Idols Galore

i’d say its pretty decent. i like the artwork and the story is okay. but i don’t like the lack of girls in it. when it becomes that small then they tend to make them go into more kinky sex with them, which kinky is fine but when you put kinky and anime together it knows no bounds. meaning, you’ll likely get some weird ass scenes which i’m not really a big fan of.

The game does have “non-consentiual” sex scenes for every girl. 1-2 for each i believe, but it’s like most of the games where the girls eventually come to like the guy and the guy eventually changes his attitude (slightly). It’s nothing special, but it’s not bad either. If you’re going to be turned off by the non-consentual sex, skip this title. Plus there are no [loli] twins in it.

If you don’t mind bearing through those scenes, I still might consider other options, really, unless you have an idol fetish. The price is still a bit high for the game’s quality and age imo.

Yeah, the rape stuff bothers me. I didn’t really care for this one. If you want a rape fest, go with Doushin or Sensei, or something like that. This is a limited story, more along the lines of Slave Pageant. (Another one I really didn’t care for) There are a bunch of others, without the non-consensual problem. If like me, you don’t care for that stuff, then I’d definitely recommend something else. Check out the recommended thread for some of the better PP titles.

i don’t mind the “rape stuff,” does that mean i’m cool? :mrgreen:

If you don’t like rape, titles to skip:

Any X-Change series
Bible Black
Discipline (often reverse rape)
Jewel Knight Crusaders
Slave Pageant
Idol’s Galore
Virgin Roster
Tsuki - Possesion

These are what I know offhand either by rep or firsthand. There are probably a few others.

A lot more have 1-2 rape scenes, not always by the main character. Cresendo has one like this. Yume Miru Kusuri almost has this. Some of them are also just for getting 100% cg at times, ie certain routes, like Tokimeki Check-in!, but aren’t really rape-oriented.

If you have questions about a particular title, just ask.

  • high fives mrbiggens* is it time for a hug my man?!

I was trying to enjoy this game, but I’ve had some technical issues.

Note, The first 3 X-change games are heavy on the rape. Yin yang has a stronger protagonist and she gets raped less often.

Bible Black, avoid like the plague. Not just rape, you die here too.

Discipline, again avoid like the plague. Its not that you are raping anyone at all rather it is that the sex in it can be downright brutal if you ask me. To you of course.

Don’t know much about Jewel Knights though.

Slave Pageant is a rather urked game as it is more inclined towards them starting to build a relationship with you. Generally, only the first part of the game can be considered rape (the exception is Sumi who has no qualms with having sex with the main character and Ryoko who has done it so many times that it is not even funny). Not for soft core players but the latter parts are wholly consensual as they start to like it after the 3rd time.

Idols Galore… probably the first sex scene with every other character. Then things turn into a sex romp. not actually a rapefest as they actually want you to do them.

The last two by Zyx have no excuse though. Both can be considered ENTIRELY built from rape. Heavily hardcore.

If you want something mellowed out (but still ballin) try these:

Sagara Family- Actually you do get rape scenes but its not you doing it and thats only if you get to the bad ending (which are never all that bad)
Come See me tonight 1+2- Yes, they want to do you. No rape is involved. Ever. But never play both. It gets old fast. Same system, same game, different characters and scenery.
Do you like Horny Bunnies 1+2- Again they want to do you. No rape involved except for a near scenario but nothing happens. Mellow and sweet, again play 1 but forget about the other. Based on your fetish though you should choose your game. On one hand you can have a pissing fetish (1) or you can have a lactation fetish (2).
Figures of Happiness- Extremely touching and very engrossing. The only downside, the characters look a bit weird. But that’s all good as the sex scenes are entirely consensual.
Private Nurse- Definite must. You need to get this game if you do not have it already. No rape scenes so it will do.
Heart De Roommate- A very original idea and it has no rape.
Snow Sakura- Hell, get this, if only for the humor.

Less often, but not never. And less is still subjective. She still gets raped more than other games.

JKC you rape all the girls and continuously rape the main villan every time you see her. The other girls eventually come to like you.

I just couldn’t stand the storyline…it was just TOO cheesy!!! Even though it had loli!!! AGGGHHHH!!! Like taking the worst comments from every superhero cartoon/show…I may give it another try…eventually…just for the loli. But probably not.

Well couple of the sex 2nd round sex-scenes could said to be non-consensual as well.

Ditto previous…in fact I remember one of them actually accusing you of rape the second time as well. After that, things change.

Few others with rape, much milder though:

Cresendo - it has a rape scene, but not by the character and technically while you’re not even present to stop it.
Yume Miru Kusuri - has an attempted rape scene by another character
Tokimeki Check-in! - has some rape scenes, but none are required, except if you want to get 100%. 2 of them require it for storyline (the Debutantes & Nanami…former you aren’t doing the raping and the later, she returns the…um…favor).

Kyoka’s path right? Yeah, she obviously has issues. But there are multiple paths than can be quite enjoyable like Touya’s which is not all that bad or Renji/Karin which is downright hilarious.

Idols Galore was alright. But it does have that weird thing many hentai games have— the main character raping the girls. After that, the girls then start a relationship with the main hero. It’s weird, but in a LOT of hentai games, raping a girl is just the “ice breaker”. If it wasn’t for that in IG, I’d rate it in the better “short” games out there. As it is, if you really don’t like any rape in your games, avoid it.

Jewel Knight Crusader is a great game. I really liked it. I didn’t have a problem with the main character raping all the female characters after they lost a fight to him. He’s pure asshole, and he makes his living by fighting for prizes— and the only prizes the girls have to offer him is sex (they don’t carry money, his preferred prize). But the graphics ---- hoo boy! One of the JKC character is just so super loli, that got me the first time around. Of course, she’s under some magical girl protection influence, so it actually CANNOT hurt her, and she experiences it like it’s a very intimate, very intense massage. So it’s all good for her.

Virgin Roster and Tsuki are very dark games— the rape is part of the domineering and mental torture the hero puts the girls through to break them down (and/or amuse himself). Fairly typical of the dark stuff. If you don’t enjoy a walk on the dark side, you won’t enjoy those games.

Join us, and together we shall dominate and extinguish all sense of independence and freedom in the women we enslave!

Search your feelings! You know it to be true! :twisted:

Dont succomb to the dark side of eroge.

I’m more of a chaotic neutral myself.

The Dark Side isn’t all that bad… its quite refreshing really. There was once a time, when I thought the Dark Side was too much for me… oh, how far I have fallen. :lol:

I still have the eroge that led to my fall. 8)

Fear will keep the harems in line. Fear of their Master. :twisted:

Sometimes the darkside may be powerfully engaging but I prefer to play them if the girl eventually starts to fall for ya. It doesn’t feel right otherwise.

I prefer pure-love stories that take place in dark settings, really. About the darkest eroge I really liked was kusari hime (which is probably a traipse through the sunflowers compared to what some of you folks enjoy =p)

You will learn to embrace it. It is your destiny. Those who do not embrace the darkness voluntarily, will be forced to by other means.