How do you get rid of writer's block?

The bane of every creative mind. :frowning:

When you’re suffering from a bout of writer’s block, what typically “unlocks” your creativity that just won’t come out?

Me? Reading RPG campaign settings or flipping through anime/gaming artbooks.

I try to not steal ideas of course, but I oddly get original ideas after seeing other people’s ideas. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I’m REALLY desperate, I watch the History Channel. There’s some REALLY funky stuff that happened in real life.

Writer’s block isn’t directly applicable to me as such, but as I’m sometimes involved in the creative arts, I often experience something that’s kind of similar. I find that since I’ve done what I do for quite a number of years, that I can trust my instincts. Generally I take the very first thing that comes to mind and go with that - and even when I second-guess myself a few seconds later I almost always retain what I had earlier. It might not be perfect, but I have enough trust in my skills to know that what I spontaneously decide on will at the very least be satisfactory.

When I’ve got a block, I go work on something else. The muse will get around to wanting to play with the “blocked” matter soon enough.

I work on three projects at a time. If the creative muse abandons me on one of them, then I can work on one of the others. No, they aren’t all big projects: one big and two smaller ones.

One of the things i was taught in school was to take another piece of paper (or open note pad on the computer) and write something. Anything. Even if it’s just the same word over and over again. Sometimes this works for me.

I play any video game console for awhile or read my favorite books.

I would play PC game or watch chinese action movie. I used to speed downhill in the old days, but I love my life (and money, and car)more now.

Worse than writer’s block, I think, is finding out that you are skilled in writing in a paticular genre that you don’t really care for, when you’d rather be writing in another genre altogether. Say, you’d like to write sf or mystery stories, but can’t. You try and try but nothing ever happens. What you are good at, tho, are piquant little slice-o-life tales taken from real life–stuff you wouldn’t spend a minute on yourself if they were written by someone else. And to further complicate things, over the years you’ve gained a readership for the crap you write who won’t be satisfied with anything else, so you’re stuck.

Yeah, that definitely is worse than writer’s block. However, the tone of the post makes me wonder about your personal situation. :o

First off, that’s why writers use different pen names. New name, no expectations from the fans.

Second, if you can’t spin a slice of life into a mystery— seriously! Just remember to properly plan out your mystery from start to end. Mysteries require more planning then most stories.

And third— slice of life IN a Sci=Fi setting. Just imagine the life of one of the people that is a space ship tech— they help move the cargo on and of a space ship. Their day to day life is easily going to be the same as a modern person’s who works at the airport. It’s just one (or more) of the OBJECTS they interact with is very SCIENCE FICTION (since, you know, we STILL don’t have regular space flights or space-traversing flights).

Humm— a slice of life story where the main character works on a space plane that travels between NY and Tokyo— gets caught up in a mystery, and has to clear his name/find the real killer/solve the mystery and save his sister’s life— ALL WHILE DODGING THE POLICE, TEXAS RANGERS, AND AN OUT OF CONTROL CIA AGENT!

See? Presto!

If you really want to do something in a particular style or genre, start small or with what you know and slowly expand in those directions.

Have fun and good luck.

Writer block is easy. Go to Wikipedia, randomly look up some stuff, one link leads to another and soon you will find something very interesting which should inspire you to write something. If not you learn something either very useful, funny etc. (IE I found out that the inventor of AK-47 blame the Germans for what he has become).