Damn…guess someone found out eh? Yes, all the flash related stuff on this site are my doings, but I make them on a freelance (lump sum) basis. Some of the subtitling for some of the original OP movies (SD, BraveSoul) are also my doing as well as some of the video compilations you see at the peapri booth at cons. I was the one who suggested to peapri to use Bink for demo movies and flash for smaller filesize…like, these games are mainly still images, and makeing a movie frame by frame is a waste of resources and time, and therefore flash is the best choice (although I still prefer making digital movies myself)
Note that some of the stuff are not made by me…eg the chara EXE slideshows and the CP mpeg movie, but I think you guys realize that by now…
Unfortunately despite my efforts to help save peapri’s bandwidth, it’s still way too much (we had to pay for the extra): anywhere from 20-40GB per month, and as we all know the sales we get do not justify this much bandwidth at all. I will see how I can revamp the downloads section with I get roadrunner set up next week.
FYI, according to site logs, the thing that consumes the most bandwidth on this site is the LMM flash (which is only around 2-3mb). Just for this month alone, there is 1GB transfer of just the LMM flash file alone, with 617 hits. The other files that take up the most bandwidth are my other flash files.
c/a free stuff
I don’t get them often, nor do I purposely ask peapri for them…most of the stuff I get pertain to what I contribute back to peapri. For example, I got a copy of CP (jp version) only to use it as reference so I can work from it for the CP flash demo. So the free stuff isn’t really like a “gimme gimme” thing, but more like “resources” so I can give something back to peapri
[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 05-21-2002).]