How do you chose which path/person, when starting a new

Example of what I mean.

When i started yume miru kusuri i read the info of each one and chose one i thought was interesting to me. Which was nekoko she was a druggie after all.

I start with the one that seems the 2nd most interesting. I save the one I like best for last. If I find out my choice turns out to be the ‘best’ path, I stop and pick my previous first choice and go on.

If it’s got a Loli Path that’s the one I start with! I chose Nekoko first too!! Loli FTW!!

[ 12-14-2007, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Simple really.

I always go for the answer or path that will give me those beautiful “soulless broken spirit” eyes. The ones that have tears of defiance or begs for mercy, yet have full understanding that there’s no escape from inevitable servitude and degrade. The ones that just moments before acceptance of the Master is finally known, flashes the last visages of the old personality… right into the absolute loyalty of the new.

So beautiful. So wondrous. So delectable.

Hm, hm, hm… MWA, HA, HA, HA!!!


[ 12-15-2007, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Well, we kinda agree…with Narg-kun…here… But…
From our first try on this type of games…
We just choose the very first choice on all the decisions not worrying about who the hero/villain ends up with…
…Until just recently…

“…Toshi no hajime wa ichigatsu tsuitachi desu…”

Whenever we read the short bios about our intended/allowed targets… We mostly start with the ones with a secretive kind of personality, the knowledgiable but quiet or restrained, those that had some kind of bad experience from their past, targets that shows a dark presence but seems to be easy dominated, those who—according to their explainations, tend to look down on others more inferior than them but again, are very willing to obey orders whenever they are at the presence of the master, and sometimes…targets that are nice and timid but has major jealousy issues that turns the upcomming events into nearly a psychotic episode…
Well, you get what we are trying to say…


So does anyone chose the person/path with the lest connection to the main character or the most.

Well sometimes I do when I really like a certain character, so I save it for last.

We mostly go for the one with the least rather than those that have a closer connection…
'Cuz…for us… These kinds does not give too much challenge… :cool:

Feeling and whim.

Now which are the person/path you would choose last?

After you finished it completely do you go back and choose different answers?

Well that defends…on instinct, we guess…


Uhhh… YES and NO:frowning:
Defending on our laziness level during such occassions…

I dont really think about it too much. I just go along with what I feel at the moment.

I always go for the sister character first. I guess you could call that “The Kana Effect,” and, anyway, incest is just as good as twincest. If sis is not an option, I look for the tsundere; I’ve become a great fan of bitchy women (at least in bishoujo games). I typically find that the girls that you’re supposed to go after to get the “true” endings are usually the least interesting characters in the games (their CGs aren’t that great, either). By the by, who are the most interesting vs the least interesting characters in the game world?

I just choose whatever I think I might actually do or say in that situation, and that usually ends up leading me to a dead end. After that, I’ll try and remember what the choices were through the game, and try to take the most obvious path.

I don’t read the character descriptions. I try to place myself in the main character’s view but choose decisions based on what I would do in real life. It usually works out in the end, except for Snow Drop, which got me disappointed in myself until I realized I had to be at certain places at certain times(which was kinda retarded). Then I go for the other characters.