I found a letter from Nandemonai!

I was once again re-reading the two Q&A pages I had saved from RPGamer.com years back. I figured I would read them before deleting them, as I was sure there were copies of it on archive.org. They were from 14 December and 8 December.

Reading the 8 December one, I saw someone referencing a letter from LrdDimwit that apparently had appeared in the previous issue. Nandemonai has said several times in the past that he goes by that handle at other places on the web. I fired up archive.org, and found the relevant page.

Sure enough, it’s Nandemonai, with his “evil plans” ™ talk and such. :slight_smile:


Yep. Too bad about Team XKalibur; Mythri would have been good. I’m surprised you didn’t find any of the other things I’ve got on RPGamer; I had a few editorials and one other letter posted.

I put myself down as LrdDimwit in the credits for the Tsukihime fannotation as well. Yes, that’s me.

I didn’t find anything else because I haven’t looked for anything else. :slight_smile:

What happened to Team XKalibur? I mean, after four years, something should have come out of it…

Why would you say that? We never had any actual funding and the deal with the publisher turned out to be worthless (they didn’t have any money to give us). It’s no surprise a group with no funding couldn’t make a professional-quality GBA title. :slight_smile:

I had the impression that you were working hard on the game, and that it was close to being finished.

Man let me tell ya, publishers are VERY important for the development of a media title. I’m sure Nandemonai has his own stories and nightmares, but I’ve gone through quite an ordeal with publishers who can’t pull through.


I used to work on a series called Final Testament (under the label of USRPG) and the failings of the publisher caused delays on delays on delays. Hence why they went out of business. Since then, I’ve given up. Perhaps I’ll start again, but not now. Heh… I still pay $$$ to keep the domain names for everything. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh… at least I’ve made quite a long list of contacts and talented friends.

Just in case anyone asks what Final Testament was:

[ 11-09-2006, 10:14 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Just in case anyone asks what Final Testament was…

Interesting…What domains or URL’s do you have if I may ask? Or any other information?

Well for USRPG itself, these are the only URL’s I’ve held: darkemissary.com, finaltestament.com, usrpg.com, usrpg.net, and usrpg.org

There were once others, but circumstances and whatnot prevented keeping them… Of course if someone were to cross check all the domains registered to me, they’d probably turn up some others… but those pertain to my personal sites and all - elizar.com and nargrakhan.com for example.

As for more information on Final Testament… sadly I can’t really reveal anything detailed. The target markets are VERY competative: gotta keep the “trade secrets” as they say. However, there’s additional artwork here and there on the grand 'ole Internet. Jeff and Julie have the bulk of the teaser stuff on their sites:

- Jeff Axer -






- Julie Dillon -





Really wish I could give more specific information on the setting… not yet at least. But if things get better, perhaps the wait won’t be too long. Still “selling” the concept at conventions once in awhile, so things aren’t all that bleak.

[ 11-09-2006, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Speaking of dead projects, anyone know what happened to Planescape: Vengeance?

Now there’s a project I haven’t heard of in a loooooooong time.

From what I last gathered, the team leader suffered a hard drive crash and lost all the core files. Not only that, but over time, some key memebers “vanished” from contact.

Since then, it just died for good… unless some sort of miricle pops up. :frowning:

Hadn’t they heard of back-ups?

Makes ya wonder. :wink: Nonetheless, even professional game companies suffer such things (example: Magic Knight Rayearth for the SEGA Saturn). shruggs

Reguardless, I think it was the loss of key members that did more harm than the data loss. People lost heart after the incident and just gave up.

Thanks Nargrakhan, it looks interesting to say the least, please keep everyone (least myself) posted on your progress.


So is this you, Benoit? Somehow I doubt it, but you never know …

No, that’s not me.

You’re more likely to find me by searching for “BenoitRen”. It’s my first name plus part of my last name. This is one of the few places where I can use just my first name.

EDIT2: Whoa, this other ‘nick name’ of mine is pretty unique. I just searched for it on Google, and all of the results refer to me, at least on the first page.

[ 12-05-2006, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]