How long?

Born from the “Do you use a guide?” thread, one about how long it generally takes you to complete a game, since one of the reasons why some people use a guide is to shorten their play time.
For my, it takes me about one month to complete one erogame, with the notable exception of RPGs that generally take me about three months. How much I play is about 10 hours a day on week days and 0 on weekends. OTOH, I always multitask, meaning I play while chatting on several IRC channels, browsing the Web, writing stuff and working, all at the same time so, out of these 10 hours, there are mayhap about 2-3 hours of actually play.

Couldn’t really give much of an ‘hours’ guess, but I can guess the number of days (with variable amounts of eroge playing each day, but a good few hours) - anywhere from 2-10 days, mainly, not necessarily correlated with the length of the game. For example, Ayakashibito I finished in 4 days, and it’s damn long. G-Senjou no Maou I (almost) finished in ONE day, and it’s no pixie either. Haruka ni Aogi and Fate/stay Night, 6 days each. I rarely put solid time into games that aren’t short nowadays, though, and divide my time up, but yeah, it still pretty much applies.

These are for ‘full’ eroges, mind, not short things off dlsite, which I’ll probably finish in 1-2 days.

For translated eroges, not all that long as I usually don’t listen to all of a voiced line and I just try and read at my normal pace.

For untranslated eroges, it’s mostly down to the difficulty of the writing and/or how many words I feel like looking up whilst playing, although my pace is still rather slow. Of the most recent non-doujin eroges I’ve completed, I think Yumemishi took me around 18-20 hours, and Sakashiki Hito ni Miru Kokoro was about 8-10 or so. With Mugen Kairou on the other hand, the writing style and vocabulary was a lot more complicated and necessary to the overall story, so it probably took around 30 hours, despite the game not being all that long in absolute terms.

Seems to depend on the brand, and perhaps more importantly, the scenario writer. For example Black Cyc titles are extraordinarily challenging at times, and those will take 2 or 3 months for me to get a 100% complete. Something from Black Lilith, kinky as they are, will only last 3 hours at the most. I also have a habit to kill the voice acting for a story that REALLY interests me. People only talk at 150 words per minute, while we can comfortably read at twice that rate.

Generally I spend between 10 to 40 hours a week on personal gaming (since my job kinda makes playing games a profession). On average I clear at least two eroge a week… there was one time I got over ten finished… but they were all 2 hour quickies and rapefests and whatnot.

It depends. If I sit down and play a game, a week or so. Some games like Crescendo I have yet to finish, because I replay the game and reread, every time I want to start a new character, so it’s like rereading a book.

Other games, like Ever 17, I will start – then take a short break on – which then turns into a quasipermanent indefinite cessation of. Even game that get me pretty hooked (like Ever 17), can fall prey to this.

Umm… Depends on the game I guess. I try to pace arnd the game. So some games take more time then others. The last game (non ero) I completed 100% was warriors Orochi, and I had to use guides at points, it took me arnd 6 weeks. Crescendo took me 8 days to complete on my own, with help on Kaho’s ending. Still playing Snow Sakura.

Tsukihime and clannad both took me 2-3 weeks each. And Right now i’ve been playing through Brave soul, fate stay, and figures of happiness. Since i don’t want to finish any of them.

Ones where the main route takes 6~ hours and then maybe 30 min-2~ hour alternate routes are generally finished in about 3 days.

As I always maintain, voices actually detract you from the story when it’s good. :wink:

Sepends if the game is good or not.
When i like it, I finish it quickly (one week max) and when it’s boring I want play only a few hours per week…

Really depends on if the game is to my liking or not. Could be a week, could be a month. Could be years before I finally get the motivation to finish off that one last path!

Depends… If and only if… No one is bothering me… I am able to complete a game 100% in just one sitting in a span of 4 hours or a whole day…
But, if there’s someone besides me viewing the ero-game I’m playing… Then we are able to waste days, if only one person, arguing about what decisions to choose within the game… And weeks to months if most of mine siblings who I inconveniently influenced into playing eroges begins to pester me to pick a particular decision so that they can read what happens if you selected that choice… Damn… They’re too lazy to choose it when they’re playing the game themselves by…! themselves in their respective times…

[size=150]Sigh…*[/size] :frowning: