How are these titles?

… and I’m very tired of the system’s existence. Simple way to solve both these problems!

Wait and see? I did indeed… waited to see all of the reports of Vmate games crashing people’s machines a lot (and the vmate bypass apparently helping this).

Remember, I’m not just complaining because online registration irritates me. I Cannot Play These Games. While this is true, what else is there to do but complain?

(Slightly OT - Anyone know what causes strange windows lag errors where sometimes windows won’t tab, repeated mouseclicks eventually produce an angry motherboard beep and a freezeup for a few seconds, followed by FINALLY everything working again? I’ve changed my motherboard about five times in the past month and each one has its own weird problems, all entirely different…)

Originally posted by papillon:

(Slightly OT - Anyone know what causes strange windows lag errors where sometimes windows won't tab, repeated mouseclicks eventually produce an angry motherboard beep and a freezeup for a few seconds, followed by FINALLY everything working again? I've changed my motherboard about five times in the past month and each one has its own weird problems, all entirely different...)

This is just a directed guess...but it might have something to do with your memory module(s). I inserted a memory module without properly seating it once, and the motherboard beeped, as you've described. One of my friends had a similar problem where his computer wouldn't start sometimes (also accompanied by beeping) and it turned out that there was something wrong with the connector on the motherboard where the memory module plugs in.

That said, try reseating your memory, cleaning the connectors, try different memory modules, etc, and see if that helps any. [img][/img] In any case, it sounds like a hardware problem, rather than a problem with Windows. You also might want to try some sort of diagnostic program that tests all of your hardware to make sure the devices are working properly.

Some programs detest being alt-tabbed and can screw up your system if you try to do it anyway, either temporary or to the point of making a system restart necessary. The beeping when you press the mouse button is most likely because you’ve made several key presses and mouse clicks while the computer is freezing, and they are put “on hold” while it is waiting to actually execute them all. The beeping signals that it isn’t accepting any additional input, so any input that produce a beep will not take effect when the computer starts to respond. You can reproduce this beeping effect on some systems by repeatedly pressing many buttons at the same time. On my system, holding down the spacebar while pressing several arrow keys repeatedly produces such a beep.

If you have problems in several different programs not related to multi-tasking, you should take Dark_Shiki’s advice and get your memory modules checked/replaced. Usually your system will frequently crash if you have defect RAM modules, though “mere” instabilities is possible.

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 01-23-2005).]

Ah, I seemed to have missed the “beeps only after repeated mouse-clicks” part of that. If that’s the case, then AG3’s explanation makes more sense. If the slowdown occurs when minimizing something as simple as a folder window, I’ve found that reinstalling Windows (even just using the “upgrade” option) tends to cure problems like that. Of course, then you have the question of which is worse: the disease or the cure.

One thing you have to understand about computers is, that they’re alive and some of them have really nasty personalities. In fact, some go to great lenghts trying to annoy their users in every way possible.

That being said, problems like the one you have can often be the result of some screwed up settings hidden in some configuration file (or the registry). Sometimes installing (or deinstalling) a program which is completely unrelated to the matter at hand can solve (or create) such problems. Now randomly installing and deinstalling programs definitely isn’t a very practical “solution”. However, you could try cleaning up the registry with scanreg: At the DOS command prompt type in

scanreg /fix

This should start a program which cleans up the registry and fixes errors in it. (If it doesn’t I have to look into it again - I haven’t messed with the registry for a while.)

EDIT: Oops, I should mention that this could be a bit tricky. While not as radical as reinstalling Windows, there might be some side-effects, but nothing dramatical.

[This message has been edited by Akela (edited 01-23-2005).]

Hitomi finally came in the mail yesterday. I didn’t actually get it until late(forgot to check the mail). It seems like a really good game, but before I went to bed after a couple hours of play, I went to save for a second time and the game crashed. T_T Too bad for me, guess I’ll try again tonight.

_> Yea stuff like that happens. I mean i was playing BS one day and it crashed when switching from one screen to another…not just a CTD, or game freeze, but the damn thing forced me to reboot.

Everything has random crashes…i got one yesterday when playing .hack for no apparent reason.

I’ve gotten most of the endings now. Took me a bit playing through each storyline again and again. Only ones I haven’t done are the really dark ones.