How todownload games?

How to download these games if from UK?

I tried Jlist but the payment methods I dont have. For internet transactions i use, my solo debit card…but they dont have that option.

I also have a paypal account…can i pay via paypal?

Also when u buy what appears on ur statement?..thnx

i just wanna direct download the games…actually how big r they usually?

You’ll need to email the sites you are planning on buying from if you need to use a payment method they don’t advertise. When you pay by paypal it tells you what name will appear on your card at the time. When I use Jlist my credit card just shows “jlist” and some numbers.

As for size, i’ve downloaded 5 so far. They range from 400Mb to 800Mb. I’ve a 2 Mb connection and it takes me around 1 hour per game.


Heavy…I think I have 1MB download speed…might be double the time then…

Can you name some sites?

I emailed jlist…and I’m new here never played these games before. Some guy I know said they are pretty good and fun…ahah…and i looked at some of the pics and stuff and yes, FUN is a good word…

Anyways what r they like…Role-playing games?..And the scenes are animated scenes or something?..Like the general play?..Just like watching a cartoon DVD but u have a say in it or something…

There are lots of different games out there. Though they generally follow the same format. They are not like a typical RPG (like final fantasy etc) as the choices you make dramatically effect the outcome.

Basically there is a plot which will change depending on key decisions that you make during the game.

Example. You are living in a house with a mother and daughter. You come down for breakfast, the mother is cooking.

The mother asks. "Do you want a cooked breakfast or something more interesting?"

If you choose something more interesting, you get fresh with the mother, but during that part, the daughter catches you with her mum.

The consequence is that the daughter will never forgive you and you never get to sleep with her. But on the plus side, the mother sees you as a man and you can persue a relationship with her.

Now if from the same decision you choose “breakfast” You get a nice meal and walk the daughter to school. The mother sees you more as a young man and as a result you can’t persue a relationship with her, but, you CAN persue a relationship with her daughter.

There will usually be 3 or more charactrs you can persue and a lot more decisions in between.

Most of the games are not animated like in an anime. You’ll find that the view will change when needed, but trust me, it sounds worse that it is, i’m not doing games justice.

There are DVD games out there where you make choices, i’ve never played them, maybe soemone who has can tell you more about them.

Given you are in the UK you are a lucky dog like me. The exchange rate is in our favour. If I were you i’d recommend just taking the plunge and buying one of the games from jlist and see if you like them.

For a first time something like Kango Shicyauzo 1 voice edition or the sequal are pretty good. Those two include a hint system which I don’t advice using the first time you play, but afterwards you can use it if need be to see how differing decisions effect outcomes. Maybe someone else will recommend something for a first timer.

If you’ve any more questions just ask, everyone here is pretty helpful.

Haha yea tell me about it, the exchange rate rocks…

MAn, no animation?..That sucks!..There must be some with animation?..Whats the point of just looking at images?

I saw one called…Tsuki ~ Possession

That looks and sounds alright…

Well, generally, when you see the girls on screen, their eyes do blink.

You’ll have to learn that animation isn’t everything.

The games do vary. Some of them have little bits of animation in them - an opening sequence, a key moment with looping motion. One of the games is much more like an old RPG - Brave Soul.