How nerdy are you?

Even to take these tests is a sign of nerdiousity, in my opinion :lol: , but apparently I’ve endured 30+ years of Japanese stuff without excessive damage to my soul and social life. My score is:

54%. Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers. … 4f2c4f.png

Baldo is an average nerd. And you? :wink:

85% on the first one :shock: :?

It could be worse…

I got a 91% on the first :smiley:

From the first one:

71% Mid-Level Nerd. Wow, it takes a lot of hard nerdy practice to reach this level.

Honestly, I thought I was nerdier that that :expressionless:

Ok I was really trying to get it, but…

All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!

When I answered honestly my score was 61%:

Low Ranking Nerd. Definitely a nerd but low on the totem pole of nerds.

However the fact that I even took the test, plus knew the answers to get the 100%, probably speaks volumes about my nerdness. :lol: :stuck_out_tongue:

Just because I don’t have enough friends…

I’m a chemist… Does it really count as being a nerd ? :lol:

So much for my delusions of thinking I’m a nerd.

oh well :stuck_out_tongue:

I suppose I should try out this test before Tuesday now that I have some free time due to a reprieve on a deadline in my Japanese class. (I’ve been studying my ass off trying to get back in to shape after having to wait about nine months to get in a class again, due to the summer break and the class I was going to take fall semester being canceled.)

90% nerd. I thought it would be lower.

48% scored higher (more nerdy),
1% scored the same, and
51% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.

Second test:

From this time forward, you’ll hold the title:
Cool Non-Nerd

Carry it proudly!

got mostly in the 30 and 40 percentiles.

Overall, you scored as follows:

2% scored higher (more nerdy),
0% scored the same, and
98% scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!! :shock: :lol:

Well, I finally went and took the tests. Some of the questions had me grumbling because none of the answers applied to me. On the first test, I scored as 85% nerd.

On the second (which had many more questions without answers that properly apply to me) my scores were much lower.

The most surprising thing about the second test is how high I scored in the Sci-fi/Comic section as compared to the other sections. I suppose that saying I own a comic book collection (I guess, since I just started collecting the manga series Boys Be…, though I am planning on buying the second volume of Looking for Group since I own the first) and answering “Yes, and I also have the Stargates, X-files, and Firefly!” to the question regarding owning certain TV series (of the ones in the answer, I have the entire Stargate SG-1 series and some of Atlantis, as well as Firefly and Serenity on loan from my cousin’s husband since he suggested it) drastically boosted my score in that section.
I think I would have scored a little better in the History/Literature section if I had taken this at a different time, as well as questions regarding to that section having a better selection of answers. For instance one of the questions asks the following:

Now the way the question is asked, it is simply asking what the last thing you read from was that wasn’t on a computer. However, my guess is they really intended to ask what the last thing was you read for personal enjoyment. There is a big difference, as I answered “a book (nom-fiction)” since the last thing I read from excluding stuff on computer was my Japanese textbook, but if it had asked what I think they are really trying to find out, I would have (depending on when I took the test) answered either “a book (fiction)”, “a magazine/newspaper”, or “a comic book” (since I’ve been carrying around Boys Be… to read when I’m standing around waiting and have nobody to talk with). The following question was one of the hardest for me to answer due to the options for answers it gives:

I currently am in the middle of a book that is a collection of some of the stories about Elric of Melnibone that is over 300 pages (I think). However, because of the way they stupidly worded the “yes” answers, I felt the best answer was “nope”. The worst thing about feeling that was the best answer, is that I have read much longer books than 300 pages. (One of the longest I can think of was “To Green Angel Tower” by Tad Williams, a book so long that when they made it a paperback, they had to make it two books, since even the hardcover was 1104 pages according to Wikipedia.)

High level nerd. The Wife scored higher.

I scored 31% Not a nerd, but definately on the totempole.
Did worse on v 2.0
87% Math, 80% computers, 85% comic, 14% literature.

Scored 81 on test 1.0. Test 2.0 said I’m a ‘mega-dork king of nerd’.