Illusion games

Games not being brought over doesn’t mean that no one wants to bring them over. Resources are limited and not every Japanese company wants their games translated at all, much less for the amount of money that’s reasonable to spend on the process. IIRC, Illusion doesn’t want Westerners playing their games.

You may not have noticed, but there’s been a huge stink about some of Illusion’s games in Western media lately even though they’re not available in English. For some of those games, trying to sell them in other markets would practically guarantee a costly legal battle…

I believe there’s a post somewhere, when one of the [color=red]Red Names[/color] mentioned that PP had expressed an interest in Illusion, but reported it was a no can do from the Japanese end. It’s no secret that Illusion didn’t want anything to do with the Western market. As far as I know, they ever officially said why in the open. Obviously this whole Amazon stink is probably EXACTLY one of them.

Found it: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=888&p=15793#p15793

Needless to say… considering the hoopla going on: Illusion will most likely NEVER allow their titles being officially released in English. The gains don’t outweigh the negatives: and they’ve most certainly an axe to grind…

Well, first of all, there are only three companies translating h-games of any kind. One of them is MangaGamer, and frankly, they’re doomed. One is Peach Princess. The other is Kitty, but they’re only put out a few games and (I think) they were all based on games that have h-OVAs which Kitty released - Kitty’s primarily an h-OVA label.

And second - like others have said - Illusion doesn’t want Illusion games in English. So it’s never going to happen. The only way it could happen is they could change their mind because the English market gets a LOT more lucrative, or they could go broke, and get bought up by someone who does want to go into the foreign markets. Neither one of those is likely to happen in the near future.

Someone posted a theory that Kitty didn’t have serious interests in expanding into eroge, but that Kitty was somehow approached by an eroge license source, and decided to give it a shot… maybe just for the hell of it. Same person pointed out they had the translators, market distribution, advertising, and disc pressing/packaging infrastructure already; so it was probably low cost to pull off.

One wonders if they made a profit/loss/broke even…

It’s well known that ILLUSION hates Western gamers, because of past troubles with them (the Amazon Rapelay being the the most recent one) and is one of the companies making the most effort in order to insure Western gamers can’t play their games. The day they allow their games to be ported for the Western market is the day when erogames are widely been found translated in the world.
…and before you shout at them, reread my part about “because of past troubles with them” and blame the Western erogee community at large.

Tried to find any sales data on bible black and discipline and found this news article.

Granted this is a few years old and alot of things could of changed but this does prove they had some success. I wonder what the estimates for Heartwork where.

I am not one to think anything is impossible but the only way illusion is ever coming out in English is if they needed money or where magically talked into it by mangagamer.

See, even a game like Bible Black is only selling 10K units a year after its release in English. And BB is a very big title in America: so much so that sequels were made based off of the strong sales. It might have sold 25-30K units by now.

Thing is, it sells for half the Japanese typical asking price. So that’s the equivalent as if it had sold somewhere between 5 and 15K units of a typical Japanese game.

Compared to a Japanese game, this is nothing special. And this is one of the highest profile games ever released overseas: it has a popular OVA, and is actively being pushed as being linked in that way. And with that kind of strong brand, the game can’t sell enough to even approach Japanese sales figures, even ignoring cost difference.

GIven this, it is easy for Illusion to assume the US market is irrelevant to it. There is a lot of historical precedent in this area as well (many of the very early translations were of high profile games; they bombed in America.) And since they’re pissed off at us, there is no reason at all for Illusion to swallow their anger and get involved in the market. Sales would need to be very much higher. While this will probably happen eventually (total size of potential market of rest of world vs. Japan only is so much bigger), it will take a lot of time for a viable market of that size to develop.

Just judging by the fan community surrounding Illusion games, if a game like Artificial Girl 3 were to get localized, it’d be big. Very big. I wouldn’t be surprised if it outsold any JAST game to date or even Bible Black. Westerners just love Illusion games, because we’re obsessed with 3D, and we’re obsessed with interactivity, customization, and exploration / sandbox style gameplay. Not that I have any particular taste for their games–but they are very well loved indeed. It’s really a shame Illusion so adamantly refuses to allow their games to be localized, because localization of Illusion games would be just what this market needs to gain more penetration. That does of course ignore the potential, perhaps inevitable, negative attention such a move would attract.