Hitomi "Yoko" route = worst ending I've EVER seen (spoilers)

Recently I’ve been playing “Hitomi - My Stepsister” and I felt compelled to make a topic venting about the Yoko route. I must say the Yoko route has to be the WORST ENDING IN HENTAI GAMING HISTORY (no sarcasm or exaggeration detected). Even her “good” route was awful, but just to save time I want to talk about the “bad” route. I’m going to dedicate this whole topic just to vent about this route (yes, it’s that bad).

First, I’m an evil guy. I like Black Cyc and Black Lilith. Tentacles, bondage, you name it. In fact, I love violent hentai’s. I’m as desensitized as it gets to anime/hentai violence… at least I thought I was until I saw the Yoko route. Now I’ve seen everything!

Memory refresh for those who forgot the game’s details: You’re at home with Hitomi. You find a message written by Yoko (your character’s foster mom), stating she’ll be working late and that she made sandwiches. You and Hitomi savor the sandwiches, saying random stuff like “These sandwiches are good!” (keep in mind Yoko made these sandwiches). All of a sudden you get into a conversation over why Yoko forced Hitomi to do lecherous stuff with your main character. Hitomi starts crying and explains because she has to do what her mom says. She then starts hugging you, continuing to cry her eyes out. All of a sudden Yoko enters, early home from work. Yoko gets jealous at the embrace, yells, “HITOMI!” Then slaps the still crying Hitomi out of your arms and precedes to continue slapping her while yelling, “You can’t have him!” (keep in mind Hitomi is putting up no resistance and is crying). Few more shouts later, Yoko then leaves for her bedroom.

Two choices: 1.) You worry about Yoko and go after her… or 2.) Comfort Hitomi

Yoko can wait! ::Picks option 2:: Your character comforts Hitomi, who is still crying from Yoko beating her, when out of the blue Yoko comes back. Surely she feels guilty about hitting Hitomi, her own daughter, right?.. http://www.g-collections.com/image/hitomi_56.jpg

Uh oh, maaaaaybe not… She precedes to stab Hitomi WHO IS HER DAUGHTER FOR CHRISTS SAKE! Then she turns to your character, says, “I’LL KILL YOU!” and stabs your character next. Okay, so a stabbing. Nothing new. We’ve all seen it before in games like Bible Black, but what makes this scene so disgusting to me is Yoko’s a mature women who kills her own daughter and your main character, who she presumably loved! She screwed your character 5-6 times or did she forget all that? Add to the fact not long ago she was nice enough to make sandwiches!

It’s as if the designers didn’t know how to make a good ending, so they had Yoko go on a stabbing rampage, which is completely unfitting of her personality and character. In fact I notice that’s the way all of “Hitomi - My Stepsister’s” characters are. They all have split personalities and can’t decide whether they’re horny, confused, horny and confused, or just plain horny.

I guess there’s a lesson to be learned here. Don’t make girls jealous, otherwise they’ll kill you… literally.

I think that’s the “happy ending” when you compare with the two other one (Youko’s endings).
If you choose to worry about youko, it’s far worse.

I thought that ending was pretty funny myself. Abrupt, but funny.

Besides, you’re an asshole in the game for the most part. I don’t have much of a problem with him being stabbed to death.

I liked that ending too!
Anyway, wasn’t Yoko a psychotic nyphomaniac in that path.

What you have encountered my friend, is a Yandere. Not a very good scenario of one mind you, but the basic mentality of it. First they love you oh so much, then something causes them to think they’re not loved anymore (or not as much), which brings their eyes to glaze over, and transform into 40-ish kilograms of murderous blade wielding fury. All that unadulterated infinite love, becomes unadulterated infinite hate (but a loving kind of hate). Nothing can stop them once you’ve opened Pandora’s Box, so the only real solution is to avoid situations that could “unhinge” them.

There’s a whole moe culture based around it. Honestly its really cute - and pretty damn kinky - once you figure out how to handle 'em. :twisted: :smiley: :wink:

lol… i found that to be awesome. having a crazy woman stab her daughter because she wants you more? holy crap that’s sexy and intense.

I don’t know if you’ve played Hitomi’s scenario yet, but if you haven’t, then I can somewhat understand you thinking her actions were out of character. Having played through Hitomi’s path before playing through to that ending, I wasn’t the least bit surprised at what happened.

On the note of ‘Yandere’

Is there such thing as a male Yandere?
If there is, could you list some games with them?

Another question regarding “Yandere” - the word to be more precisely!

I know pretty well about “Tsuntsun” and “Deredere” that make up “Tsundere” and very muck also depict the turn of events in their stories.

Now I wonder if there is a “Yanyan” for “Yandere”, and whether the “-dere” in there also originates from “Deredere”. If it’s that way, then at least the direction of the plot twist would have been reversed in that name because “Yanderes” are first “Deredere” before… :shock:

The “yan” part comes from “yami” (??). More in wikipedia. The article doesn’t mention early yandere, though, such as Yuuna in ??? or Kasumi in ?21-Two One-?.

That’s actually an interesting question.

There are many dark eroge where the male protagonist is nice to women in the beginning and then later kills them in the story. However in most cases, this is because the guy enjoys the rush from having control over life and death. Thus he’s really nothing more than a serial killer. On the other hand, there are enslavement eroge with male protagonists who don’t like to share their women, and will violently inflict pain and misery on his girl to reinforce that she’s his. However neither of these are yandere.

Ultimately a yandere still loves the person she’s trying to kill, but feels that he has done a great betrayal to her. Since in the yandere’s mind, no one could ever love the object of affection more than she, no one else is worthy to have him. Furthermore if she can’t have him, no one will. She LOVES him ¬ñ and somewhere she KNOWS he loves her. He has too: there’s just no other possible scenario. Hence the whole mental collapse and reversion to the most basic of human emotions: such as raw hate and primal desire.

Also another key factor is that yandere is an entirely avoidable condition. If you really love her and never drift away, she’ll always be faithful and standby your side. Fewer loves are more devoted than a yandere. Of course this may not be an acceptable solution for everyone ¬ñ especially when you don’t love the yandere… but hey, you paid the price. :wink:

More importantly, yandere don’t want to inflict pain on their lover ¬ñ they want to be happy. However after the mental collapse, they’re not lucid anymore, and will do things they will regret. For that reason, if they are successful in killing their target, most yandere become lifeless and blank. The raw seething anger was done out of a desire to bring back the security and compassion they’ve lost, not pure vengeance.

Under these basic guidelines, I haven’t encountered a “true” male yandere… or at least not one that was just thrown in to be a mindless plot twist. Not to say there isn’t male yandere ¬ñ I’m certain there is: but the best place to find them might be in a yaoi title… which aren’t my specialty. :wink:

Time to start, Narg. Who knows, perhaps there are twincests in yaoi games, albeit male ones?

Male Yandere = freaking stalker who wear his lover’s panties on his head.

The diference between a male and a female yandere is that when the female will kill the man, the male will just rape the girl.

Just look at the stalker in the Sagara family (the lolicon).

That doesn’t make sense - a ‘stalker’ is not the same thing as a person you have a relationship with and then ‘betray’, causing them to go mad. And a minor character in a game aimed at men is not likely to hold a similar role as a major romantic character. Although I haven’t actually PLAYED the sagara family so I’m not sure. :slight_smile:

If you want to find male yandere, examine the 'Bad End’s of BL and otome games, and see if any of them go psycho. But there’s so little information on these in English…

A bunch of websearching reveals someone claiming a character in “Messiah” is (I see Xene mentioned that)

They think they have a relationship so in the end it’s the same lol :smiley:

Nevertheless, nobody cares about the personality of the male characters in b-games. :twisted:

… which is why we keep repeatedly mentioning otome and BL games. :slight_smile:

Heh, yeah. I can’t read Japanese at all and I use a translator when I play my otome games, which give me a rough idea of what’s going on and what’s being said. I haven’t really seen any male yanderes wielding knives in the games, but there are some routes and ending with the guys which make me wonder if they’d be considered yandere. I’ve only cleared half of one character’s route (and that was the ‘dark love/love-hate relationship’ one) but one of the options was to run away from him with the guardian/companion (not in the romantic sense, but more of a 'I’m worried about your well-being, let’s escape from this guy and return home); the guy ends up flying (did I mention it was fantasy-based?) after the heroine and her companion, since he’s hurt by the ‘betrayal’. What happens next is that he grabs the heroine and crashes into the harbor, where the two of them drown, but not before the heroine realizes she really did love the guy after all. This is just a rough translation of what was going on and it was all from memory, so I could be wrong in parts. xD

I don’t think there’s any ‘true’ male yanderes in otome games, or at least I haven’t found them yet (BL’s is a different story, but that’s not my thing and I haven’t played any games in that genre). Maybe it’s a cultural/gender thing - it’s okay for a yandere female to stab her love interest, and a yandere male to stab his, but if a male yandere were to stab his female love interest, it’s bad?

Maybe yandere translate into a different thing in otome games - for example, a recent game that I played, Brothers, has a add-on which installs the Rhapsody route, which includes more porn and dark routes for the characters. Two of the endings come to mind - one of them being a threesome ending, where the heroine and her two stepbrothers go have sex in the family warehouse every night, the oldest of the two mentions that he wishes he could keep the heroine in there with all the precious heirlooms, so that only he and the other brother were allowed to touch her. The other featured the youngest brother, after he goes ‘crazy’ (for lack of a better term; it’s more like he lost his mind or something regarding his stepsister) and rapes the heroine, causing her to lose her will and resistance, then pass out. She also wakes up in the shed, with the brother coming in with some food for her, and saying that their parents are still looking for the heroine since her disappearance and if she wants to leave the shed, in which the heroine replies “Not really/don’t really care…” or something along the lines. Brother says that in that case, she’ll be his for a while longer or something, and the scene ends with the heroine thinking that she’s just waiting for this nightmare to end.

While they don’t fall into the category of the classic yandere female, I still get a similar vibe - it’s a theme of possessiveness and that they love the heroine so much that they hurt her, not with stabbings, but with rape.

But then again, I am just rambling and could be completely wrong about everything~

Is the rest of the game like this? Because honestly, I don’t think I could ever touch it if it is. It never fails to amaze me what’s acceptable to publish and what isn’t. (Now, if the knife-wielding lover had been underage, and you had had a relationship with her, then it wouldn’t be okay.)

I don’t know what exactly you mean by “this”, but you might look at this topic for discussion of the other paths in the game in a bit of depth. If by “this” you mean dark, then to sum it up the answer is for the most part yes (though apparently nowhere near as dark as what darksiders prefer judging by what I’ve heard them say on this forum).

I think it’s safe to say I’ll be staying the hell away from this one.