I am so sad

HELLO GUYS!!! this is my first time here and i think i am probably the most enthusiastic hentai game fan in my country cause non of my friends indulge in all these stuff (sad…) Can anyone recommend me some nice games? up to now the few of the best i ever played are divi dead, tokimeki check-in, brave soul, true love while the worst is…yucks water closet. any replies will be appreciated thanx!

Most that I have are dated.

Here are some recommendations:
-Kana -Little Sister- (get a tissue!)
-Private Nurse
-Critical Point
-JAST USA Memorial Collection

I haven’t played any of them though, but it’s what I recommend based on what I have heard.

Welcome to the board.

hey thanx! I have visited this forum for a long time and finally decided to be a part of this family and btw i have seen ur name regularly oh critical point is not that nice unless u are into sci-fi and there is WAYYYYYYYY too much of endings and u can get sick of it after a while.

Get Casual Romance Club. It is great

Well if we know more about your likes and dislikes we could better offer you some suggestions. You know, what type of stories do you like, do yu mind if the game is linear, does funky CG bother you, ect…

Anyway welcome to the forums and remember don’t feed the trolls or vampire lemons

Yeah, welcome aboard. I’d have to agree with wanfu2k1 that your tastes will definitely color your opinions. While there is a certain amount of concensus about a number of games between many of the people on this board, there are still several games where opinions can vary wildly. There are some games that some people like because they have a good story, while others don’t like them because they are single-ending (e.g. Chain or Eve: burst error). Most people have good things to say about Crescendo and Kana, which are basically story heavy, but not sex heavy. If you liked True Love, you might want to pick up one of the older Memorial Collections, especially the JAST one, which has a couple of older, but classic games on it–especially Season of the Sakura. Private Nurse generally gets good reviews. Heart de Roommate is one that people seem to either really like or really hate… I haven’t been able to figure out what the trigger is for that one. If you’re into dating sims, Casual Romance Club is pretty good, although it’s expensive. Another good one for story content, although it lacks any h-scenes is Hourglass of Summer–however, be warned, that one is a DVD game and requires said player. People can add or comment on those games at will, but most other games will be middle of the road, or–based on your list–probably not to your taste.

I recommend both collections available from J-list, they each have good titles in them.

Also recommended are Crescendo, Chain, Snow Drop, Critical Point and depending on the kind of games you like I may have more recommendations.

well…i like games with good cg, nice characters but most importantly good storyplot with a few endings (not like critical point which have TONS of endings) hence the reason why i like divi dead. I also like to play dating type of games (school) or games with many girls (tokimeki check-in). Thanx guys for the recommendation and i have seen a lot of ppl recomending crescendo and kana. care to tell me more on their story line, i wish to know more about it. oh yea btw what about heart de roommate, how is it like

[This message has been edited by warmaid (edited 10-13-2004).]


I also like to play dating games (school)...

Check out Season of Sakura. I believe it's part of the JAST Memorial Collection. It's not a dating sim like True Love, though, but it's a good high school romance. Heart de Roommate is another good choice, but it's long and some people find the characters and the general, cute anime-ish setup irritating. Others love it.


...or games with many girls

Well that describes most non-story-oriented bishojo games ever made. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] Tottemo Pheromone might be one of the better picks of those.

Thanx guys for the recommendation and i have seen a lot of ppl recomending crescendo and kana. care to tell me more on their story line, i wish to know more about it.

Well if you just want that, check out Peach Princess's main website. The store section has a basic description of each game's story, as well as character bios. G-collection's website has the same sort of setup for its games (which include most of the ones available), but the descriptions are different so you can sort of get two complementary views. Don't even bother for Kana--just get it. It's a no-brainer. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-13-2004).]

thanx man if i have any problems i will ask u guys again