How did you get into b-games? =)

Hi all

After reading Benoit’s massive argument’s with LaconianShot. I decided to enquire how the community got into b-games.

Personally I accidentely downloaded X-Change, subsequently played it, liked it and investigated the genre. Not long after I started my collection (yes with X-Change 1 & 2). I’m now upto 6 b-games including TCI and LMM, I read the forums often but rarely post.

So, how did you join this niche community?

PS. Benoit that was the most amusing thread I’ve read recently took me about an hour to read it all (including off-shoots).


If you liked that then I recommend for your reading enjoyment an even more massive flame war that Benoit started about a year ago, affectionately referred to now as the Virgofenix wars, or sometimes “the good fight.” This one actually pulled in half the forum as well, and it continued on at such length that even I was discouraged from reading its entirety.

Link to the thread that started it all (follow the link in the first post to be taken to Ground Zero):

To sum it up, basically a pirate named Virgofenix started boasting in another forum about his b-game pirating exploits, Benoit took exception and posted a link on the PP board, and a mob of angry PP members descended to wreak havoc on the thread. Of course, what made it all the more interesting was Virgofenix’s unique logic for justifying his piracy to any who challenged him.

As for the topic…I’ve posted little snippets here and there. I posted a major chunk of it during VM War I, which might be a tad difficult to locate now. I’ll see if I can scrounge it up later.


I read the article about Knight of Xentar in magazine, more than ten years ago.

Later, I found Noctural Illusion at J&R Music World. I bought it and liked it. I started to buy more h-games like Paradise Heights, and others. My Canadian friend (now former) asked me about PC collection. He asked about two h-games that I own. I explained them to him. He asked me about copying both. I told him no unless he did copy and trade his own games to me. I accepted. I am sorry to you include Peter that I learned lesson. He admited me that he did sell copied games to his friends. I started to upset and refused to make copies of other h-games for him. grr!!! Someone will ask me about h-games, then I will answer no and tell them buy them from online.

I bought h-games from either Himeya Soft, Peach Princess, JASC, others. I think that Peter or others from JASC or Peach Princess sent an invitation to join new forum of Peach Princess if I interested to join forum. I accepted to join it. I guess that I am one of older members at Peach Princess forum. =/

Ah, another one of these

Well, I got started because I saw C’s Ware/Himeya’s booth at Otakon. My friend got Divi-Dead, and I borrowed it off him. Blew me away, that game did, I was afraid to sleep with lights off for days after playing that game.

Tokimeki Check-In got me hardcore into the Bishoujo games though. Fantastic artwork, great personalities, great music.

Hmmm, back in 2003 surfing the gamefaqs message boards, a little thread on a board called ‘life, the universe, and everything’ asked a question about what everyone’s favorite game from this genre was. That was my first time knowing these games existence, but I still didn’t play them yet.

I then ran into and read the reviews on that site, which absolutely cracked me up. I know they’re negative reviews, but I was so intrigued I bought two of the cheaper games, so as to dip my foot into the water and see if everything was all right.

First game played was Critical Point. Loved it, still do love it. I own 9 games now, and plan on buying a couple more after my next few paychecks.

First game I played was a copy of Nocturnal Illusion that I downloaded off of some random site (I now have a copy of the Milky House Memorial Collection that I bought), I found the storyline interesting (would have been interesting w/o the hentai as well) so I started looking into other games.

I can’t remember that far back…


I started when i found these games being shared over a chat program called mirc. I quickly became bored with pure sex ones. The first true bishoujo game i tried was the dos version of season of sakura. i loved it, the story interaction, the choices, the romance, and how what you did mattered. since then i have been one to collect them. i bought the games that i liked. i enjoy games on the lighter side of the emotional spectrum, having not been able to play too far into the dark side games. they make me too uncomfortable.

Please visit for a magical experience.

The first bishojo game I found out about was Kana - Little Sister because I was searching for cds from the J-Rocker Kana on Ebay. Since the story was so good, I tried Private Nurse next. I kind of lost count of how many bishojo games I have played.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Arg mate I pirated them Them and
You'll walk the plank for knowing that!

Yo mate!
Me too!
Aye, were plenty of downloads until I had my deciding encounter with "The Maid's story". It was particularly deciding because its installer pointed me to himeya and thus I was finally aware of a legal means of acquiring them.

Because I already started to like the games some time before but didn't know where to buy them, I left the paths of piracy right after that and made as much of my downloads legal by buying the games afterwards.

Also, himeya offered not just legal copies of the games I already downloaded but also some other games and among them the ones from a new company called "Peach Princess". So, I came here thanks to the booklet that was included in their first games.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 05-12-2005).]

Way back in the past, when I was working on a massive 0.5 Mhz Steam Powered Computer, I saw an ad for a company called “MegaTech” offering games with… ahem… naked girls. (“Metal & Lace: Battle of the Robo Babes”, and “Knights of Xentar”) That’s akin to waving a steak in front of hungry tigers.

But the first game I actually got to play was after I read SomethingAwful’s reviews of them.

I just HAD to see if the games were as bad as SA said they were. (They can be, they are, and they will.) In fact, the first game I played was Kango Shicyauzo. Had to be, I just needed to know if the game was as disturbing as defined this way:

Defining Moment: What do you fucking think? The mom, sister, and nun sequence was like a chain reaction of defining moments that reached a critical mass of incest and sacrilege. I’m not one to get all worked up over blaspheming a religion I don’t even follow, but this game is the equivalent of a “Satanic Verses” for Catholicism. Even in Italy, where nun porn is big business, you don’t run into that many porno nuns who advise a son to anally violate his tied-up mother.

I guess I deserve a title that says: “Flame wars over bishoujo games starter”.

Here’s my story, as posted on this BBS in my introduction topic, a bit more than a year ago:

Some years back I was looking for a dating simulation game. I had heard of Tokimeki Memorial, so I looked for it and downloaded the SNES game. But it was all in Japanese, so I couldn’t read it, and I didn’t understand how to play it, so I deleted it.

Maybe about a year later, my brother found True Love via P2P. It was exactly what I had been looking for. Enjoying the game, I wanted to buy it so I would own an original copy. I mailed Peter Payne about it, who told me that it was out of print because the company went bankrupt because of software piracy. How ironic… He added me to the update emails of J-List, Jast USA and Peach Princess. What he didn’t know is that at the time, I wasn’t 18… Oh well. I was/am mature enough for these kinds of things.

Some time later I wanted to try Princess Maker 2, having heard of it for a long time from a good friend of mine. So I got it via P2P. After some more time, I bought the Saturn JP version of the game to have the original. Later I learned that it was also a bishoujo game.

So I became interested in the bishoujo game market, reading the Jast USA game pages, reading Animetric’s reviews and HentaiNeko’s reviews.

Then… two weeks before I would become 18, and have enough money to buy Brave Soul… I learned that they sold bishoujo games at my manga shop! Woohoo! Of course I wasn’t allowed to buy any of them unless I was 18, which wasn’t a problem for me.
So a couple of days after my birthday, I bought it.

That’s my story.

Hi all

I have been lurking since the board began.

I was surfing the web and found Himeya’s web site back before they even started to publish games.

I heard about Jast games from some of the other web sites and decided to purchase season of sakura and three sisters’ story, I loved the games and the rest is history.

I currently own all of the games published by JAST, PP, G-Collections and Himeya.

After seeing Kanon anime.

Around six years ago I saw a review in an anime magazine for a CD-ROM game from Otaku called Ring-Out. So I visited Forbidden Planet (sci-fi/comics chain), noticed they had several of these games sitting alluringly on their shelves and decided to purchase them all over the following weeks.

And so it began.

I Started when I walked into an anime store and saw the games stashed in the glass counter with all of the hentia. My first game was Season of Sakura, I believe. Since then I have snagged every translated H-game that I can get my hands on. Until V-mate that is. So far my collection is up to 65 games, sims and RPG’s. I even keep an old Windows98 PII box around to play the older games. I plan on catching up with my missing G-Collections games at Akon. Peter usually makes it to Akon so I can get them all at once directly from him.

Thanks for all the replies, and a big thanks to Dark_Shiki for that thread. It was so long I had to read it in two parts though stopped reading most of Virgofenix’s at the end.

Best quotes:
‘So you would have preferred me to lure him with a cookie to Peach Princess’ BBS?’ from Benoit

’You know, I’ve noticed something in all my time reading these threads here and comparing it with other forums I’ve been to. And to my conclusion, you people here are the most well-mannered most polite group of people I have ever seen. Unlike some other forums, I mean when you argue, its in a formal and polite manner with absolutly no swearing or insulting of the other person. Wow, I salute you all.’ from tiger_of_the_wind2040

I must say I agree wholeheartedly with tiger


People here are well-mannered and polite until you say the sentence “We’re gonna use V-Mate from now on”. That makes some people run away and hide, while others turn into ferocious beasts, foaming at the mouth and assaulting anyone in sight who isn’t likewise foaming and snarling

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 05-15-2005).]

Finally got around to digging up the quote buried in the midst of the V-mate war thread.


As is the case with many of us, I used to pirate these games via P2P. I liked some, I disliked some…I even started reading some reviews. At some point I had a compatibility problem with one of the games, so I came here to search the boards for a solution. As I did, I began to notice some of the (interesting) discussions going on, and even after I managed to fix my problem I checked back occasionally just to read the boards for fun.

I came across some game recommendation topics, and my curiosity was piqued when I heard people talking about two games in particular: Kana and Private Nurse. Being the unscrupulous opportunist that I was, I combed spn**a every once in a while, and sure enough, a torrent of Private Nurse appeared. I downloaded it, only to find that the .rar archive was locked with a password. Annoyed, I gave up and returned to pirating other H-games for the time being.

That particular summer, I housesitted for my grandparents while they were away. For two weeks, I was completely alone (and without broadband for downloading), so I passed the time reading the message board here at Peach Princess. In particular, I read the “discussion” members here had with Virgofenix, and I got to thinking. Maybe I shouldn’t pirate these games after all? It wasn’t a solid conviction at that point, but I was bored, and I wanted something new to play. What the hell? I purchased Kana and Day of Love, thinking that would be a good mix: one game I really wanted, and one I could play when my grandparents got back without fear of discovery (plus it was cheap). I played Kana and I was wowed. Even Crescendo couldn’t compare with this masterpiece. Finally, a title that I felt was worth the $45 they charged for these games.

Since then I’ve been a convert. I don’t buy many b-games, admittedly, but I don’t pirate them anymore either.

I actually preferred the old text games like Zork. I especially liked the semi graphical ones…anyone remember Amazon or Transylvania? Heck it seems that they don’t even make Kings Quest type of stuff anymore… I guess in the end, I really had a thing for a real computer game novel, but with the Doom, Wolfenstein 3d, and Quake onset, it just seemed like that genre was dead. A friend gave me a copy of 3 sisters story. Hentai scenes or not, these days its bishoujo games that are the closest thing I can find to any type of decent computer novel games out there.