How many of you?

How many of you still pull out your old games and replay them years later? I myself have replayed many after so much time has passed and now with the new G-Collections VirtualMate system I will not be purchasing anymore of their products. Think of it 5 years down the road I want to replay their game and that particular system is no longer around… It is now a worthless Cd that I can do anything with. So for myself I won’t be buying any G-Collection Games anymore. I’ll stick with Peach Princess and the others. So PP don’t go looking at a solution like they have that will hurt our future enjoyment

Originally posted by molitar:
How many of you still pull out your old games and replay them years later?

Me. That's one of the many reasons thta makes me hate V-Mate.

I usually don’t, just because of the time factor. I’m actually pretty busy since I have a full time job but am a full time university student at the same time. There’s always a lot of anime for me to buy and watch, and new fansubs coming out, and new bishoujo games to play. I never get rid of my anime DVDs or bishoujo games, but I usually don’t play the same game twice or watch an anime twice, unless I’m watching it with someone else who wants to see it for the first time. And yet, I still like having all the stuff I have. I certainly wouldn’t invest so much money in anime DVDs if I thought that I wouldn’t be able to ever watch them again. So for bishoujo games, I will still buy a V-mate game if it looks especially good, but I won’t buy a game that I’m only sort of interested in like I have done in the past. I’d pay $40 to play Comic Party in English, even if I couldn’t play it later. It would be worth it just to play it for one year. But for a Zxy game, I don’t think so.

How many of you still pull out your old games and replay them years later?

I'm still quite new to bishoujo games, so I haven't had the chance yet. But usually I replay games I really liked to play after one year.
Think of it 5 years down the road I want to replay their game and that particular system is no longer around.. It is now a worthless Cd that I can do anything with.

Can you look into the future? Right, you can't. So stop assuming things. You're not G-Collections.
Originally posted by Benoit:
Can you look into the future? Right, you can't. So stop assuming things. You're not G-Collections.

Perhaps not. But we are born with the ability to make predictions based on current information. And given GC's current customer service record, as well as their refusal to set a meaningful patch release date...

I haven't been playing b-games for that long, myself, but my tendency nowadays is to finish one ending, get back to the game at another time and finish another ending, etc. I doubt I'd actually replay any given ending, though. Whenever I replay a game, any game, it's always to play with a different character, or get a different ending, or play a different way, etc. B-games are generally very simple gameplay-wise, so only the "different ending" applies here.

With anime, I only rewatch it to show others. I doubt I'd ever rewatch even my favorites otherwise...

And like bishounen_blue, even if I probably won't replay a given b-game, I still like having the option to do so without having to beg GC to reenable my account for each and every game I want to replay. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-14-2004).]

I know we can make predictions, but in the end you all just assume G-Collections will die soon or in a couple of years. You don’t even think of the other possibility.

WHO ASSUMED any such thing. But you don’t think that V-Mate won’t be replaced by 5 years from now? Now that is laughable. Protection methods change every year. Even M$ quit supporting an operating system after 5 years. So I didn’t say anything about G-Collections being gone I said the V-Mate system. That is 2 different things altogether. Please don’t read other things into the posts and read the post in context.

Yeah, we may or may not be able to play the V-mate games in the future. Nobody really knows at this point. Until we know for sure, I’m not going to buy any of their games unless they produce a game that I really want to buy. Hitomi is just maybe, but everything is kind of “been there, done that” in terms of their games.

Originally posted by Benoit:
I know we can make predictions, but in the end you all just assume G-Collections will die soon or in a couple of years. You don't even think of the other possibility.

I didn't say any such thing...what I'm saying is that 5 years from now I doubt that there will be a patch out, whether GC is with us or not. These games never go out of print. Season of the Sakura is still on sale...and what has it been...10 years? What makes you think that GC will release a patch any time in the forseeable future?

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 11-14-2004).]

Well I playing Divi Dead again. Selection is a bit funny with XP. I also believe this is still on for sale.

I replay my games when time allows. Heck I just replayed knights of xentar a while back

Originally posted by molitar:
WHO ASSUMED any such thing. But you don't think that V-Mate won't be replaced by 5 years from now? Now that is laughable. Protection methods change every year. Even M$ quit supporting an operating system after 5 years. So I didn't say anything about G-Collections being gone I said the V-Mate system. That is 2 different things altogether. Please don't read other things into the posts and read the post in context.

Then you have no point, because if the system gets replaced, patches would be made too, since they wouldn't sell a game that's unplayable anymore.
Season of the Sakura is still on sale...and what has it been...10 years?

Don't twist things around. The game itself isn't on sale anymore, a compilation containing it is. Different thing.
Originally posted by Benoit:
Don't twist things around. The game itself isn't on sale anymore, a compilation containing it is. Different thing.

What difference does it make? Either way, why should they consider it "out of print" if the game is still sold? They'd still have deniability, and they haven't made any statements that would imply otherwise.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Then you have no point, because if the system gets replaced, patches would be made too, since they wouldn't sell a game that's unplayable anymore.

Some of us don't trust GC enough anymore to believe this at all. I, for instance, judged by their "reaction" that they don't have the foggiest idea what they're doing, and therefore I'm not buying any thing 'protected' by VMate until there is a concrete date for when a patch will 100% guaranteed be released.

Originally posted by Benoit:
Can you look into the future? Right, you can't. So stop assuming things. You're not G-Collections.

*shakes head*

I knew you were going to say that ...

Originally posted by molitar:
How many of you still pull out your old games and replay them years later? I myself have replayed many after so much time has passed and now with the new G-Collections VirtualMate system I will not be purchasing anymore of their products. Think of it 5 years down the road I want to replay their game and that particular system is no longer around.. It is now a worthless Cd that I can do anything with. So for myself I won't be buying any G-Collection Games anymore. I'll stick with Peach Princess and the others. So PP don't go looking at a solution like they have that will hurt our future enjoyment [img][/img]

So just make sure you have every pre-VM GC title. And wait a few years for PP to release more games. [img][/img]

To answer your question, I still have the old games. . . from Otaku and JAST. And I play them occasionally.

Originally posted by Ecchifan:
And wait a few years for PP to release more games. [img][/img]

Better a reliable turtle then an unreliable hare, period. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 11-16-2004).]

Really rarely will I replay a game. I’m backlogged enough with my other hobbies that I don’t have enough time to replay games

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Really rarely will I replay a game. I'm backlogged enough with my other hobbies that I don't have enough time to replay games [img][/img]

What Wanfu said between work, B-games and FFXI, hardly have any time to replay, but I do have a removable drive that I keep my Bishojo games on. (80 Gig) So I can keep all the one's I own on it.

Doesn’t V-mate automatically expire after a year and it is no longer necessary? I remember reading that somewhere. The only reason they have it for the first year is so they don’t lose income on their newer games because some morons are selling bootleg copies on E-bay.
I can kind of see their point. Why go to all the trouble of translating the game when they lose customers because there’s people selling burnt CDs for half the price?