Horny Bunnies 2 or Jewel Knights Crusaders - which is be

I think it is a matter of what you like more in terms of game material. Personally I liked both games, and there are a few endings in both I enjoyed more then others and one I really liked in each game.

In fairness though I will say that the first few h-scenes in Jewel Knights are forced h-scenes. However, beyond that I think it is a very enjoyable game and one worth playing. However to be equally fair, after pointing out the forced h-scenes at the beginning, I also think there is a little more storyline to Jewel Knights then there is to Do You Like Horny Bunnies 2 (DYLHB 2) if that is of concern to you.

DYLHB 2 is very similar to DYLHB 1 in terms of characters, and so on, so if you have played the first version you might want to try Jewel Knights first and come back to DYLHB 2 later. All of that said, I would go with Jewel Knights even if you have not played DYLHB 1 and still come back to those two games (DYLHB 1 and DYLHB 2) later.

Also, ones I am not sure are on or were on your list but I highly recommend Kana ~ Little Sister ~ and Crescendo, with the warning that scenes in both games reduced many if not all of us that have played them to tears, and perhaps because of this they are excellent games.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-21-2004).]

First of all, I highly recommend Private Nurse

As for the two games you mentioned, it totally depends on your taste in games. If it were up to me, I would choose Jewel Knight over DYLHB 2 because I played DYLHB 1 before which is very similar to 2.

[This message has been edited by Noirbo (edited 05-21-2004).]

The animation in DYLHB 2 isn’t like watching an anime, which is probably what you were hoping for. If you want that, just buy somne adult anime. The “animation” in DYLHB 2 is just a sequence of a few CGs that repeat over and over. There are not enough CGs to make it look like a fluid motion, so it’s choppy. But thank you for supporting bishoujo games! Another thing, since you don’t have much money to buy games I’d recommend Brave Soul because you can put a lot of time into that one game. If you like really oversized breast themes, Jewel Knights is your game for sure.

Another somewhat long game, though not as long as Brave Soul is Heart de Roommate. While this game does not have animation, and I agree with bishounen_blue the animation in DYLBH 2 is probably not what you imagine, Heart de Roommate is given an anime style of set up, with 26 chapters, previews for each chapter, an sort of ad eye catches etc.

However of the ones you mentioned I still would go with Jewel Knights first and come back and pick up ones like Heart de Roommate, Private Nurse, Kana, Brave Soul and Crescendo as time and money allows you.

How about Cresendo. Gotta pimp my fav game here Well it depends on what your interested in. maybe if you give us some more info on what you like we can point you more accurately. Things like do you mind forced sex, or is the storyline important, or do you mind some angst.

And now, for some more unsolicited recommendations.

* I recommend the Nocturnal Illusions / May Club collection. Nocturnal Illusions has a storyline I still think is excellent, even compared to more modern titles; and excellent music.

* More recent titles I like include Snow Drop, Tokimeki Checkin!, Chain, and Critical Point.

Wee let’s make this a general recommend thread again

Linear games- Chain, Eve series, Desire, Divi-Dead(ok so it’s not really linear but it’s pretty close)

Multi ending light story- Tokemiki check-in, Xchange2, Tottemo pheremone, Heart de roomate

Multi ending non light- Cresendo, Kana(get your hanky ready), CP, Private nurse

Extreme sex games- Secret Wives club(it’s not really dark but it does has S&M), Tsuki

Action rpg- Bravesoul