Horny single guy goes on a hawt chick killing spree

No… I’m not kidding…

http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/08/05/gym … index.html

Anyone wanna bet some news agency is gonna do a special about men over 30 without female companionship in the near future. :roll:

That is just disturbing and sad.

At least we know why this guy couldn’t get a girl for so long… they were probably picking up the dark waves oozing out of him.

This guy wasn’t exploring all his options…

Unless even his Russian mail-order brides and prostitutes at truckstops were rejecting him.

Now the whole world will know that he is a loser for harboring this “If I can’t have them, then no one else can” mentality.

Maybe he should have downloaded a walkthru to make the right choices. Even with all those guns he got the Bad End. :stuck_out_tongue:

Man, what I would pay for a walkthrough that covered real life girls… :frowning:

I think generally in cases like this, the guns cause the bad end …

Oh… I can tell ya that: extravagant money, beefcake body, and Casanova charisma.

What I need is the cheat code to get max stats in all of them, because level grinding is a bitch. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just like in a good date-sim, you need different stats for different targets! I’d be creeped out by a rich suave beefcake trying to sleep with me. :slight_smile: (Casanova-who-sleeps-with-everything probably carries diseases. And/or is just trying for another belt-notch. Rich suave FAMOUS beefcake might be worth snogging for bragging rights, but no more than that…)

Naturally, some dark segments of the internet (you can find anything on the internet) are complaining that this shooting is the fault of feminists for simultaneously making women too picky and too slutty so that they sleep with some men and refuse others, causing the others to go insane. Luckily, even in the dark alleys of the internet, most people think that going around shooting women is kinda a bad thing.

That walkthrough is simple, money and power, get those and u will have it all.

No kidding. A lot of people go through trouble in life, and don’t get what they want. The vast majority of them either grit their teeth and deal with it, or they try to change it. Only a very very small number of people flip out like ninjas and take their rage out on the world in general. This shooting is the fault of the man who perpetrated it. The world didn’t owe him a meaningful love life. It’s not the worlds’ fault his sex life was terrible. No, I’m sure he was a very charming and attractive man, and (given what else we know about him) I just can’t understand why he might have had problems.

Sheesh … Some people …

I don’t know about that … the last guy who tried that doesn’t seem to have fared too well.

I think I would want a walkthrough with a bit more detail than that. That’s like an RPG walkthrough that just tells you to get the Ultimate Weapon and kill the Bad Guy.

The world doesn’t owe anyone food or shelter, either, but we can still have pity on those who are starving or freezing. I do not, in any way whatsoever, condone what this guy did, but I do have sympathy for where he was (apparently) coming from.

Where he was apparently coming from, according to people who’ve been reading his blog, was seething weirdo-ness. ISTR he talked about gymbunnies being “too beautiful to be human” and “very edible”, and also raged with resentment about seeing an attractive young woman coming out of his neighbor’s house and figuring that his neighbor had the magic secret to Banging Young Chicks. (The young woman was his neighbor’s DAUGHTER.)

Being lonely and having no one to love you is worthy of pity.

Fixating on a particular mainstream-highly-attractive sort of sex partner, which is creeped out by you and won’t sleep with you… less so.

There’s a lot of lonely people in the world. I’ve seen some pretty mainstream-hideous trolls, both male and female, still manage to find dates… I’ve also seen very plain people insist that they couldn’t find anyone, and then quickly have to qualify that they couldn’t find anyone acceptable. They had an image of what they wanted, and they couldn’t find that. The people they could find, they didn’t want.

Especially in the modern age with global travel and the internet (well, assuming you have access to these things) it’s not that hard to find someone if you’re not picky. Finding the right someone for a meaningful long-term relationship is more complicated of course.

Which is part of why porn and sex toys should be widely available and non-shameful. :slight_smile:

I have no doubt that this guy was a nutcase. I haven’t delved deeply into the story because I find the whole thing terribly depressing, but obviously he had more problems than just being lonely.

It’s hard enough. It’s been eluding me for about 15 years now.

Absolutely true, but those only take you so far. They can get you off, but they can’t cuddle with you afterwards or kiss you good morning. They can (more or less) cover physical needs, but you need another human for emotional needs.

Yes, and under most circumstances, I would have pitied this man. But then he decided to become a mass murderer. I don’t believe there are any excuses sufficient to cover what he did: deliberately kill a whole bunch of people who never hurt him in any way, for no real reason other than he was pissed off at life in general.