Hirameki's AnimePlay PC titles and recent activities

A couple of months ago, Hirameki released Ai Yori Aoshi as the first title of their brand new AnimePlay PC line-up. Problems were reported with the game, but not much discussion has taken place about the game here.

Hirameki has since then also opened a community site, which houses several BBSs, some weblogs, and a survey.

  • Scouring the BBS reveals that Ai Yori Aoshi does contain some decision points, but since the game sticks close to the anime, it doesn’t seem to have much impact.
  • You should make sure to fill out the survey. It asks what you would like when it comes to bishoujo gaming, and related tidbits. After filling out the survey, you’ll get some wallpapers of the game Ever17 as a reward.

Speaking of it, Ever17 has been out since 20 December. Be sure to pick it up if you haven’t already (and have the money ^_^; )! Comments about the game would be appreciated as well.


[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 01-04-2006).]

I have been impressed with the Ever 17 game itself, there appear to be a few hangups with the voice and the text can run dreadfully slow on some settings but the story is really nice and the characters enjoyable.

My understanding is that like Hourglass of Summer, our Ever 17 is actually the port of the DC console version, so if there are any more h-like scenes in other versions, it was not edited here.

they have a nice site setup. i wish they had better boards though

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

I’m with you, DetectiveConan. The BBS is painful to use.


First the AiAo installer problem, NOW THIS?!..

3 words: NOT F*CKING GOOD ENOUGH…ok that’s 4 but still!

That, and the original Ever17 End of Infinity could have been released on dvd, not frigging 4 cd’s.

1995 called, they want their cd’s back damnit!

That, and the original Ever17 End of Infinity could have been released on dvd, not frigging 4 cd's.

1995 called, they want their cd's back damnit!

DVDs weren't used until many years after 1995.
It's good that they released it on CD and not DVD. More people can play it then.

If you don’t have a dvd drive in this day and age…I have nothing to say to you.

Besides, my original comment wasn’t saying that the original PC game was DVD, but if this is indeed based off the PS2 ver most likely, THAT originally was DVD.

Would have been a lot easier to simply release this as one dvd rather than 4 cd’s.

If you don't have a dvd drive in this day and age...I have nothing to say to you.

Yeah, God forbid that people still use old PCs or don't buy a DVD drive when they don't need it, like if they already have a DVD player for their TV.

That’s the kind of attitude that’s stifling the progression of media usage today. DVD’s have already long replaced CD’s as the ‘storage media of choice’. Even now it can be argued that DVD’s replacement is coming along in the form of either HD-DVD or BluRay.

So not even talking music, technology and society in general has clearly moved on. All recent ero games in japan are all released on dvd now if they’re over cd size.

The world doesn’t stand still just coz you refuse to move with the times. Like i said, 1995 called, they want their media back.

The world doesn't stand still just coz you refuse to move with the times.

You try getting by while having no job and living home with your parents, and then we could discuss this.
DVD's have already long replaced CD's as the 'storage media of choice'.

For movies, yes. For games and music, no.
All recent ero games in japan are all released on dvd now if they're over cd size.

Most of the games we get aren't recent.
Like i said, 1995 called, they want their media back.

You still fail to understand how DVDs only -started- taking over once the year was 2001.
That's the kind of attitude that's stifling the progression of media usage today.

Most of today's "progression" isn't progression at all, but cash milking.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 01-14-2006).]

Guys, what are we even arguing about?

Games are moving to DVD. This is already known.

Benoit is happy that this game was not on DVD, as this meant that he could play it.

Since the game IS on CD and not DVD there’s not really anything to argue about, is there?

If Benoit wants to keep up with gaming he will probably eventually need to replace his drive or end up limited in what he can buy. That’s really up to him.

Media acceptance is often shoved along by a bigname title pushing the new standard and demanding that everyone else catch up. A bishoujo game release is sadly never going to be the sort of bigname title that the whole gaming world thinks they need to have to survive, so it’s not going to be what sells DVD-ROM to users.

As for DVD being more standard in movie than in game - actually, that’s where I think the real ripping off is. A lot of video DVDs are sold containing no more content (lengthwise) than the tape, for twice the price. The COST of collecting anime on DVD is way out of my reach. Also, while the picture quality is obviously better on a DVD, dvd players lack the convenience of vcrs for being able to instantly press record and capture something I see on screen that interests me… which I used to do a lot for drawing references. Sad sad me. (Yes, I know I can get a TV capture card and run it through my PC, I’m working on it.)

But he’s got a point that 1995 is the wrong year. I always hate it when people slag off something I’m working on claiming that it looks ‘20 years old’ or ‘like early 90s shareware’ when I can point out just how many more colors and features it has than the time period they’re comparing it to… not that some of them were even ALIVE 20 years ago to know wtf they’re talking about…

(Sigh) Look, just ignore Benoit. I think that he simply can’t afford to upgrade his PC (those laptops can be expensive), and he resents being left behind the times.

Plus, I’m not sure if he understands the difference between a DVD and a DVD-ROM.

Oh, and I don’t know if you realize this, but most video games are released on DVDs. All of the last generation of game consoles used DVD technology, and I’ll bet that the next generation will support the HD-DVD or Blu-ray.

[This message has been edited by kmusky (edited 01-14-2006).]

Just as an interesting side note, a company called Transreality has started releasing the AnimePlay games in Australia. I guess that’s a start, at least, though they take great care to point out that their titles are rated G, or PG at worst, to avoid the ‘hentai’ stigma that most prospective buyers might associate with this sort of game.

Darkling, do they have a website?

I did a small search and found nothing approaching what you described. Sounds interesting though, any “inroads” into the culture is better than nothing I suppose.


I feel the same way - even if it’s just G and PG-rated titles, at least bishoujo games are starting to appear in the ‘mainstream’ Australian marketplace. It’s something.

That’s really good. I have no idea how popular anime is in Australia, but I can only hope they eat this shit up. It’ll benefit everyone.

Thanks Darkling. Interesting site, although I am confused by what they say there. They basically say anything R rated or higher cannot be legally sold, yet the official government site they link with merely says it is restricted with respect to age and has tagging to boot.

If it is a company policy, I understand. If it is government restriction, I feel for anyone wishing to purchase most games from Japan. Either way it will hopefully lead to bigger and better things down under.

I just hope Hirameki can pull in some profit off this, and buy up more liscenses. Even more non-h games would be a pleasent site, to my eyes.

Originally posted by Benoit:
You try getting by while having no job and living home with your parents, and then we could discuss this.

I own my own home, and have a job making $47k a year. And even if i DIDN'T, i have a few friends who ARE unemployed and living at home, and they have DVDROM drives.

So right now, yah, I have nothing else to say to you. I hope all games in future come out on DVDROM just so you cry when you can't play em. I'd have a very good laugh then.

Just as an interesting side note, a company called Transreality has started releasing the AnimePlay games in Australia. I guess that's a start, at least, though they take great care to point out that their titles are rated G, or PG at worst, to avoid the 'hentai' stigma that most prospective buyers might associate with this sort of game.

Woah, SWEET! I live in Au. I've been buying the Hirameki stuff thru peach princess. This should cut down the wait time a bit.

Anyone actually bought from em yet? If anyone have, are they good or bad?

I just hope Hirameki can pull in some profit off this, and buy up more liscenses. Even more non-h games would be a pleasent site, to my eyes.

Likewise. That's why even though with all the problems their first two big releases have, I preordered them nonetheless. They're the first company i know of to have the balls to try and bring over 'big name' titles.

I hope in future we'll see titles like To Heart 2, Comic Party DCE, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Popotan...and hell, Duel Savior Justice. IMO DSJ is one title that would sell in ANY market regardless, coz it's HALF A FIGHTING GAME!

And even if i DIDN'T, i have a few friends who ARE unemployed and living at home, and they have DVDROM drives.

Their parents obviously bought their PCs. I happen to not be spoiled.
I hope all games in future come out on DVDROM just so you cry when you can't play em.

By that time, I'll have a new home PC. :P
And I do have a laptop that I got for school work with a DVD drive (which I did partially fund)...