IGN.com wants FAQS?

Having only recently read the thread about IGN.com, I couldn’t help laugh when I received the following message:

IGN is looking for a few good FAQ writers, and we would like to host
FAQs as a free service to our non-Insiders. This is not a subscription
service, and is not Insider exclusive.

Should you decide to share your work, please head here:
http://faqs.ign.com/submit_faq.html. In addition to being a free, IGN
also supports same day updates and html FAQs.

For a look of what we offer, head here: http://faqs.ign.com

FAQs Editor, IGN

P.S. I’m interested in your FAQs even though they are for hentai games.
you done FAQs for some other adult titles?

I thought it was probably a mass mail, until I read the end. Anyway, I’m amused.

I’d crumple up that sh*t. IGN’s just trying to get more money out of your input. Let them write their own FAQs and have 'em work for their money, like… um… Peach Princess.

I really love the irony of this.

“We hate the games you play, but we want your FAQs,” this is what I getting from IGN. Why would they want FAQs when they said their clients aren’t interested. I mean they don’t even want to review the games either. Things that make you go Hmmmm.

Hmm… I really don’t like IGN, but really, if you think someone might end up stumbling on it, and take a trip over here, it might be worth it, no?


I guess any little chance you have to take. It’s like working for the devil I guess. But if think seriously about this. If they are asking you, don’t you think there is some interest? I mean why bother asking you for an FAQ if they didn’t think there is a market. It be a waste of time and resources for them. So in short, yes I guess it is worth it.

I hope nobody here is taking that “write a FAQ for IGN” seriously. Reality check here, after writing these two “reviews”, I doubt anybody is willing to do that: Tokimeki Check-In and Love Hina. Beside why write for IGN? You could easily write for GameFAQs instead.

Originally posted by fxho:
Beside why write for IGN? You could easily write for GameFAQs instead.

... or even better: Write them for our goddess!

Read them.

Does anybody now, what IGN means?
IGnorants Network, perhaps?

I’d quite happily write them a FAQ about Tokimeki Check-In. It would have a section regarding reviews that readers may have read, and would explain that the writer of the particular review is a complete narrow minded moron who doesn’t actually know how to write a review and shouldn’t even be writing in the first place. I would then go on to point out every single thing that is wrong with the review, in complete FAQ format glory.

Originally posted by fxho:
I hope nobody here is taking that "write a FAQ for IGN" seriously. Reality check here, after writing these two "reviews", I doubt anybody is willing to do that: Tokimeki Check-In and Love Hina. Beside why write for IGN? You could easily write for GameFAQs instead.

I read ...

Tokimeki Check In and Love Hina got bad reviews!!! It made me [img][/img]

Ahem... Nothing news to me... I did read other IGN reviews did put low rate to best games: PS2 and Gamecube like Final Fantasy X, and Super Mario Sunshine. Oh nuts!!! IGN is more biased!!! [img]http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/cwm/cwm/angryfire.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Hogi Bear:
I really love the irony of this. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

"We hate the games you play, but we want your FAQs," this is what I getting from IGN. Why would they want FAQs when they said their clients aren't interested. I mean they don't even want to review the games either. Things that make you go Hmmmm.

Yeah. If I were you, I would tell them to go FAQ themselves.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Yeah. If I were you, I would tell them to go FAQ themselves.

How about, if you reply them instead by simply quoting their own statement from the other thread ("Official IGN.com response"):


Hello Dave,
I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you in so long. I'm sorry to say that we
have reviewed the material and felt that it is inappropriate for our
website. Most of the traffic that we recieve is from people under the age
of 18. We feel that if we reviewed your material parents would respond
negetively and IGN would lose a large majority of our subscribers.
If you
wish we can return the copies of the games to you. I'm sorry we could not
accomidate you any further. If you have any questions or concerns please
feel free to email me back at [url=mfujita@hotmail.com]mfujita@hotmail.com[/url]. Once again I'm sorry
about the inconvinience.
Mark Fujita

So, why do these hypocrites now call for FAQs?

Heh, I’d reply and say “You mean there are other games besides adult ones?” But then I’m quite happy with people thinking I��m a pervert…

But it does sound rather hypocritical of them doesn’t it. I hate that…

Hm, sounds like they’re really hypocrites, if they say one thing after another like that . But I myself don’t think anyone here even should writte any FAQ’s for them. Not jsut becayse that they’re hypocrites, but because thatt hey insults games without any apparent reason and hires amateurs to do their reviews.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Not jsut becayse that they're hypocrites, but because thatt hey insults games without any apparent reason and hires amateurs to do their reviews.

You know, you're insulting any real amateur-reviewer (as, for example, myself) with this, right? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

To call these reviews the work of an amateur would be too much of a praise. Maybe, "products of a rookie"...

Originally posted by Unicorn:
You know, you're insulting any real amateur-reviewer (as, for example, myself) with this, right? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

To call these reviews the work of an amateur would be too much of a praise. Maybe, "products of a rookie"...

Ok, products of a rookie, thne [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. Or maybe "Product of a reviewer-wannabe"?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Or maybe "Product of a reviewer-wannabe"?

... or perhaps: fishing for flames ...

gamefaqs doesn’t got everything too unfortunately…I don’t beileve I can find faqs for my chinese games…nor do I beileve you can find them for japan h-games…but there must be somewhere, you can find them from.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
... or perhaps: fishing for flames ...

Oh, or amybe he was a masocist ilke Marietta in CP [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]. That'd explain why he did that, anyway; he loves to get critized by people just like a masocist enjoys the feeling of pain [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]. Or maybe the head of IGN has decided to whip him every time he does a bad review, and he, being the masocist he is, writtes bad reviews all the time to get his whipping...