How did you get into b-games? =)

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Illusion's website will redirect you away from their download's page if they dectect that you don't have a Japanese system. That's because they don't want to waste their bandwidth on people who most likely not be customers. But the games themselves work find on an Enlgish OS.

Well, they'll work, but only if you change the non-unicode setting to Japanese. That's certainly something that only an advanced user would think to do, and many Illusion games don't really require any knowledge of Japanese to enjoy the games, making them suitable for an English gamer without a translation (or without Japanese fonts displayed correctly). That, together with the download limitation you pointed out, gives me the overall impression that Illusion doesn't want English users to be playing their games. And since extra sales are never a bad thing, what better reason to lock English players out than piracy?

Edit: Many Japanese games work just fine without switching the non-unicode setting to Japanese. The fonts just don't display correctly.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 05-25-2005).]

What download limitation is this? Their download page seems to work fine for me and I’m not in Japan or using a Japanese OS.

That’s interesting. I know I’m not the only one, as others on the various forums I’ve frequented have had problems accessing the Illusion download page as well. Instead we get redirected to Yahoo! Japan.

if you know the ip address you should be able to set it to windows if it sees that will always use the specific url you’ve inputed reguardless of whether the page redirects you elsewhere.


I must say youguys can take a perfectly innocent topic and change its direction completely

It was when I, by accident, got to know another guy, also interested in “hentai.” He accidentally sent me an e-mail, which lead to us continuing conversating. Before meeting him, I think I only had played sex romps, and was very disappointed in the lack of romantic, non-promiscuous games, but he introduced me to True Love, which greatly sparked my interest. Not much later, I would also play Season of the Sakura, which was a very refreshing experience.

Unfortunately, I no longer am in contact with him.

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I can’t remember how I found out about English versions of these games, but I was downloading h-game pics off “hentai sites” before I even knew they were from games (this was like 10 years ago). Eventually I found some games in English on the web. I switched to buying legitimate games when Peach Princess came out, and I’ve been a fan ever since.