How quickly do Peach Princess orders usually arrive?

Anyone here able to tell me how fast Peach Princess ships? I was about to place a $64.00 order from J-list until I found out just how much they are a ripoff by only shipping overseas. For me to get product within 6-10 days would of been over $20.00 and for it to arrive in 2-3 weeks it would cost $12.00… I definitely not ordering anything through them with their poor business practice not even with the $10.00 coupon from them it’s not worth it. Rather order through a company that ships locally here in US and has regular decent shipping options.

BTW anyone got a good reference site for ordering Japanese snacks locally? I been curious to try some of their Hi-Chews and Sake Candy As well as other Japanese foods.

Have you ever tried to order something from Japan? US $20.00 is the usual shipping and handling fee for EMS for a circa 2 pound package. Check the shipping of sites like CD Japan or Anime Jungle and you will get the idea.

BTW, where do you live?

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Shipping from Japan can be quite expensive. Which is why I usually only make large orders to minimize shipping costs.

Exactly my thoughts.

However: Back to the topic (or, to be more specific, to the title of this thread):
My last order (without EMS, only international airmail) took eight days from entering the order online on a Friday and receiving the package on Saturday in the next week and I think, that's nothing to complain about.

I have had orders take as little as 3 days and as long as 15. I live in California about 130 miles from Peach Princess. USPS priority is how Peach Princess ships in the states.

Kagami, your so right them California people are so spoiled. Local Japan Town… LOL…

The other point is IF J-List is going to do business in US and the products selected are in stock… Than why do all shipping charged as OVERSEAS? Sorry if I’m doing business with a business with a branch in US I expect them to have proper inventory in US with US Shipping. Besides I no longer have faith in the company I emailed them asking that specific question and they don’t even have the COURTESY to email back. Now that’s what I call poor customer relations.

Looks like I’ll do my order through PP and throw this discount coupon away I sure won’t be using it with jlist. Been searching on the net for place to order Japanese Snacks and found a few but most of them just have very few and most of them are just Pocky. Well eventually I should find someplace online hopefully… Thanks for the replies.

Originally posted by molitar:
The other point is IF J-List is going to do business in US and the products selected are in stock.. Than why do all shipping charged as OVERSEAS? Sorry if I'm doing business with a business with a branch in US I expect them to have proper inventory in US with US Shipping.

Depends on what exactly you are buying. Their games and shirts are stocked in California. (You might as well just order through the JastUSA website if the online shipping calculations bothers you.) But if you order other things, they're mainly in Japan because it doesn't make any sense because of the small stock amounts of most of their items to send over stateside. Plus, they not only do business in the states but in other countries as well, and they would have to pay overseas no matter where they are.


Besides I no longer have faith in the company I emailed them asking that specific question and they don't even have the COURTESY to email back. Now that's what I call poor customer relations.

They're a small company filling a specific niche in the market and tend to get a lot of emails. You can't expect rapid reposonses. Of course, I'm not sure how long it's been since you've emailed them either so maybe it has been extreme. (Then again, it's been 4 months since my email to Right Stuf customer service, I barely remember the question anymore...)


Looks like I'll do my order through PP and throw this discount coupon away I sure won't be using it with jlist. Been searching on the net for place to order Japanese Snacks and found a few but most of them just have very few and most of them are just Pocky. Well eventually I should find someplace online hopefully.. Thanks for the replies.

Hmm, really depends on the particular Japanese snacks, and most of the places online I've seen are also based in Japan, so you're stuck either way. And if you think the California people are spoiled with Japanese items, I don't even want to know what you think about my situation. (I'm in Hawaii... [img][/img] )

Aloha Ekylo :stuck_out_tongue: So you live in Oahu or one of the other islands? Heh and your right eventhough here in Cali we have alot of asians it’s nothing compared to Hawaii Oh yeah about your email to rightstuf heh they probably lost yoour email because everytime I email them I get a response the next day. or you can try email the head boss at rightstuf here:
I believe he’s the president or CEO. He posts regularly on and is always very receptive about feedback and questions about orders and stuff.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Aloha Ekylo :P So you live in Oahu or one of the other islands?

I'm on Oahu. I'd go nuts on any of the other islands. (Long story.)


Heh and your right eventhough here in Cali we have alot of asians it's nothing compared to Hawaii [img][/img]

Yup, we do have a heavy Japanese influence here. Actually, the funniest thing is reading some of the stuff Peter talks about in the J-List updates. Like Anna Millers (Always great to go to at 2a.m.) or some cultural things like the removal of footwear inside houses (which we do here.) It's always interesting to get some outside views that aren't strictly mainland ones.


Oh yeah about your email to rightstuf heh they probably lost yoour email because everytime I email them I get a response the next day. or you can try email the head boss at rightstuf here:
I believe he's the president or CEO. He posts regularly on and is always very receptive about feedback and questions about orders and stuff.

Well, I'm gonna give Right Stuf a last chance to not do something weird with an order of mine. We'll see what happens. Then I'll blister some emails.

Shit they gotta Anne Millers there now??? I haven’t been back in a while but when did that happen? Ohh so do they wear those nice uniforms there? Man I really have to go back to visit my relatives…yeah that’s it visit my relatives

Hey Ekylo send an email to Shawne anyway about your problem. He takes customer service very seriously. I remember a thread in the forum where someone mentioned something offhand about a CS problem they had and he took care of it. He’s one of those wierd CEO’s that actually cares about his company and his customers.

Originally posted by ekylo:
I'm on Oahu. I'd go nuts on any of the other islands. (Long story.)


Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Shit they gotta Anne Millers there now??? I haven't been back in a while but when did that happen? Ohh so do they wear those nice uniforms there? Man I really have to go back to visit my relatives...yeah that's it visit my relatives [img][/img]

Um, since the start. Anna Miller's started in Hawaii. (Peter even mentioned the fact a few weeks back.) It's been near Pearlridge shopping center ever since I can remember. And they do wear the uniforms (or they do wear a uniform, not sure how the ones in Japan dress exactly.). And so far, the few waitressess who've I've flirted with havn't killed me, though they tend to like my best friend more than me. [img][/img]


Hey Ekylo send an email to Shawne anyway about your problem. He takes customer service very seriously. I remember a thread in the forum where someone mentioned something offhand about a CS problem they had and he took care of it. He's one of those wierd CEO's that actually cares about his company and his customers.

Well, not worth the effort at this time. One was a delayed shipment that took something like 2 months to get to me. (I was more miffed at the lack of response from my asking about my order than the delay itself.) And like I mentioned in the other thread, I had gotten the "Those Who Hunt Elves" from them but the video contained in volume 1's box was actually one of those "for display only, not for retail" things with volume 2's episodes. (And I just got the DVD's so I'm cool now.) Like I mentioned, I'll try again (since I can't find a DVD or two locally.) but I'll probably email him if that order goes weird.
But thanks for the info.

Wow didn’t know Anne Millers started in Hawaii. Hmm…so it’s not inside Pearlridge? Usually on my vacations to Oahu I just let me relatives take me to places. Guess my next trip I need to do some exploring :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Wow didn't know Anne Millers started in Hawaii. it's not inside Pearlridge? Usually on my vacations to Oahu I just let me relatives take me to places. Guess my next trip I need to do some exploring :P

Nope, it's over by where Circuit City is now. (I'm a typical Hawaii kid, I don't know the actual names of streets, just landmarks... [img][/img] ) Let me know the next time you're around and I'll suggest a few places.

Hello all. First, we’re very sorry for any missed emails. We found out that quite a few mails were being diverted as “spam” by our mail server. We rescued a lot of mails, about 100, but inescapably some were not saved in time. We all work hard to keep up with mails, and I am very sorry that this happened.

As for why we don’t stock all our products in the U.S., welllll, we have a huge, and I mean a huge, amount of stock, and it would frankly be patently impossible for us to accomplish this. The reason J-List has such cool stuff (IMHO) is that we live in Japan full time, and are always ahead of everyone else since we can buy items from Japanese distributors and post them right away, without waiting 4 weeks for shipment. Considering that it costs $4.80 to send a magazine to the U.S. from Japan via SAL, and about the same to send the same magazine from inside the U.S., I don’t believe there’s a benefit for us or our customers to have our stock shipped from San Diego, either.
