How does everyone like the new (moved) BBS?

I don’t see any drastic changes to be honest. Actually my chrome homepage still shows the old bbs tab, and I click on it by reflex.
There is fewer spam, definitely.
And how are things going to get better? The suspense is killing me…

The BBS moved?


Seriuosly, it’s working fine.

Definitely noticed a decrease in spam and I gotta agree that the banner should link to the Jast website itself rather than the forum. I’m also interested in this so called “good feeling”, perhaps an earlier than expected release for the Nitro+ games, or perhaps another licensing deal? Come on Peter give us a hint!

The BBS button from the JAST USA shop still links to Otakuism: … Code=games

He’ll drop a hint or tell us at some point; maybe it just hasn’t happened yet… :stuck_out_tongue:

The only thing that really I’ve had a problem is a link from the Yume Miru Kusuri wikiedpia article is now broken (was a statement from Peter).

Speaking of Broken links, the Download section of the Peach Princess website has been broken for awhile.

What’s going to be done with Anything? With the site not having been updated in a while and the only active portion being moved off to, is it going to be killed off?

I still can’t figure out why whenever I hit my back button on my mouse I get a “web page has expired” page going from a thread back to the parent board.

I think that’s a feature of Internet Explorer 8, not necessarily a board-specific problem. It doesn’t happen to me when I use Firefox. It’s incredibly irritating though.

I don’t like the new site. I can’t get in it with ie6. And using firefox I really don’t like the changes to the site. I prefered the old site.

The new site isn’t viewable on 640X480 like the old site was. And the old site worked much better.

I can’t even order anything now. I tried to order, and when I got to the final part, the whole thing crashed.

I guess I won’t be ordering any new games.

I’ll just have to look elsewhere now.

I don’t understand why they changed it.

It was working good before, real good.

Reminds me of an old saying now.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Yeah, because it’s not like there are 3+ perfectly functional sites that you can order the same stuff from.

You know, maybe this is why they’re gathering feedback on the new site (in the other thread).

I’m only aware of the jastusa site. What other thread? Got a url for it now huh?

On the off-chance that you’re actually serious…

Feedback thread: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6369
Other shops within the JAST USA umbrella (all owned by the same person):
Peach Princess: … re_Code=PP

Agreed, for the time being Google is useless for parsing this forum.

Wait, hold up. People actually still USE IE6? With 640X480? Oh man.

My phone is 640x480. :stuck_out_tongue: But I Opera on it, not IE.