Hitomi my stepsister

I just wanted to discuss this game now that I’ve finished it.

It was realllly depressing… :slight_smile:

I can’t help but feel really sad for this poor Hitomi.
No matter what you do she will suffer (except if you ga for the one of the Yuki’s ending but only because you never talk to Hitomi).
But god damned it’s only because Takahiro is an asshole… no matter if you go for Hitomi or her mother (is there only what you could call a “good” ending with the stepmother ?.. no…).

Nevertheless, it was a good game.
I’m not really fond of depressing games and it would have been far better without the rape in the toilet, but still…

And the OST is great.

So Hitomi deserves better than Takahiro, Yoko is a psycho and Yuki has my vote (but she should learn one or two things about contraception).

My favorite ending : Yuki/Hitomi’s ending (because you don’t act like a jerk… not too much).
The worst ending : all of them… can’t decide wich one is the worst.

Yeah, Takahiro is a pretty demented guy. I do like his romp with Yuki though. Yuki is really good looking too, so it was nice getting to see her in quite a few different situations. That’s what really drew me to the game, I like the art. I’m not a very big fan of sadistic games, but I managed to get through most of it. I still have one other ending to get, but I have other games I want to finish beforehand.

The art in this game was very nice, and the characters all had something going for them. I think everyone feels bad for Hitomi.

What I really liked about this game was how it played upon my expectations and then threw me a total curveball with some of the darker endings. This was really the first “dark” h-game I played and hadn’t expected the disturbing things that can happen - such as in one of the Yoko endings, or especially the Yoko/Hitomi ending which is, by my estimation, the most disturbing in the game.

I would have liked a nice ending with Hitomi, which didn’t require you doing such terrible things to her first, but that isn’t the kind of game it was. I find myself measuring all dark h-games against this one and most of them come up flat - even Bible Black, though it was interesting until all the sex begins. (sex is one thing, but when you have scene after scene after scene for the last hours of the game it is too much.)

I’m actually purchasing this one soon. I’m not too worried about the dark content though, I’m pretty certain Takahiro has nothing on that sick **** from Virgin Roster.

I’ve reached Yuki’s two endings, and have started down Hitomi’s path, but I probably won’t be coming back to the game for quite a while. This isn’t to do with the dark themes of Hitomi - it’s certainly a much lighter offering than many untranslated demos I’ve played, but for general gameplay reasons.

The art style: I disliked a lot of the art from the game. This is not so much to do with the quality of the art, but more the inconsistencies of the artist between CGs. One reviewer from gamefaqs speculated that multiple artists worked on the project, as the characters often look very different from CG to CG. Although from the game credits this doesn’t seem to be the case, there are some big inconsistencies between the facial structure and eyes in different drawings. Each character sprite only seems to have a single pose as well, although they do switch outfits.

The writing: For me, the script wasn’t particularly good. The attempted moments of humour didn’t come off at all, and I was instead laughing at the general absurdity of some lines/actions the characters take.

The music: 9 tracks isn’t nearly enough for any full-length game, although the quality of the music itself is ok. This lack of choice leads to either very repetitive or wildly inappropriate choices of music for certain scenes (eg most of Yuki’s H-scenes, even the happy couple have sex ones are accompanied by the same dark, foreboding track).

The sex: I haven’t seen a lot of the game so I can’t really judge this aspect of it, but the scenes I did see were universally short. The genitalia are also crudely drawn, although this can’t be blamed on the original artist, as it all looks fine with mosaics on.

If I had to speculate a bit: Hitomi was the first game produced by Mercure, a newly formed branch of CD Bros. They were testing the waters with a relatively low budget offering, to start off a darker-themed brand name. However, both Hitomi and their subsequent game seem to have been poorly received, and Mercure ended up being shut down.

With the above review, I’m not trying to put people off purchasing/playing the game - I’m probably in the minority for disliking it. It just didn’t work for me.

Yeah, the story wasn’t really anything to write home about. It traveled off into weirdville quite a few times, and some of the stuff that happened was just out of place. If that’s something people are attracted to, then by all means, this game is great. I was really sold on it because like I mentioned before, I find the art to be appealing. Luckily it stayed appealing enough for me to get through a majority of the game.

Well, I completed my first run through of the game last night in a few hours. Somehow I ended up with who I wanted the least: Yoko. Who would have thought that being honest would lead to this? It’s almost as if the game punishes you for trying to be good (not taking the panties and admitting that you watched Yoko). The ending wasn’t particularly bad per se for this run through (your father disappears after catching you with Yoko and she has your baby, with Hitomi usually ending up taking care of the baby), but I must agree with le nuage’s assessment that Yoko is a lunatic (and a nympho lunatic at that). One of the things I’m liking about this game so far is the flowchart. However, I think it would be better if instead of being able to access it anytime you want to, it was shown to you at the end of the game.


I grabbed this one on sale… and just played through my first ending Yoko just stabbed Hitomi and I to death O.O.

I have to say, it’s not really my cup of tea, but now that i’ve caught a glimpse of some of the character stories, i’m going to have to try some of the other endings.

There is a third ending for Youko… and it’s the worst one. :x

Playing through again, and have started on what looks to be the longest scenario according to the flowchart. I’m having to take breaks to take a deep breath, step back and tell myself, “It is only a story. Takahiro is a fictional character.” because of how much of a deluded, egotistical, sadistic bastard he is in the story. I’m thinking that as soon as I reach an ending for this scenario, I’m going to install Come See Me Tonight 2 and give it a run through in an attempt to feel a bit better. After that, maybe I can try going through a third time. I can easily see why multiple people have warned me about this title. I’m not saying the game is bad, but for a light sider like me, it’s quite an ordeal to get through this game, or at least this scenario so far. I’m sure I’ll be ranting some more in this topic as I go on…

LOL, I’m a ‘light sider’ too. I remember the first time I played Hitomi, and thinking, “But I don’t want to do those awful things to her”, but being given no choice. I can understand how people might enjoy that kind of thing, but dark games are definitely not my cup of tea.

Mine neither, but i get so caught up in finding out more about the characters that i have to find all the endings :-/

I don’t know that i’m going to like this game.

Lol. I totaly understand you.
I really needed a light game after playing Hitomi.

Pure light siders like us can’t stand a game like Hitomi so I don’t even want to imagine what it would be to play something darker like Tsuki ou virgin roster.

Being neutral is only good when playing games like Hitomi. I see Takahiro doing terrible things, but I really just don’t care. It makes it much easier to get through the game. Too bad it doesn’t make the game any better. Being neutral is bad because I probably don’t enjoy the happy scenarios as much as I could. I just like to see events, I don’t really care if they’re good or bad.

Well, I pretty much spent the day getting through the longest scenario in the game, which is apparently Hitomi. Judging by how the scenario ended (Hitomi and Takahiro actually make love instead of Takahiro raping Hitomi, or sadistically screwing her, and Yoko and Hitomi mend their relationship), I’m guessing I got what would be considered the “good” ending. However, after all that I still kind of feel like I need a really long shower and to burn the clothes I’m wearing because of how Takahiro treated Hitomi for the majority of the scenario. Looking at the ending, I can’t help but find it highly unrealistic, given the degree of sexual sadism that Takahiro displays. I would put an analogy here to help describe my thought on this, but I’m having trouble coming up with one that works completely. The closest thing that comes to mind is “expecting a big constrictor snake / gator / croc to not eat small pets because you nicely asked it not to do so”, but that doesn’t quite fit. In any case, given what I’ve heard here, I am kind of looking forward to seeing Yuki’s scenario. However, first I will have a light hearted romp with some miko in Come See Me Tonight 2.

I enjoyed the game minus one part, hell it almost like it would be me if I actually had no control on my sadistic side. It’s my only dark game though its not that dark.

Kimuzukashii MEIJI, that’s definately the best and “true” ending of the game.

Hitomi is definately a dark game needing a “Light siders beware” label. As for mean bastard main characters, heck, at least in Possessed, the character has a reason for being such a mean bastard. Takahiro is just an uncaring asshole.

A couple nights ago I finally finished up all the paths in Hitomi: My Stepsister. The last one I did was Yoko’s path where Hitomi regresses. While the ending definitely isn’t good, it didn’t really affect me like Hitomi’s path did. Maybe it’s because most of what happens to Hitomi isn’t your doing, it’s Yoko’s doing. On the other hand, maybe I was somewhat desensitized after the long arduous journey of Hitomi’s path.
Moving away from the bad of the game, I must say I quite enjoyed Yuki. I know I called Yoko a “nympho” in a previous post, but sheesh… compared to Yuki, Yoko is nothing. While le nuage said he liked Yuki/Hitomi’s ending the best, I must say my favorite was the path with Yuki alone. I do agree, however, that Yuki desperately needs to learn about contraception. Talking in theoreticals, maybe Takahiro would get a bit of a break if Yuki was on oral contraceptives (or similar hormone based methods) and she had the side effect of decreased libido. Then he might be able to actually get to work on time.

OMG i haven’t played it but i heard Horrable Horrable things happen in Virgin Roster. Things that would make me Cry.
but Now I still want to Try it even though i hear its sad, it must draw you in enough for you to feel that.