game.

I have no idea but I think the tests are controlled by either the japanese government or some accredited organizations like TOFEL for english tests. If you want to get into an university in Japan as a visa student, you’d better pass level1 of the test.

This test is widely known and accepted ande used by many companies and organizations as a benchmark to determine your japanese language skills. This applies especially to translation jobs. At peapri we would want our translators to be at least level2 or higher.

I just asked a girl at school who just passed level3 of that test, it’s controlled by the japanese govt. She said there is another one that is by a private organization like TOFEL, but she said that one is more expensive and obviously the one by the japanese govt is more widely accepted and is good for life.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 06-09-2004).]

Heh, go with the chearper, more accepted one then

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
That's what I was thinking. Sort of like what happened with several of the Ghibli movie titles. But I'm probably just thinking too much. >_<

Actually I agree with the other titles probably being that way too, because personally to me, always go with the more poetic ones if you can and still be within the realm of "correctnes". Besides correct or not A Witch's Tea Party reminds me more of the title of a book I read to my 2 year old cousin a few weeks ago.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
I haven't been following discussions here very closely lately since my other two hobbies had my full attention. So fill me in here. Did Hirameki actually cancel the other titles they originally said they were going to put out or did they just delay them indefinitely and haven't said anything about them? I was looking forward to "Sweet Legacy" since I heard that game was funny.

As was I along with Tea Society of a Witch it was one of the two games that first caught my attention on their site. Yet as to their status, no clue, but thought they were cancalled. Remember there were about 7 listed before the release of Amusement Park and Day of Love which suddenly went down to about 4 counting those two aforementioned games, and now the only ones that seem to be left are Hourglass of Summer and perhaps Tea Society of a Witch.

It has been mentioned the latter was seen at a recent convention and they do have it splashed in the most recent or the one before that issue of Newtype but the strange thing is the way they show it is as if it is already released and out there with Amusement Park and Day of Love which are shown in the same advertisement.

That is why this whole thing confuses me, there is evidence to show they will bring it out, evidence to show it is already out, and yet evidence to show it might have been scrapped, delayed or so quietly released and perhaps released under a different name, maybe A Witch's Tea Party which could be why it is not on the list of to be released games. Yet no fanfare, and still only the page showing the games that were released February 17? There is evidence in about every direction you want to look for evidence.

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
I see in the latest AnimPlay magazine they have a one page article for a "Ishika and Honori" game coming out (supposedly) in July 2004. It has twin shaman girls in that game. Ishika and Honori wasn't listed as one of their original DVD game projects. So I'm not sure what that means. ?^_^?

They just updated part of their page but only with news of conventions coming up in July. the links to the games still do not work, unless you search for the game titles through a search engine and light that way, then they still do, yet highlight and hitting 'go' does nothing. So far all they still only show Hourglass of Summer as coming out sometime in Summer 04. So if that is a game they are bringing out in the English market it is news to many I think since it is not on their page.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-10-2004).]

I am even more intrigued after that description, it sounds like the general type of game that I would enjoy. I hope that they do release it here soon are you sure, that it is Hirameki International that will be releasing the game?

June 2004? That’s this month, and so far no notice on Hirameki’s board for such a release. Though rather obviously there is at least seemingly a link between this site and that magazine I missed seeing last time. So I guess it is safe to assume the game is from them.

Still amazed though, if Hourglass of Summer is this month they have had no notice on their own site about it yet, a little worrisome.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 06-10-2004).]

Anyone else hear about the June 2004 release of Hourglass of Summer mentioned above?